abs() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns a Vector whose components have had their sign removed.
abs() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
abs() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
abs() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the absolute value of this Real.
abs() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns a Vector whose components have had their sign removed.
AbsoluteValueFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
AbsoluteValueFilter() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
AbstractAudible - Class in net.jinx.audio
Simple abstract Audible implementation that takes care of storing the AL and ALC objects from the init(AL, ALC) method for you.
AbstractAudible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Constructor; does nothing.
AbstractControl - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot
Abstract implementation of Control with most parts implemented for you.
AbstractControl(String, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AbstractControl
Constructs an AbstractControl.
AbstractListener - Class in net.jinx.audio
Simple Listener implementation that takes care of storing the AL and ALC objects for you.
AbstractListener() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Constructs an AbstractListener.
AbstractMixer - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
AbstractMixer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
AbstractVisible - Class in net.jinx.video
Simple implemtation of Visible, so you don't have to worry about methods you don't need.
AbstractVisible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.AbstractVisible
accumulateForce(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Applies a non-rotational force to this PhysicalObject.
accumulateForce(Vector, Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Applies a possibly rotational force to this PhysicalObject.
acos(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
acos() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
acos() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
acos() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the arc cosine of this Real.
act(Participant, float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ActionMap
Polls for input from the InputDevice attached to this ActionMap and then sends action data back to the calling Participant.
act(Participant, float) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.Behavior
Causes p to act in some manner, according to this Behavior's mode of operation.
Action - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Actions are generated by Behaviors in response to variables set in Condition objects.
Action() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.Action
Constructs a new Action with a name "default" and value 0f.
Action(String, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.Action
Constructs a new Action with the given name and value.
ActionGUI - Class in net.jinx.action
Simple test class for the action package and VideoRenderer.
ActionGUI() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.ActionGUI
Constructs a new ActionGUI for Modeler to use.
ActionMap - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Behavior implementation that maps input from an array of InputDevice objects to Action objects, which are then processed by the encapsulating Participant.
ActionMap() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.ActionMap
Constructs a new ActionMap with no InputDevices and no associations.
activate(String, Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Activates the specified texture.
activateColoration(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Activates a secondary Coloration, using it's name to do so.
Actor - Class in net.jinx.action
Actor serves as the abstract base class of anything that has a presence of any kind in a Scene.
Actor(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.Actor
Constructs an Actor.
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Notifies this Clock that an Actor has been added to it's owner.
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.SceneListener
Called when an Actor has been added to the Scene.
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VideoRenderer
If actor is either a net.jinx.video.View or a net.jinx.video.Visible, then it will be added in for rendering.
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
actorAdded(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
ActorEvent - Class in net.jinx.action
This is the base class for all events that are passed between Actors.
ActorEvent() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.ActorEvent
Constructs an ActorEvent.
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Notifies this Clock that an Actor has been removed from it's owner.
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.SceneListener
Called when an Actor has been removed from the Scene.
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VideoRenderer
If actor is either a net.jinx.video.View or a net.jinx.video.Visible, then it will be removed from rendering.
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
actorRemoved(Actor, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
ActorView - Class in net.jinx.action
Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's View implementations, so they can be used with the action package.
ActorView(String, View) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.ActorView
Constructs a new ActorView.
Add - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Add() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Add
add(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
add(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
add(Matrix3) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
add(Matrix4) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
add(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
add(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
add(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of adding v's components to this Vector's components.
add(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of adding v to this Vector's components.
add(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
add(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
add(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
add(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
add(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Adds this and another Real together, returning the results.
add(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of adding v to this Vector.
add(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of adding v to this Vector.
add(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Adds a Visible to the scene.
addActor(Actor) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Adds an Actor to this Scene.
addCollisionDetector(CollisionDetector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
addColoration(String, Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Adds a secondary Coloration to this Model.
added(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
added(PhysicalObject) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.CollisionDetector
Called by Universe to notify that a PhysicalObject has been added to the simulation.
added(PhysicalObject) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.Force
Called by Universe to notify this Force that a PhysicalObject has been added to the simulation.
added(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
added(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringManager
addForce(Force) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
addFrame(long, Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Adds a frame to the animation that will be used after the given time value.
addImage(String, BufferedImage, float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Adds an image.
addListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
addListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Allows a HierarchyListener to receive events from this specific Hierarchy, but not any of it's children.
addListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
addListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
addMeshElement(MeshElement) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Adds a MeshElement to the model.
addNotify() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
addObject(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
addProcessor(SampleProcessor) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
addSceneListener(SceneListener) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Adds a SceneListener to the Scene.
addSource(SampleProcessor) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
addSource(SampleProcessor, double) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
addSource(SampleProcessor) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
addTranslucent(Context, Translucent) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multipass.TranslucentPass
Adds a Translucent to this Pass for use with the Painter's Algorithm.
ADouble - Class in net.jinx.slowmath
Implementation of Real that uses double as it's type.
ADouble(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
ADouble(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
ADouble(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
ADouble(Number) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
ADouble(long) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
AFixedPoint - Class in net.jinx.slowmath

API Stability: Alpha.
AFixedPoint() - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.AFixedPoint
AFloat - Class in net.jinx.slowmath
Implementation of Real that uses float as it's type.
AFloat(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
AFloat(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
AFloat(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
AFloat(Number) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
AFloat(long) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
age(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
AlphaBlend - Class in net.jinx.video.multimodel
AlphaBlend(Visible, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multimodel.AlphaBlend
AmplitudeFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
AmplitudeFilter(double, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
Animation - Class in net.jinx.video
Allows multiple Visibles to be used based on time in an animation sequence.
Animation() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Animation
Constructs an Animation object with a default duration of 1 millisecond.
applyForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.Force
Provides the force acting on object due to this Force.
applyForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
applyForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.DampedSpring
applyForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.GeneralSpring
applyForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
applyForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringManager
applyPerspective(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a perspective transformation and returns the result.
applyPerspective(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a perspective transformation and returns the result.
asin(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
asin() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
asin() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
asin() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the arc sine of this Real.
associate(ControlID, String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ActionMap
Associates a control with an action.
atan(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
atan() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
atan() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
atan() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the arc tanget of this Real.
atan2(float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
ATTR_ADD - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that an attribute has been added.
ATTR_CHANGE - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that a pre-existing attribute has been changed.
ATTR_CLEAR - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that the source's attributes have all been removed.
ATTR_REMOVE - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that an attribute has been removed.
attributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
attributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides an Iterator for the attributes that are stored in this Hierarchy, but not any of it's sub-nodes.
attributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
attributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
attributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
Audible - Interface in net.jinx.audio
Audible represents something that makes a sound or affects sound in some way.
AudioRenderer - Class in net.jinx.action
Renders the Audible Actors in a Scene using OpenAL and the Deimos Audio library (the net.jinx.audio package).
AudioRenderer(String, AL, ALC) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
AudioUtil - Class in net.jinx.audio
AudioUtil contains static methods to obtain Buffer objects from various sources.
AxisControl - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot
AxisControl is an almost useless extension of AbstractControl.
AxisControl(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AxisControl
Constructs a new AxisControl with the given name.


begin(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.multipass.Pass
Called at the start of the Pass.
begin(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multipass.TranslucentPass
Begins this TranslucentPass by setting the OpenGL depth mask to false.
Behavior - Interface in net.jinx.action.input
Behavior is what controls a Participant.
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
bigDecimalValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
bigDecimalValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a BigDecimal.
BigMassTag - Class in net.jinx.physics.gravity
Tag implementation that indicates the PhysicalObject is a significant enough mass to be used for gravitational calculations.
BigMassTag() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.gravity.BigMassTag
billboardSpherical(Context, Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.VideoUtil
This is much the same as turnToFace3D, except for two differences.
bind(InputDevice[], int[], float) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlBinder
Waits at most wait seconds, attempting to detect a difference in one or more of the controls in the array devices.
bind(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Binds all textures for rendering.
Blob - Interface in net.jinx.db.record
Buffer - Class in net.jinx.audio
Buffer objects hold audio data that can be used by a Source object to play sounds.
Buffer(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Constructs a new Buffer using the given data.
buffersProcessed() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the number of Buffers already processed on this Source.
buffersQueued() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the number of Buffers currently queued on this Source.
buildCylinder(int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a cylinder approximation mesh with a radius of one.
buildHeightMapMesh(BufferedImage, int, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Produces a Quads vertex array from a BufferedImage used as a height map.
buildHeightMapTexCoord(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
buildIcosahedron() - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs an icosahedron mesh for a Triangles object.
buildOctahedron() - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs an octahedron mesh for a Triangles object.
buildPlane(int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs an XZ planar mesh with unit width.
buildPlaneTexCoord(int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a planar texture coordinate array cooresponding to any of the vertex arrays produced by the build* methods.
buildSphere(int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a sphere approximation mesh with a radius of one.
buildSphereMapMesh(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Builds a mesh for a height-mapped sphere.
buildSphereMapMesh(BufferedImage, int, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Builds a mesh for a height-mapped sphere.
buildSphereMapMesh(BufferedImage, int, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Builds a mesh for a height-mapped sphere.
buildSphereMapTexCoord(BufferedImage) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
buildSphereTexCoord(int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a texture coordinate array for the result of a call to buildSphere(int,int).
buildTetrahedron() - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a tetrahedron mesh for a Triangles object.
BusySignal - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
Generates a telephone busy signal, including the periods of silence.
BusySignal() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
ButtonControl - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot
ButtonControl is an AbstractControl extension that converts it's input values to a boolean state.
ButtonControl(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Constructs a new ButtonControl with the given name.
buttonsPressed() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines which buttons are currently pressed.
byteValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
byteValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
byteValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a byte.


calcCenterOfMass(Vector[], float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
Calculates the center of mass for a set of point masses in object space.
calcInertiaTensor(Vector[], float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
Calculates an inertia tensor from a set of point masses and their positions in object space.
calcNormals() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Calculates per-vertex normals for this Model by averaging the normals of the faces associated with those vertices.
Camera - Class in net.jinx.video
Camera represents a point of view within the Renderer.
Camera() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Camera
Builds a camera at origin, looking along positive z axis, up is y axis.
Camera(double[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Camera
Builds a camera at given position, looking at origin, up is y axis.
Camera(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Camera
Builds a camera at given position, looking at lookAt, up is y axis.
Camera(double[], double[], double[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Camera
Builds a camera at given position, looking at lookAt, up specified by up.
Camera(float[], float[], float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Camera
canProcess() - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Used to determine if processing can occur for the current frame.
CartesianGrid - Class in net.jinx.video
CartesianGrid() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
CartesianOrigin - Class in net.jinx.video
This draws a set of three lines corresponding to the three axis lines, starting from the origin and terminating at getLength() distance from the origin.
CartesianOrigin() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
CartesianOrigin(float, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
center(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Calculates the center of va and adjusts it (by creating a new vertex array) so it is centered on the origin.
CenterOfGravityTag - Class in net.jinx.physics.gravity
Tag implementation to provide a Physical object with a center of gravity, in the case of an object with separate center of mass and center of gravity.
CenterOfGravityTag(Vector) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.gravity.CenterOfGravityTag
checkAllowAdd(Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Provides a way for an Actor to determine if it can be added to a particular Scene.
clear() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
clear() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Clears all attributes and sub-nodes from this Hierarchy.
clear() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
clear() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
clear() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Wipes all Visibles from the scene.
clearAttributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
clearAttributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Clears all attributes from this Hierarchy.
clearAttributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
clearAttributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
clearAttributes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
clearNodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
clearNodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Clears all sub-nodes from this hierarchy.
clearNodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
clearNodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
clearNodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
Clock - Class in net.jinx.action
Clock keeps track of time for a Scene and then activates other Actors by sending them ClockEvent and IdleEvent objects.
Clock(String, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.Clock
Constructs a new Clock.
ClockEvent - Class in net.jinx.action
ActorEvent subclass that delivers a change in time value.
ClockEvent(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.ClockEvent
Constructs a ClockEvent.
ClockSensitive - Interface in net.jinx.action
Tagging interface used by the Clock class to determine which Actors should receive plain ClockEvents.
ClockStateEvent - Class in net.jinx.action
ClockStateEvents are sent out by Clock to notify ClockSensitive and IdleSensitve Actors that the Clock's state has changed.
ClockStateEvent(int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.ClockStateEvent
Constructs a ClockStateEvent.
clone() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Copies this Condition.
clone() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
clone() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Duplicates this Model object.
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Closes the Hierarchy.
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.MemoryHierarchy
Does nothing.
close() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RecordManager
Closes this RecordManager.
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
Does nothing.
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
close() - Method in class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Closes this XMLHierarchy.
collided() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
CollisionDetector - Interface in net.jinx.physics
CollisionTag - Class in net.jinx.physics.collision
CollisionTag() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.collision.CollisionTag
Coloration - Interface in net.jinx.video.model
Essentially, implementations of this interface serve as the paint on Models.
ColorCube - Class in net.jinx.video
ColorCube() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.ColorCube
ColorCube(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.ColorCube
Colorizer - Class in net.jinx.colorizer
This class isn't done.
Colorizer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.colorizer.Colorizer
colorToMaterial(Color) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Material using a well tested technique to convert a simple color to a Material.
colorToMaterial(Color, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Material using a well tested technique to convert a simple color to a Material.
colorToMaterial(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Material using a well tested technique to convert a simple color to a Material.
colorToMaterial(float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Material using a well tested technique to convert a simple color to a Material.
colorToMaterial(float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Material using a well tested technique to convert a simple color to a Material.
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Completes the current transaction.
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.MemoryHierarchy
Commits changes to the commit/rollback log.
commit() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.Blob
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
Does nothing.
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
commit() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.SnapshotManager
Commits the current changes to the data Object, indicating that the most recent Transaction was successful.
commit() - Method in class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Same as in the super-class, only it also dumps a copy out to disk.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
compareTo(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
compareTo(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
compareTo(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
compareTo(Object) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Compares this Real with o.
compareTo(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Compares this Real with v.
Condition - Class in net.jinx.action.input
This is used by Participants to communicate the current situation to their Behaviors.
Condition() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Constructs a new, blank Condition.
Configuration - Class in net.jinx.db
Configuration contains several utility methods for storing configuration-style data in a textual form and for converting various primitive array types into each other.
configureScene(Scene) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.util.SceneFactory
conjugate() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
conjugate() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Contact - Class in net.jinx.physics
Contact(PhysicalObject, PhysicalObject, float, float, Universe) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.Contact
contains(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Provides the means to check if the given Visible is already in the scene.
Context - Class in net.jinx.video
In addition to the attributes stored in Options, this class stores attributes that function as contextual data for rendering.
Context() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Context
Constructs a new Context object.
Context(boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Context
Constructs a new Context object.
Context(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Context
Constructs a new Context object.
Control - Interface in net.jinx.action.input.robot
Control represents an internal variable in a Robot.
ControlBinder - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Contains methods related to detecting the activation of controls.
ControlID - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Represents a particular control attached to an InputDevice.
ControlID(int, int, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Constructs a ControlID.
controlString() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns a String representing the control.
convert(AudioFormat) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
copy(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
copy(float[][], int, float[][], int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Makes a deep copy of a portion of a vertex array.
copyTo(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
copyTo(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Recursively copies this Hierarchy object's contents into another.
copyTo(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
copyTo(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
cos(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
cos() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
cos() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
cos() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the cosine of this Real.
createNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
createNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Creates a new node with the given name.
createNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
createNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
createNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
cross(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns a Vector whose value is the cross product of this and v.
cross(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns a Vector whose value is the cross product of this and v.
currentLight() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the number of the current light to use.


DampedSpring - Class in net.jinx.physics.spring
DampedSpring(float, float, PhysicalObject, PhysicalObject) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.DampedSpring
DampedSpring(float, float, PhysicalObject, Vector) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.DampedSpring
DCOffsetFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
DCOffsetFilter(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
DecayTag - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
DecayTag(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
decodeElement(String) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
Decodes a String from quoted String form.
DefaultHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Hierarchy implementation based on a pair of Hierarchy objects.
DefaultHierarchy(Hierarchy, Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
Constructs a new DefaultHierarchy.
DefaultListener - Class in net.jinx.audio
Simple Listener implementation that corresponds to the default Camera of the net.jinx.model package.
DefaultListener() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.DefaultListener
Constructs a DefaultListener.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActorView
Deinitializes the wrapped view object.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
Redirects to the wrapped Visible.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Deinitializes this AbstractAudible.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Deinitializes this Listener.
deinit() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Audible
Deinitializes this Audible, disposing of any resources it may be tying up.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Frees the OpenAL resources that this Buffer is consuming.
deinit() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Listener
Deinitializes this Listener, disposing of any resources it may be tying up.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
deinit(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleVisible
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SphereVisible
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.AbstractVisible
Does nothing.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Deinitializes this Animation's frames.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.ColorCube
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Deinitializes this DemoRotator's children.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Causes this DisplayList to delete it's OpenGL display list.
deinit(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.FrameProcessor
Deinitializes this FrameProcessor.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Does nothing.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.MessageView
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.AlphaBlend
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Rotation
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Scale
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Translation
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Does nothing.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.MotionBlurProcessor
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
deinit(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.View
Deinitializes this View.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View3D
deinit(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.Visible
Deinitializes this Visible, disposing of any resources that it may be using.
deinit(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.VisibleDisplayList
Causes this DisplayList to delete it's OpenGL display list.
delete() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Frees the resources that this Source consumes.
delete() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
delete() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
deleteBlob(long) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RecordManager
Deletes an existing Blob.
deleteNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
deleteNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Removes the node with the given name.
deleteNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
deleteNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
deleteNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
deliverEvent(String, ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Delivers an ActorEvent to one or all of the Actors in this Scene.
DemoRotator - Class in net.jinx.video
Simple Visible that just rotates another Visible for the purpose of seeing every angle.
DemoRotator(Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Constructs a DemoRotator for the given Visible.
destroy() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
DirectoryRecordManager - Class in net.jinx.db.record
DirectoryRecordManager() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.record.DirectoryRecordManager
DiskTransactionLogger - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction
DiskTransactionLogger(File, File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.DiskTransactionLogger
display(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Renders a frame to glDrawable.
displayChanged(GLAutoDrawable, boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Required for the GLEventListener interface.
displayGUI(Hierarchy, Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActionGUI
Displays a Visible using the classes in this package.
displayGUI(Hierarchy, Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.colorizer.Colorizer
displayGUI(Hierarchy, Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
displayGUI(Hierarchy, Scene) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicsGUI
displayGUI(Hierarchy, Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and displays the default GUI components to display a Visible object.
displayGUI(Hierarchy, Visible) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.model.ModelerGUI
Constructs and displays the GUI components to display a Visible object.
DisplayList - Class in net.jinx.video
DisplayList provides the means to use OpenGL display lists to accelerate rendering.
DisplayList() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Constructs a DisplayList.
DisplayModeSelector - Class in net.jinx.gui
Helper component useful for selecting a DisplayMode for a GraphicsDevice from a list of it's supported modes.
DisplayModeSelector(GraphicsDevice) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.DisplayModeSelector
Constructs a DisplayModeSelector for device.
dispose(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Causes the OpenGL list for this object to be deleted, releasing any memory it may occupy.
Divide - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Divide() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Divide
divide(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
divide(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
divide(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
divide(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
divide(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of this Vector's compoenents divided by v's components.
divide(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of this Vector's components divided by v's components.
divide(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
divide(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
divide(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
divide(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
divide(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Divides this by another Real together, returning the results.
divide(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of this Vector divided by v.
divide(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of this Vector divided by v.
dot(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns a float whose value is the dot product of this and v.
dot(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns a Vector whose value is the dot product of this and v.
doubleValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
doubleValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
doubleValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a double.
downSample(DoubleBuffer, ByteBuffer, SampleFormat, boolean) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
Redirects to the wrapped Visible.
draw(Context, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
draw(Context, Collection) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleVisible
draw(Context, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
draw(Context, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SphereVisible
draw(Context, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSpark
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Draws the current frame of the Animation; implies a call to start().
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.ColorCube
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.InfinitePlane
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
draw(Context, int, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
"Draws" the Material, causing any vertices that come after it to be colored with the material.
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.MessageView
Draws the console along with it's message.
draw(Context, int, float[]) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.model.Coloration
Causes the Coloration to be drawn.
draw(Context, int, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
draw(Context, int, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.LineLoop
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Lines
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.LineStrip
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.MeshElement
Draws the mesh, using the given array of Materials.
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Renders this Model with all of it's default settings.
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Polygon
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Quads
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.QuadStrip
draw(Context, int, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.TriangleFan
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Triangles
draw(Context, float[][], float[][], Coloration, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.TriangleStrip
draw(Context, int, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.AlphaBlend
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Rotation
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Scale
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Translation
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SkySphere
draw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
draw(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.Visible
Renders this Visible to glDrawable.
drawParticle(Context, PhysicalObject, Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
drawParticle(Context, PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
drawParticle(Context, PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
drawPass(Context, Pass, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
drawPass(Context, Pass, Collection) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SphereVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.AlphaBlend
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Rotation
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Scale
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Translation
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.multipass.MultipassVisible
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
drawPass(Context, Pass) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
drawTranslucent(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.multipass.Translucent
Draws this Translucent.
DTMF - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) signals, such as those used by the phone system.
DTMF(int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF(double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_0 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_0_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_0_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_1 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_1_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_1_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_2 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_2_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_2_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_3 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_3_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_3_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_4 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_4_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_4_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_5 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_5_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_5_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_6 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_6_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_6_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_7 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_7_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_7_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_8 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_8_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_8_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_9 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_9_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_9_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_A - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_A_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_A_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_B - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_B_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_B_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_BUSY - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_BUSY_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_BUSY_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_C - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_C_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_C_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_D - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_D_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_D_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_DIAL - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_DIAL_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_DIAL_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_POUND - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_POUND_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_POUND_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_RINGBACK_US - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_RINGBACK_US_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_RINGBACK_US_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_STAR - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_STAR_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_STAR_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DualColoration - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Coloration implementation that uses two different Colorations based on a divider line.
DualColoration() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Constructs a DualColoration.
duplicate() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material


E - Static variable in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
e() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
encodeElement(String) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
Encodes a String into a quoted String.
end(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.multipass.Pass
Called at the end of the Pass.
end(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multipass.TranslucentPass
Ends this TranslucentPass by setting the OpenGL depth mask to true after any collected Translucent objects are drawn using the Painter's Algorithm.
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
equals(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
EulerIntegrator - Class in net.jinx.physics
EulerIntegrator() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.EulerIntegrator
eventDeliveryException(Exception) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Called when an Exception is thrown in the deliverEvent(String, ActorEvent) method during the delivery of of an ActorEvent.
exp() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
exp() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
exp() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns Euler's number raised by this Real.
exportPOVRayMesh2(OutputStream, Model) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ImportExportUtil
Exports an ascii POV-Ray file using a Model object as the source of geometry data for building a mesh2 structure.
exportWavefrontOBJ(OutputStream, Model) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ImportExportUtil
Exports an ascii Wavefront .obj file using a Model object as the source of geometry data.
extrude(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Constructs an extrusion Model from this Model.


Face - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Represents a Face of a Model.
FileBlob - Class in net.jinx.db.record.util
FileBlob() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.record.util.FileBlob
fill(DoubleBuffer, AudioInputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
fillFloatArray(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Fills a length 4 float array with the values for getX(), getY(), getZ() and getW().
fillFloatArray(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Fills a length 3 float array with the values for getX(), getY() and getZ().
filter(double, CircularDoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
filterLeft(double) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
filterRight(double) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
finalContacts() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the final Contacts for this PhysicalObject, after all calculations for position have been completed by a Universe.
finalize() - Method in class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
FIRFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
FIRFilter(double[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
firstContact(PhysicalObject, PhysicalObject, float, float, Universe) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
firstContacts(PhysicalObject, float, float, Universe) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
firstContacts(PhysicalObject, float, float, Universe) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.CollisionDetector
Checks for collisions between PhysicalObject instances previously added via the added(PhysicalObject) method and obj.
firstFrame() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Utility method to return the first frame's time value.
floatValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
floatValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
floatValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a float.
FMSynth - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
FMSynth(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
Force - Interface in net.jinx.physics
forcedWindowedMode() - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Forces all GraphicsDevice objects for this system into windowed mode.
foundTaggedClass(Class) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Adds a class to the tagged class cache.
FrameProcessor - Interface in net.jinx.video
FrameProcessor provides a way to process the final image produced by SplitScreenRenderer or a View in some manner, either running it through a filter or simply making a copy of the image on disk.


Gain - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
Gain(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
Gain(double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
GameWindow - Class in net.jinx.gui
GameWindow is a specialized JFrame that makes using fullscreen-exclusive mode easier, using an extra method: setFullscreen(boolean).
GameWindow() - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Constructs a GameWindow for the default GraphicsDevice object (usually the primary screen).
GameWindow(GraphicsDevice) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Constructs a GameWindow for device.
GCU - Static variable in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
The gravitational constant of the universe.
GeneralSpring - Class in net.jinx.physics.spring
GeneralSpring(float, float, float, PhysicalObject, PhysicalObject) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.GeneralSpring
GeneralSpring(float, float, float, PhysicalObject, Vector) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.GeneralSpring
get(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Returns the value associated with key.
get(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
get(long) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.ObjectManager
get(int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Returns a given element of this Matrix3 The indices are not zero based, like an array.
get(int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Returns a given element of this Matrix.
get(int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Returns a given element of this Matrix3D.
getActor(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Provides the Actor with the given name.
getAge() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Provides the AL object from the init(AL, ALC) method.
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the AL object that was used to construct this Listener.
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the AL object that was used to construct this Source.
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Provides the ALC object from the init(AL, ALC) method.
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the ALC object that was used to construct this Listener.
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the ALC object that was used to construct this Source.
getAlpha() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the current alpha transparency value.
getAmbient() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
Provides the ambient portion of the color.
getApplicationName() - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Provides the name of the application.
getApplicationTitle() - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Provides the title line that is used by default in the title bar of the modeler.
getAspectRatio() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides thw current aspect ratio for the drawing area.
getAssociation(ControlID) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ActionMap
Gets the association for id.
getAttribute(String, char) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, char[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, URL) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Parses a URL from an attribute.
getAttribute(String, String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Gets the value for the given attribute name, returning defaultValue if the attribute does not exist.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Gets the value for the given attribute name, returning null if the attribute does not exist.
getAttribute(String, boolean[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Gets the value of an attribute as a boolean array.
getAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Gets the value of an attribute as a boolean.
getAttribute(String, int, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, float) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the means to get an attribute as a float value.
getAttribute(String, int, double[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, double[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, double) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the means to get an attribute as a double value.
getAttribute(String, long[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, long) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the means to get an attribute as a long value.
getAttribute(String, int[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, int) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the means to get an attribute as an int value.
getAttribute(String, short[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, short) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the means to get an attribute as a short value.
getAttribute(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, byte) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the means to get an attribute as a byte value.
getAttribute(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, BigDecimal[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, BigInteger) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute(String, BigInteger[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttributeObject(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
getAttributeObject(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Gets the attribute's value Object.
getAttributeObject(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
getAttributeObject(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
getAttributeObject(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
getAWTClearColor() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the clear color as a java.awt.Color.
getAxes() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the array containing all of the axes for this InputDevice.
getBase() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
Provides the base Hierarchy for this tree of Hierarchy Objects.
getBaseURL() - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Provides the base URL used for loading images.
getBehavior() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Provides the current Behavior for this Participant.
getBitDepth() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the bit depth of this Buffer.
getBlack() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getBlob(long) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RecordManager
Gets an existing Blob.
getBooleanInt(int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use getInt to get a boolean value.
getBottom() - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
Provides the bottom of the cliping pane.
getBuffer() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the Buffer associated with this Source.
getBufferID() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the OpenAL name of this Buffer.
getButton(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the button Axis indicated.
getButtons() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the array containing the button axes for this InputDevice.
getBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RawBlob
getBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RawBlob
getBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
getBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
getCameraPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the current position of the viewer/camera.
getCenter() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.CenterOfGravityTag
getCenter(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Calculates and returns the center point of a vertex array.
getClassLoader(File) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Provides a class loader for the given jar file.
getClearColor() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the clear color that is used to clear the color buffer.
getCoefficient() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.CollisionTag
Provides the coefficient of restitution.
getCoefficient(PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.CollisionTag
getCollidedVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getColor() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Returns the color of this light.
getColoration(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
Provides the Coloration associated with the given segment name.
getColoration(int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
Provides the Coloration associated with the given vertex, or null if there is none.
getColoration() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
Provides the Coloration for this Sphere.
getColoration() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Provides the Coloration for this Sphere.
getComboBox() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDeviceConfigPanel
getCompatibleFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
getCondition() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Provides the Condition object for this Participant.
getCondition() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
getConeOuterGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the gain outside the oriented cone.
getConstantAttenuation() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Provides the constant attenuation for this light.
getControl(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
getControl(String) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.RobotSystem
getControlIndex() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns the control index.
getController() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the underlying JInput Controller that this InputDevice is wrapping.
getControls() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.RobotSystem
getControlType() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns the control type constant.
getCurrentModel() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelContext
Provides the current Model being rendered.
getDampingConstant() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.DampedSpring
getData() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the ByteBuffer that contains the audio data for this Buffer.
getData() - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
Provides a Hierarchy to manipulate.
getData() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.SnapshotManager
Provides the Object containing all the data for this SnapshotManager.
getDeadZone(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the dead zone for the indicated fuzzy axis.
getDeadZoneValue(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the value of the indicated fuzzy axis, using the set dead zone to calculate the value.
getDecayAfter() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
getDecayAfter() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
getDefaultFrame(Hierarchy, Color) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and configures a default Frame to use to display things in.
getDefaultGLDrawable(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
This method just calls getGLCanvas(config).
getDefaultMode(GraphicsDevice) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Provides a way to determine the default DisplayMode for a given GraphicsDevice.
getDefaultPlayer() - Static method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
Constructs a new VideoPlayer, using sane defaults, progressively falling back on worse and worse VideoPlayer implementations, until one of them works.
getDefaults() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
getDeltaPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getDeltaPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
getDeltaTime() - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Provides the current change in time value.
getDeltaTime() - Method in class net.jinx.action.ClockEvent
Provides the change in time value.
getDeltaTime() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getDeltaTime() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the change in time value that should indicate how to use the interpolation value that's set in this class.
getDeltaVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getDeltaVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
getDescription() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns a best guess as to the type of this InputDevice.
getDesiredDistance() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.GeneralSpring
getDevice() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
getDeviceIndex() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns the device index.
getDevicePanel() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDeviceConfigPanel
getDevices(InputDevice[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Provides an array of InputDevice objects.
getDevices(InputDevice[], Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Provides an array of InputDevice objects.
getDevices(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Provides an array of InputDevice objects.
getDevices() - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Provides an array of InputDevice objects.
getDiffuse() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
Provides the diffuse portion of the color.
getDirection() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the direction of this Source.
getDrawingArea() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the rectangle describing the current drawing area.
getEmission() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
Provides the emissive portion of the color.
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.LineLoop
Lines have no faces, so this returns an empty array.
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Lines
Lines have no faces, so this returns an empty array.
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.LineStrip
Lines have no faces, so this returns an empty array.
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.MeshElement
Provides an array of all the Faces formed by this MeshElement.
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Polygon
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Quads
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.QuadStrip
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.TriangleFan
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Triangles
getFaces() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.TriangleStrip
getFarClip() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the value of the far clipping plane.
getFloat(int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alGetSourcef().
getForce(PhysicalObject, PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
getForce(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the format constant for this Buffer.
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
getFormat() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
getFOV() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the angle for the field of view.
getFrequency() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the frequency in Hertz of this Buffer.
getFuzzyAxes() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the array containing the fuzzy axes for this InputDevice.
getFuzzyAxis(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the fuzzy Axis indicated.
getFuzzyValue(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the value of the indicated fuzzy axis; dead zone data is ignored and the value is not necessarily normalized.
getGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the gain for the listener.
getGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the gain for this source.
getGL() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
getGLCanvas(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Provides the default GLCanvas with double buffering and hardware acceleration hints obtained from config.
getGLContext() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
getGLDrawable() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
getGLJPanel(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Provides the default GLCanvas with double buffering and hardware acceleration hints obtained from config.
getGlobalAmbientLight() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the global ambient light color.
getGraphicsDevice() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Provides the GraphicsDevice from the constructor.
getGrid(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
getGridSpace() - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
getID() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns a (hopefully) unique identifier String for this InputDevice to ease finding the same InputDevice from one run of a program to the next.
getImage(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Provides the image for the given name.
getInt(int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alGetSourcei().
getIntegrator() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
getInterpolation() - Method in class net.jinx.action.IdleEvent
Provides the interpolation value.
getInterpolation() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the current interpolation value.
getLeft() - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
Provides the left of the cliping pane.
getLength() - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
getLength() - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
getLinearAttenuation() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Provides the linear attenuation for this light.
getListener() - Method in class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
getLog() - Method in class net.jinx.db.MemoryHierarchy
Provides the Hierarchy that is used to store the commit/rollback log.
getLogStream() - Method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
Provides the OutputStream that diagnostic data from this VideoPlayer will be sent to.
getLookAt() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Returns the point that the camera is focused on.
getMain() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
getMain() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
getMain() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
Provides the wrapped Hierarchy.
getMass() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Returns the mass of this PhysicalObject.
getMass() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
getMaterial() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
Deprecated. this class has been internally redesigned; please use the getColoration() method instead.
getMaterial() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Deprecated. this class has been internally redesigned; please use the getColoration() method instead.
getMaterials() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
Provides the Material array.
getMaxDistance() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the maximum distance after which there will be no more attenuation of this source.
getMaxGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the maximum gain for this Source.
getMeshElements() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Provides an array of MeshElement objects used to construct this Model.
getMilliseconds() - Method in interface net.jinx.time.MillisTimeSource
Provides the number of milliseconds since some particular fixed event occured, such as the unix epoch like the system clock), the system booting, or the JVM starting (like sun.misc.Perf).
getMinGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the minimum gain for this Source.
getMode(DisplayMode[], String) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.DisplayModeSelector
Attempts to matche id to one of the DisplayModes in the array modes.
getModes(DisplayMode[], int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.DisplayModeSelector
Attempts to match w, h, bpp and r with one of the DisplayModes in the array modes.
getModeString(DisplayMode) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.DisplayModeSelector
Provides a String description of the given DisplayMode.
getMono(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
getMouseWheel() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the mouse wheel Axis, or null if this is not a mouse.
getMouseWheelClicks() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the direction and number of clicks that have occured on this mouse's wheel.
getMouseXAxis() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the X Axis for a mouse, or null if this is not a mouse.
getMouseYAxis() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the Y Axis for a mouse, or null if this is not a mouse.
getMPlayerPath() - Static method in class net.jinx.media.MPlayer
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Provides the name of this Actor.
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Action
Peovides the name of this Action.
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the name of this InputDevice.
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AbstractControl
Returns the name of this Control.
getName() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Provides the human-readable name of this control.
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
getName() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Provides the name of this Readout; this is used for displaying a label for it.
getName() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.RobotSystem
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.CollisionTag
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.BigMassTag
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.CenterOfGravityTag
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringTag
getName() - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.Tag
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Returns the name of the camera.
getName() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Provides the name of this Model.
getNanoseconds() - Method in interface net.jinx.time.NanoTimeSource
Provides the number of nanoseconds since some particular fixed event occured, such as the unix epoch like the system clock), the system booting, or the JVM starting (like sun.misc.Perf).
getNanoseconds() - Method in class net.jinx.time.SteppingTimeSource
Provides the number of nanoseconds that have accumulated on this SteppingTimeSource since it's creation.
getNearClip() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the value of the near clipping plane.
getNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
getNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides the Hierarchy for the given node name.
getNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
getNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
getNode(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
getNodeOne() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getNodeTwo() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getNormal() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Face
Provides the normal vector for this Face.
getNormalDivider() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the normal divider.
getNormalizedAge() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
getNormals() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Provides the array that normal vectors are being stored in.
getNormalValue(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the value of the indicated fuzzy axis; dead zone data is ignored, but the return value is guaranteed to be normalized from -1 to 1.
getObjectCOG(PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
Provides the center of gravity of object in object coordinates.
getOrientation() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the orientation of the listener.
getOrigin(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
getOwner() - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Provides the Scene that owns this Actor.
getParent() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
Provides the Universe that is the parent of this Universe.
getPhysicalObject() - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.Physical
getPhysicalObject() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
getPitch() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the current pitch value of this Source.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the position of the listener.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the position of this Source.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the position of the center of mass for this PhysicalObject.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Returns the position of the camera.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Returns the position of the light.
getPosition(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.multipass.Translucent
Provides the position of this Translucent.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Provides the translation vector.
getPositionOne() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getPositionTwo() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getPOVHat(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the POV Hat Axis indicated.
getPOVHats() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the array containing the POV hat axes for this InputDevice.
getPrimary1() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getPrimary2() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getPrimary3() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getQuadraticAttenuation() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Provides the quadratic attenuation for this light.
getQueryData() - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
Provides an ImmutableHierarchy to query.
getQueryData() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.SnapshotManager
If at all possible, this provides a read-only view of the Object returned by getData().
getRadius(PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
Provides the radius of a PhysicalObject that's been tagged as a sphere for collision detection purposes.
getRadius() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionTag
getRadius(float[][], float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Gets the minimum radius of sphere that will enclose the object described by the vertex array va.
getReadout(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
getReadout(String) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.RobotSystem
getReadouts() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.RobotSystem
getRecordID() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.Blob
getRecordManager() - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.ObjectManager
getReferenceDistance() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the value of the reference distance for this Source.
getReleaseControl() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
getReleaseRate() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.LinearReleaseControl
getRenderer() - Method in class net.jinx.action.VideoRenderer
Provides the SplitScreenRenderer object that does all the actual work.
getReport() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Gets a report of the current conditions of this InputDevice.
getRight() - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
Provides the right of the cliping pane.
getRolloffFactor() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the rolloff factor.
getRotation() - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Provides the rotation constant.
getRotation() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Provides the rotation vector.
getRumbler(Axis.Identifier) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns a Rumbler that matches the given identifier, or null if there isn't one.
getRumblers() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Gets the array of all Rumblers attached to this InputDevice.
getScale() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Provides the scaling vector.
getSecondary1() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getSecondary2() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getSecondary3() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getSegment(int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Provides the name of the segment for the given vertex.
getSegment(int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
Provides the name of the segment for the given vertex.
getSelectedMode() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.DisplayModeSelector
Provides the currently selected DisplayMode.
getShininess() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
Provides the shininess value of the color.
getSize() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Utility method to get the number of bytes of audio data this Buffer holds.
getSize() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RawBlob
getSize() - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
getSmoothness() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not objects should be rendered as smooth or flat shaded.
getSolidity() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not objects should be rendered as solid or wire frames.
getSource() - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActorEvent
Provides the source Actor that this ActorEvent originated from.
getSource() - Method in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Provides the Hierarchy object that this event came from.
getSource() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Provides the TimeSource for this StopWatch.
getSourceID() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the OpenAL name of this Source.
getSpecular() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
Provides the specular portion of the color.
getSpotCutoff() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Provides the spotlight cutoff angle for this light.
getSpotDirection() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Provides the spotlight direction for this light.
getSpotExponent() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Provides the spot exponent for this light.
getSpringConstant() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getState() - Method in class net.jinx.action.ClockStateEvent
Provides the state constant that was passed in via the constructor.
getStereo(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
getSystem(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
getTag(String) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Gets the Tag associated with the given name.
getTagged() - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Returns an array containing all of the found tagged classes.
getTaggedExtending(Class) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Returns an array of all of the Classes that extend sc.
getTaggedImplementingAll(Class[]) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Returns an array of all of the Classes that implement all of interfaces.
getTaggedImplementingAny(Class[]) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Returns an array of all of the Classes that implement any of interfaces.
getTarget() - Method in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Provides the name of the node or attribute that was altered.
getText() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
getText() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
getTexture() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Gets the name of the texture that this Model should use.
getTexture() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
Provides the name of the texture that this Sphere should use.
getTexture() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Provides the name of the texture that this Sphere should use.
getTextureCoordinates() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Gets the texture coordinates for this Model.
getTextureManager() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the current TextureManager.
getTextureMode() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the value of the current texture mode.
getTextureModeName() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Provides the texture mode name for the value of the current texture mode attribute.
getThrottleValue(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the value of the indicated fuzzy axis, using the set dead zone to calculate the value.
getTime() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getTimeFactor() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Provides the time factor that affects the speed of simulation.
getTimeSource() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the TimeSource that will function as simulation clock for rendering.
getTop() - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
Provides the top of the cliping pane.
getTwosidedness() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not polygons should be rendered as one or two sided.
getType() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AbstractControl
Returns the type constant for this Control.
getType() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Provides a way to identify how this control should be treated and what range of input values it will expect.
getType() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
getType() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Provides the type constant for this Readout.
getType() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Overriden to return Control.TYPE_TOGGLE.
getType() - Method in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
This provides the type of change that occured.
getUp() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Returns the vector that tells the camera which way is up.
getUseLists() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not display lists should be used.
getV() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
getV() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
getValue() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Action
Provides the value of this Action.
getValue() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AbstractControl
Returns the value of this Control.
getValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Provides the current value of this control.
getValue() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
getValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
getVars() - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.VariableSceneGraph
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the velocity of the listener.
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the velocity of this Source.
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the velocity of this PhysicalObject.
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
getVelocityOne() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getVelocityTwo() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
getVersion() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
Provides the application's current version and the JOGL version used as two Strings.
getVersion() - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicsGUI
Provides the version String array for this PhysicsGUI.
getVersion() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Provides the Vertex Modeler's current version and the JOGL version used as two Strings.
getVersion() - Method in interface net.jinx.video.model.ModelerGUI
Provides the version String array for this ModelerGUI.
getVersionString() - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
Provides a String representation of the current version of Vertex Modeler.
getVersionString() - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Provides a String representation of the current version of Vertex Modeler.
getVertices() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Face
Provides the vertex array from the constructor.
getVertices() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.MeshElement
Provides an array of vertices.
getVertices() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Provides an array containing all of the vertices that are part of this Model.
getView() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the current View for the scene being rendered.
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActorView
Redirects to the wrapped view object.
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
Provides the underlying Visible object.
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Provides the Visible that will be used in rendering.
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.video.MessageView
The Visible for a MessageView is itself.
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Provides the Visible that this SceneGraphElement is attached to.
getVisible() - Method in interface net.jinx.video.View
Provides the Visible object that should be rendered in the viewport.
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.video.View3D
getVisible() - Method in class net.jinx.video.VisibleDisplayList
Provides the Visible object that this DisplayList is wrapping.
getW() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Provides the W component.
getW() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Provides the W coordinate.
getWhite() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
getWidth() - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
getWidth() - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
getWidth() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.LineElement
Provides the width of the lines.
getWorldCOG(PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
getX() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Provides the X coordinate.
getX() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Provides the X coordinate.
getX() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Provides the X coordinate.
getX() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Provides the X coordinate.
getY() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Provides the Y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Provides the Y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Provides the Y coordinate.
getY() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Provides the Y coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Provides the Z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Provides the Z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Provides the Z coordinate.
getZ() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Provides the Z coordinate.
GlowSparkParticleVisible - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
GlowSparkParticleVisible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
GradientColoration - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Coloration implementation that smoothly interpolates between two or more different Materials, giving a nice shaded appearance.
GradientColoration() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Constructs a GradientColoration.
Gravity - Class in net.jinx.physics.gravity
Gravity() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity


hasAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
hasContact(Contact) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
hashCode() - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
hashCode() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
hashCode() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Returns the hash code for this Quaternion.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the hash code for this Vector.
hashCode() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
hasImage(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Provides the means to determine if a given name has been mapped to an image.
hasKey(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Determines if the given key has a value associated with it.
hasNext() - Method in class net.jinx.db.NoRemoveIterator
hasScanned(File) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Provides a way to check if a given file has already been marked scanned.
hasValue(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Determines if the given value has a key associated with it.
hasVertex(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Face
Provides the means to determine if this face has the given vertex.
Hierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Hierarchy implementations store data in a hierarchical form, based on nodes and attributes.
Hierarchy() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Constructs a new Hierarchy.
hierarchyChanged(HierarchyEvent) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.HierarchyListener
Signals this HierarchyListener that the Hierarchy referenced by event has changed in some manner.
HierarchyEvent - Class in net.jinx.db
HierarchyEvent objects are fired when a Hierarchy is modified.
HierarchyEvent(Hierarchy, String, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Constructs a new HierarchyEvent.
HierarchyException - Exception in net.jinx.db
Thrown when an exception is thrown by a Hierarchy.
HierarchyException() - Constructor for exception net.jinx.db.HierarchyException
HierarchyException(String) - Constructor for exception net.jinx.db.HierarchyException
HierarchyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.jinx.db.HierarchyException
HierarchyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.jinx.db.HierarchyException
HierarchyListener - Interface in net.jinx.db
HierarchyListener objects are notified when a Hierarchy they're listening to is altered.
HierarchyMetalTheme - Class in net.jinx.gui

API Stability: Alpha.
HierarchyMetalTheme(Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
HierarchyQuery - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy
HierarchyQuery(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyQuery
HierarchyQuery(String, Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyQuery
HierarchySnapshotManager - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy
SnapshotManager wrapper for a Hierarchy.
HierarchySnapshotManager() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
HierarchyTransaction - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy
HierarchyTransaction(String, Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyTransaction


IDENTITY - Static variable in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
The indetity Matrix3 is usually your starting point for building a transformation Matrix3
IDENTITY - Static variable in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
The indetity Matrix4 is usually your starting point for building a transformation Matrix4.
identity() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Provides an identity Matrix3D.
IdleEvent - Class in net.jinx.action
ClockEvent subclass that carries an interpolation value that can be used to interpolate between one Scene state and another.
IdleEvent(float, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.IdleEvent
Constructs an IdleEvent.
IdleSensitive - Interface in net.jinx.action
Tagging interface used by the Clock class to determine which Actors should receive IdleEvents.
ImageFormatException - Exception in net.jinx.video
This is the Exception thrown if an ImageSaver can't match a supplied format String with one of the ones supported.
ImageFormatException() - Constructor for exception net.jinx.video.ImageFormatException
ImageFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception net.jinx.video.ImageFormatException
ImageSaver - Class in net.jinx.video.processor
ImageSaver is a PostProcessor that saves each rendered frame to disk.
ImageSaver(String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Constructs an ImageSaver.
ImageSaver(String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Constructs an ImageSaver.
ImageSaver(File, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Constructs an ImageSaver.
ImageSaver(File, String, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Constructs an ImageSaver.
ImmutableHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Immutable Hierarchy wrapper.
ImmutableHierarchy(Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
ImportExportUtil - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Contains methods for importing and exporting Models in 3rd-party formats.
InfinitePlane - Class in net.jinx.video
InfinitePlane() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.InfinitePlane
InfinitePlane(int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.InfinitePlane
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActorView
Initializes the wrapped View object.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
Redirects to the wrapped Visible.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Stores the AL and ALC objects for later.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Stores the AL and ALC objects for later.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Audible
Initializes this Audible, preparing it for use.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Prepares this Buffer for audio rendering by generating an OpenAL buffer for it and then configuring it with this Buffer's data.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Listener
Initializes this Listener, preparing it for use.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
init(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleVisible
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SphereVisible
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.AbstractVisible
Does nothing.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Initializes this Animation's frames.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.ColorCube
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Initializes this DemoRotator's children.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Causes this DisplayList to construct an OpenGL display list.
init(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.FrameProcessor
Initializes this FrameProcessor.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Does nothing.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.MessageView
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.AlphaBlend
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Rotation
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Scale
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Translation
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Does nothing.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.MotionBlurProcessor
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
init(GLAutoDrawable) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Initializes the GLDrawable with the parts that are common to each frame.
init(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.View
Initializes this View.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View3D
init(Context) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.Visible
Initializes this Visible, preparing it for rendering.
init(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.VisibleDisplayList
Causes this DisplayList to construct an OpenGL display list.
InputDevice - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Wrapper for net.java.games.input.Controller to make it simpler and easier to deal with.
InputDevice(Controller) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Constructs a new InputDevice to wrap the given Controller.
InputDeviceConfigPanel - Class in net.jinx.gui
InputDeviceConfigPanel(InputDevice[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.InputDeviceConfigPanel
InputDevicePanel - Class in net.jinx.gui
InputDevicePanel() - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
InputDevicePanel(InputDevice) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
insert(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.ObjectManager
integrate(Universe, PhysicalObject, float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.EulerIntegrator
integrate(Universe, PhysicalObject, float) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.Integrator
Performs an integration for the given Universe and PhysicalObject.
integrate(Universe, PhysicalObject, float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.RK4Integrator
Integrator - Interface in net.jinx.physics
interpolate(Material, Material, Material, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.Material
intValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
intValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
intValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to an int.
invert() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
invert() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
isAmbient() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not ambient color should be used.
isBigEndian() - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
isBigEndian(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
isBigMass(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
Determines if obj is a gravitationally significant mass.
isBound() - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
If true, then the add and remove methods will throw a java.lang.IllegalStateException when they're used.
isButton() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Is this refering to a button?
isButtonPressed(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines if the indicated button is pressed.
isComplete() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
isCountingFrames() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not frames should be counted.
isDebuggingGL() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not the OpenGL pipeline should be debugged.
isDiffuse() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not diffuse color should be used.
isEditable() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDeviceConfigPanel
isEditable() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
isEmissive() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not emissive color should be used.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Determines if there are no key-value pairs.
isEmpty() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Provides the means to check if the scene is empty or not.
isFlashing() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
isFlashing() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
isFullScreen() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Provides a way to determine if this GameWindow is being displayed in full-screen mode.
isFullscreen() - Method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
Provides a way to check if this VideoPlayer will attempt to play it's videos in full screen mode.
isFuzzy() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Is this refering to a fuzzy axis?
isHeadTracker() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a head tracker.
isInit() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the means to easily determine if the init() method of SplitScreenRenderer is currently running.
isInitialized() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Provides a way to determine if this Audible is in an initialized state.
isInitialized() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides a way to determine if this Listener is in an initialized state.
isInitialized() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Indicates if this Source is in an initialized state, in which it will function.
isKeyboard() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a keyboard.
isKeypad() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a keypad.
isListed() - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Provides the means to determine if this DisplayList has already constructed an OpenGL display list.
isLocked(File) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
isLooping() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Indicates if this Source will loop.
isLooping() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
isLooping() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Returns false, since synthesized sound CANNOT loop in a normal sense.
isMatch(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
isMono() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
isMouse() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a mouse.
isNano() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Determines whether or not this StopWatch is backed by a nanosecond timer or a millisecond timer.
isOn() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Determines if this ButtonControl is currently on.
isOn() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Returns the result of isToggled().
isPaused() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Returns true if this Clock is paused.
isPOVCenter(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines if the indicated POV hat is centered.
isPOVDown(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines if the indicated POV hat is pointed in the down direction.
isPOVHat() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Is this refering to a POV hat?
isPOVLeft(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines if the indicated POV hat is pointed in the left direction.
isPOVRight(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines if the indicated POV hat is pointed in the right direction.
isPOVUp(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Determines if the indicated POV hat is pointed in the up direction.
isPressed() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Determines if this ButtonControl is currently pressed.
isRealTime() - Method in class net.jinx.time.SteppingTimeSource
Returns false.
isRealTime() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Returns true if this StopWatch is backed by a real-time source.
isRealTime() - Method in interface net.jinx.time.TimeSource
Indicates if this TimeSource is backed by a real-time clock.
isReverseFuzzy(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the value of the reverse flag for the indicated fuzzy axis.
isRudder() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a rudder control.
isShiny() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not the shininess color component should be used.
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
isSource() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
isSourceRelative() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Indicates if this Source is relative to the position the Listener.
isSpecular() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not specular color should be used.
isSphere(PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
isSpringNode(PhysicalObject) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringManager
isStereo() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides a way to determine if this Buffer is mono or stereo.
isStereo() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
isStick() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a stick.
isStopped() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Provides a way to check if the time keeping thread is running.
isStreaming() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
Indicates if the stream thread is currently running.
isToggled() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
isToggled() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
isToggled() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Determines whether or not this ToggleButtonControl is currently toggled.
isTracingGL() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Indicates whether or not the OpenGL pipeline should be traced.
isUndecorated() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Overriden to work along with the overriden setUndecorated(boolean) method.
isUseless() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice has no controls of any kind.
isWheel() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns true if this InputDevice is a steering wheel.
isXEnabled() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Provides the means to determine if the X gradient is enabled.
isYEnabled() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Provides the means to determine if the Y gradient is enabled.
isZEnabled() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Provides the means to determine if the Z gradient is enabled.
iterator() - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Provides an Iterator that allows you to iterate over all the Actors in the Scene.
iterator() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph


join(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a new vertex array from all the vertices in both va1 and va2.
join(float[][], float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a new vertex array from all the vertices in both va1, va2 and va3.


keyIterator() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Provides an Iterator for the keys.
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
If the currently set key has been pressed, this signals that the next frame should be saved.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
Does nothing.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
Does nothing.


lastContact() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the most recent (possibly incomplete) Contact still being used for calculating position on this PhysicalObject.
lastContactTime() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the time value of the most recent (possibly incomplete) Contact still being used for calculating position on this PhysicalObject.
lastEnabledLight() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Provides the number of the highest enabled light.
lastFinishedContact() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the most recent complete Contact still being used for calculating position on this PhysicalObject.
lastFinishedContactTime() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Provides the time value of the most recent complete Contact still being used for calculating position on this PhysicalObject.
Light - Class in net.jinx.video
Represents a light source for rendering.
Light() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Light
Constructs a light with the default Material at the origin.
Light(float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Light
Constructs a light with the default Material at the origin, with the given position.
LinearReleaseControl - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
LinearReleaseControl(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.LinearReleaseControl
LineElement - Class in net.jinx.video.model
This interface marks a MeshElement as being composed of lines, rather than polygons.
LineLoop - Class in net.jinx.video.model
LineLoop represents a set of lines based on OpenGL's GL_LINE_LOOP drawing mode.
LineLoop(float[][], float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.LineLoop
Constructs a new LineLoop using the given vertex array and line width.
Lines - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Lines represents a set of lines based on OpenGL's GL_LINES drawing mode.
Lines(float[][], float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Lines
Constructs a new Lines object using the given vertex array and line width.
LineStrip - Class in net.jinx.video.model
LineStrip represents a set of lines based on OpenGL's GL_LINE_STRIP drawing mode.
LineStrip(float[][], float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.LineStrip
Constructs a new LineStrip using the given vertex array and line width.
list(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Causes an OpenGL display list to be constructed for the calls in subDraw().
listen() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.DefaultListener
Calls lookAt(0,0,0, 0,0,1, 0,1,0) and setVelocity(0,0,0).
listen() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Listener
Updates OpenAL with new data for this Listener.
Listener - Interface in net.jinx.audio
Listener represents any object that is responsible for setting OpenAL parameters and options for the listener.
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Loads the configuration for this InputDevice from h.
load(InputDevice[], Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Calls load(base) on each InputDevice in the array of devices, using a sub-node named according to the device's unique ID (see the getID() method) and that device's order among those devices with an identical ID.
load(Map, InputStream) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
Loads data from the inputStream, taking the data in the stream to be in the format this class uses.
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Configures this GameWindow from a Hierarchy.
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
load(Hierarchy) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.model.Coloration
Configures this Coloration from the given Hierarchy.
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Configures this Context object using the given Hierarchy.
load(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Loads a set of images using the given Hierarchy object as a mapping of image names to image locations.
loadBuffer(File) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a Buffer object using data from an audio file.
loadBuffer(URL) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a Buffer object using data from an audio file at the given URL.
loadBuffer(AudioInputStream) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a Buffer object using data from an AudioInputStream.
loadCamera(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Camera object from the given Hierarchy.
loadColoration(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Coloration object from the given Hierarchy.
loadContext(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and configures a Context object.
loadDemoRotator(Hierarchy, Visible) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a DemoRotator object from the given Hierarchy for the given Visible.
loadLight(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Light object from the given Hierarchy.
loadLights(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and configures an array of Light objects.
loadMaterial(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Material object from the given Hierarchy.
loadMeshElement(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a MeshElement object from the given Hierarchy.
loadMeshElement(Hierarchy, boolean) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a MeshElement object from the given Hierarchy.
loadModel(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Model object from the given Hierarchy.
loadModelPack(File, TextureManager) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Parses a model pack jar file, loading textures and returning the Models.
loadModelPack(JarFile, TextureManager) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Parses a model pack jar file, loading textures and returning the Models.
loadScene(String, Scene) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
loadScene(String, Scene, boolean) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
Builds a SceneFactory from a Java source describing a class with the name "SceneFactoryImpl" that is an implementation of VisibleFactory.
loadScene(InputStream, Scene) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
Builds a SceneFactory from a Java source describing a class with the name "SceneFactoryImpl" that is an implementation of VisibleFactory.
loadSphere(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Sphere object from the given Hierarchy.
loadTextureManager(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and configures a TextureManager object.
loadTextureManager(Hierarchy, Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and configures a TextureManager object, attaching it to the given Context object.
loadVertexArray(Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Same as loadVertexArray(Hierarchy, 3).
loadVertexArray(Hierarchy, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a Vertex array from the given Hierarchy.
loadViews(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructs and configures an array of View objects.
loadVisible(InputStream) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Builds a Visible from a Java source describing a class with the name "VisibleFactoryImpl" that is an implementation of VisibleFactory.
LockingXMLHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Extension of XMLHierarchy that creates an additional file and then locks it so that any JVM trying to access the files via the same configuration will fail.
LockingXMLHierarchy(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
LockingXMLHierarchy(String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
LockingXMLHierarchy(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
LockingXMLHierarchy(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
LockingXMLHierarchy(File, File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
LockingXMLHierarchy(File, File, File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.LockingXMLHierarchy
log() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
log() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
log() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the natural logarithm of this Real.
logTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.DiskTransactionLogger
logTransaction(Transaction) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionLogger
longValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
longValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
longValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a long.
lookAt(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Utility method meant to be used alongside OpenGL's gluLookAt command, so the video and audio systems can be configured with the same data.
lookAt(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Utility method meant to be used alongside OpenGL's gluLookAt command, so the video and audio systems can be configured with the same data.
LoopbackReadout - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot

API Stability: Alpha.
LoopbackReadout(Control) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout


magnitude() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
magnitude() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the the following: sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z).
magnitude() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
magnitude() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the the following: sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z).
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.ActionGUI
The main entry point for the ActionGUI version of Vertex Modeler.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.Test
Main entry point.
Main - Class in net.jinx.asteroids
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.asteroids.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.colorizer.Colorizer
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
Test method.
Main - Class in net.jinx.media
Main() - Constructor for class net.jinx.media.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.media.Main
Main - Class in net.jinx.physics.util
Main() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
The main entry point for the application.
main(PhysicsGUI, String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.physics.util.Main
The configurable entry point for the application.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Performs a test of this library.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Main entry point for the StopWatch test program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
The main entry point for the Vertex Modeler application.
main(ModelerGUI, String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
The configurable entry point for the Vertex Modeler application.
markScanned(File) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Marks the given File object as having been scanned.
matchDevice(String, InputDevice[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Attempts to match an InputDevice to it's ID string.
Material - Class in net.jinx.video
Material objects hold values for the colors of vertices and lights.
Material() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Material
Constructs a default white Material.
Material(float[], float[], float[], float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Material
Constructs a Material with ambient, diffuse, specular and shininess components.
Material(float[], float[], float[], float[], float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Material
Constructs a Material object using the given color values.
MathUtil - Class in net.jinx.math
Provides utility methods for various mathematical and physics operations.
MathUtil - Class in net.jinx.slowmath
Programs using the math library should construct their initial values via this class.
Matrix3 - Class in net.jinx.math
Matrix3 is a 3x3 matrix class, suitable for graphics and physics operations.
Matrix3(Vector, Vector, Vector) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a Matrix3 from four Quaternions.
Matrix3(float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a Matrix3 using an array of floats.
Matrix3D - Class in net.jinx.slowmath
Matrix3D is a 4x4 matrix class intended for graphical tranformation operations, however, it isn't designed in the typical fashion of most graphical Matrix classes I've seen.
Matrix3D(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a Matrix3D from four Quaternions.
Matrix3D(Real[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a Matrix3D using the array of Reals.
Matrix4 - Class in net.jinx.math
Matrix4 is a 4x4 matrix class intended for graphical tranformation operations, however, it isn't designed in the typical fashion of most graphical Matrix classes I've seen.
Matrix4(Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion, Quaternion) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a Matrix4 from four Quaternions.
Matrix4(float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a Matrix4 using an array of floats.
max(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
max(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
max(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the maximum of this Real and another.
MemoryHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Extension of SimpleHierarchy that adds functional commit() and rollback() methods that store and retrieve data from an in-memory backup.
MemoryHierarchy() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.MemoryHierarchy
Constructs a MemoryHierarchy object.
MemoryHierarchy(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.MemoryHierarchy
Utility constructor to read in the contents of an XML File.
MeshElement - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement is the abstract super-class of all classes that contain vertices for Models.
MessageView - Class in net.jinx.video
View2D extension that provides a console-like text area.
MessageView(float, float, Color, Color) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.MessageView
Constructs a MessageView with the given number of columns, rows, foreground color and background color.
millisPassed() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Provides the number of milliseconds that have passed since the last call to reset().
MillisTimeSource - Interface in net.jinx.time
Implementing this inerface indicates that the Timesource is capable of providing time values on a millisecond scale.
min(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
min(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
min(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the minimum of this Real and another.
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Add
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Divide
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Multiply
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Subtract
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
Mixer - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
Mixer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
Model - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Model objects are collections of MeshElement objects, along with coloration and per-vertex normal data (if used).
Model() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Constructs a Model with no Coloration.
Model(Coloration) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Constructs a Model using the given Coloration object to color it.
ModelContext - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Options extension that keeps a reference to the current Model that is being rendered.
ModelContext() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.ModelContext
Modeler - Class in net.jinx.video.model
The main class of the vertex modeler application.
Modeler() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Modeler
Constructor for the default ModelerGUI implementation.
ModelerGUI - Interface in net.jinx.video.model
This interface must be implemented for classes that wish to display an alternate GUI for the Modeler.
ModelUtil - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Holds a bunch of utility methods for this package.
MotionBlurProcessor - Class in net.jinx.video.processor
Stability: Alpha; this class does not work.
MotionBlurProcessor(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.MotionBlurProcessor
MovingAverageFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
MovingAverageFilter(int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.MovingAverageFilter
MPlayer - Class in net.jinx.media
MPlayer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.media.MPlayer
MPlayer(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.media.MPlayer
MultipassVisible - Interface in net.jinx.video.multipass

API Stability: Beta.
Multiply - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Multiply() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Multiply
multiply(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
multiply(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
multiply(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Multiplies this Matrix3 by v.
multiply(Matrix3) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Multiplies m (the multiplicand) by this (the multiplier).
multiply(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Multiplies this Matrix4 by v.
multiply(Matrix4) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Multiplies m (the multiplicand) by this (the multiplier).
multiply(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
multiply(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
multiply(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of multiplying v's components with this Vector's components.
multiply(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of multiplying v with this Vector's components.
multiply(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
multiply(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
multiply(Matrix3D) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Multiplies m (the multiplicand) by this (the multiplier).
multiply(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
multiply(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
multiply(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Multiplies this and another Real together, returning the results.
multiply(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of multiplying v with this Vector.
multiply(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of multiplying v with this Vector.


nameSegment(int, String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Names a segment of the Model.
nameSegment(int, String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
Names a segment of the Model.
nanoPassed() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Provides the number of nanoseconds that have passed since the last call to reset().
NanoTimeSource - Interface in net.jinx.time
Implementing this inerface indicates that the Timesource is capable of providing time values on a nanosecond scale.
negate() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Negates each component of this Vector.
negate() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
negate() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
negate() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the negation of this Real.
negate() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Negates each component of this Vector.
negOne() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
net.jinx.action - package net.jinx.action
net.jinx.action.input - package net.jinx.action.input
net.jinx.action.input.robot - package net.jinx.action.input.robot
net.jinx.asteroids - package net.jinx.asteroids
net.jinx.audio - package net.jinx.audio
net.jinx.audio.synth - package net.jinx.audio.synth
net.jinx.audio.synth.filter - package net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
net.jinx.audio.synth.mix - package net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
net.jinx.audio.synth.source - package net.jinx.audio.synth.source
net.jinx.colorizer - package net.jinx.colorizer
net.jinx.db - package net.jinx.db
net.jinx.db.record - package net.jinx.db.record
net.jinx.db.record.util - package net.jinx.db.record.util
net.jinx.db.transaction - package net.jinx.db.transaction
net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy - package net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy
net.jinx.gui - package net.jinx.gui
net.jinx.math - package net.jinx.math
net.jinx.media - package net.jinx.media
net.jinx.physics - package net.jinx.physics
net.jinx.physics.collision - package net.jinx.physics.collision
net.jinx.physics.fountain - package net.jinx.physics.fountain
net.jinx.physics.gravity - package net.jinx.physics.gravity
net.jinx.physics.spring - package net.jinx.physics.spring
net.jinx.physics.util - package net.jinx.physics.util
net.jinx.plugin - package net.jinx.plugin
net.jinx.slowmath - package net.jinx.slowmath
net.jinx.time - package net.jinx.time
net.jinx.video - package net.jinx.video
Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage.
net.jinx.video.model - package net.jinx.video.model
This package contains the core components of the Vertex Modeler application.

Model designers will be most interested in the Model and VertexUtil classes; examine their documentation closely, since you'll be using them extensively.  Being aware of the other classes in this package would be handy, as well.
net.jinx.video.multimodel - package net.jinx.video.multimodel
net.jinx.video.multipass - package net.jinx.video.multipass
net.jinx.video.processor - package net.jinx.video.processor
newBlob() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RecordManager
Creates a new empty Blob.
newColorCubeModel(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.ColorCube
newLight() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Increments the current light number and returns it.
newPlaneModel(int, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
newSphereModel(float, int, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
newVisible() - Method in interface net.jinx.video.VisibleFactory
Constructs a new Visible.
next() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
next() - Method in class net.jinx.db.NoRemoveIterator
nextBuffer(AudioInputStream, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a new Buffer object by attempting to read up to the specified number of bytes from the given stream.
nextFile() - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Determines and returns the next File object to save an image to.
nextParticle() - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFactory
NODE_ADD - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that a node has been added.
NODE_CLEAR - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that the source's nodes have all been removed.
NODE_REMOVE - Static variable in class net.jinx.db.HierarchyEvent
Signals that an node has been removed.
nodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
nodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Provides an Iterator for the sub-nodes that are direct sub-nodes of this Hierarchy.
nodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
nodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
nodes() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
Noise - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
Noise(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
NoRemoveIterator - Class in net.jinx.db
Iterator wrapper for blocking the remove() method.
NoRemoveIterator(Iterator) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.NoRemoveIterator
normalize() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
normalize() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Divides this Vector by it's magnitude to produce a normalized version of it.
normalize() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
normalize() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Divides this Vector by it's magnitude to produce a normalized version of it.
normalize(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Normalizes all the vertices in va.


object() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Contact
ObjectManager - Class in net.jinx.db.record
ObjectManager(RecordManager) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.record.ObjectManager
one() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
oneHalf() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
optimize(Model, double) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Puts this Camera at an optimal distance from a Model (assuming it's at the origin), using the current position as a direction vector.
optimize(double, double) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Puts this camera at an optimal distance from the lookat coordinates to view an object with the given radius.
Options - Class in net.jinx.video
Holds flags and other attributes for rendering.
Options() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Options
Constructs a new Options object.
ownerChanged(Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
This method does nothing, but is called when this Actor is added to a Scene.
OwnerListener - Interface in net.jinx.action
This interface allows an Actor that implements it to listen for Actor adds and removals to/from it's owner.


paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Overriden to paint the gradient background for this TestBar.
parseFromProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
parseFromProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Sets attributes in this Hierarchy according to a Properties Object.
parseFromProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
parseFromProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
parseFromXML(InputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
parseFromXML(InputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Reads attributes and nodes for the Hierarchy from the given InputStream.
parseFromXML(InputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
parseFromXML(InputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
parseReal(String) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Parses a value from the String.
parseVector(String) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Parses a Vector from the String.
Participant - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Participant is the base superclass of any kind of Actor that is actively self guiding.
Participant(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Constructors a new Participant.
Participant(String, Behavior) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Utility constructor that allows setting the Behavior.
particleDecayed(PhysicalObject) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFactory
ParticleFactory - Interface in net.jinx.physics.fountain
ParticleFountain - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
ParticleFountain(String, Universe, ParticleFactory) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
ParticleFountain(String, Universe, ParticleFactory, float, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
ParticleFountain(String, Universe, ParticleFactory, ReleaseControl, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
ParticleVisible - Interface in net.jinx.physics.fountain
Pass - Interface in net.jinx.video.multipass

API Stability: Beta.
pause() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Pauses this Clock.
pause() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Pauses this source.
pause() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
pause() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Pauses this StopWatch.
peek(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
peekMono(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
peekStereo(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
perspectiveMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a perspective transformation Matrix.
perspectiveMatrix(Real) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a perspective transformation Matrix3D.
Physical - Interface in net.jinx.physics
Tagging an Actor with this interface will allow it to be plugged into a Scene and be detected by an attached PhysicalSimulator.
PhysicalObject - Class in net.jinx.physics
PhysicalObject() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
PhysicalSpark - Class in net.jinx.physics.util
PhysicalSpark() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSpark
PhysicalSpark(Vector, Vector, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSpark
PhysicalSphere - Class in net.jinx.physics.util
PhysicalSphere(float, int, Material) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSphere
PhysicalSphere(float, int, Material, Vector, Vector, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSphere
PhysicsGUI - Interface in net.jinx.physics.util
PI - Static variable in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
pi() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Plane - Class in net.jinx.video
Plane(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Plane
Plane(int, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Plane
play() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Unpauses and/or constructs a new java.lang.Thread to handle time keeping.
play() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Begins playing this Source.
play() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
play() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Calls update to fill the playback buffers and then starts playback.
playVideo(File) - Method in class net.jinx.media.MPlayer
playVideo(File) - Method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
Plays a video file, returning when the video player has finished.
Plugin - Interface in net.jinx.plugin
PluginLoader searches for anything tagged with this interface when it scans jar files for plugins.
PluginLoader - Class in net.jinx.plugin
PluginLoader(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Constructs a PluginLoader.
PluginLoader(File, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Constructs a PluginLoader.
PluginLoader(Class, File, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Constructs a PluginLoader.
poll() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Polls this InputDevice for input.
Polygon - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement implementation that uses OpenGL's GL_POLYGON drawing mode to draw a single polygon.
Polygon(float[][]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Polygon
Constructs a Polygon with the given vertex array.
pop() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Restores the state of this Context object from it's internal stack.
PORTION_ALPHA - Static variable in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Indicates that the alpha portion of an image should be used.
PORTION_BLUE - Static variable in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Indicates that the blue portion of an image should be used.
PORTION_GREEN - Static variable in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Indicates that the green portion of an image should be used.
PORTION_LUMINANCE - Static variable in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Indicates that the red, green and blue portions of an image should be used to produce luminance values based on the standard NTSC luminance conversion.
PORTION_RED - Static variable in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Indicates that the red portion of an image should be used.
positionAt(float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Add
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Divide
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Multiply
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Subtract
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
pow(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
pow(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
pow(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the power of this Real raised by another.
predraw(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.VariableSceneGraph
predraw(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Does nothing, but can be overriden to perform operations on Visible objects before they're drawn.
pressed() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Called when the state has changed from released to pressed.
pressed() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Calls toggle().
priority() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.LoopbackReadout
priority() - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Provides the importance level of this Readout.
PRIORITY_ALERT - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Priority for data that needs immediate attention.
PRIORITY_CRITICAL - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Priority for data that is very important.
PRIORITY_DIAGNOSTIC - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Priority for data that would be useful for tuning and/or debugging.
PRIORITY_EMERGENCY - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Priority for data that is life-or-death importance.
PRIORITY_INFO - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Priority for data that is informative in nature.
PRIORITY_NONE - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Setting a panel to this priority indicates that nothing should be displayed and the panel is disabled.
PRIORITY_WARNING - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Priority for data that is of a warning nature.
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
process(Transaction) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionManager
process(Query) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionManager
process(Context, Rectangle) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.FrameProcessor
Processes the current image in the frame buffer.
process(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Processes what's currently in the frame buffer and saves it as an image file, but only if canProcess() and shouldProcess() both return true.
process(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.MotionBlurProcessor
processAction(Action) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Should be called by Behavior to process the actions it produces.
processAction(Action) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Processes an ActorEvent.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActorView
Does nothing.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.AudioRenderer
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Does nothing.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Ignores all events except ClockEvent instances.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Processes Clock related events and sends them to this Scene's children.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VideoRenderer
Processes Clock related events.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
Does nothing.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
Does nothing.
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringManager
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
processEvent(ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
propertyChanged(String, int) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Should be called when an attribute or node directly in this Hierarchy has changed in some manner.
push() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Pushes the current state of this Context object onto it's own internal stack.
putByte(double, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
putBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RawBlob
putBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RawBlob
putBytes(long, byte[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
putBytes(long, byte[], int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
putMono(double, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
putShort(double, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
putStereo(double, double, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat


Quads - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement implementation that uses OpenGL's GL_QUADS drawing mode to draw quadrilateral shapes (quads).
Quads(float[][]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Quads
Constructs a uads object with the given vertex array.
quadsToTriangles(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Converts a vertex array intended for use with a Quads object into one for use with a Triangles object.
quadsToTrianglesTexCoord(float[][], float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Converts a texture coordinate array intended for use with a Quads object for use with a Triangles object.
QuadStrip - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement implementation that uses OpenGL's GL_QUAD_STRIP drawing mode to draw quadrilateral shapes (quads).
QuadStrip(float[][]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.QuadStrip
Constructs a QuadStrip with the given vertex array.
Quaternion - Class in net.jinx.math
Quaternion is effectively, a 4 element vector with special functionality.
Quaternion() - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Constructs a Quaternion with all zero components.
Quaternion(float, float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion with the given W/X/Y/Z coordinates.
Quaternion(float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion with the given W/X/Y/Z coordinates.
Quaternion(Vector, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion from v and w.
Quaternion(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion by parsing the given String.
Quaternion - Class in net.jinx.slowmath
Quaternion() - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Quaternion(Real, Real, Real, Real) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion with the given W/X/Y/Z coordinates.
Quaternion(Real[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion with the given W/X/Y/Z coordinates.
Quaternion(Vector, Real) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Quaternion(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Constructs a new Quaternion by parsing the given String.
query(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyQuery
query(TransactionManager, String) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyQuery
query(TransactionManager, String, Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyQuery
query(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.StringQuery
Query - Interface in net.jinx.db.transaction
query(Object) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.Query
queueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Queues a Buffer object on this Source.
queueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
queueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Queues an array of Buffer objects on this Source.
queueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.


radius - Variable in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionTag
randomColoration(Model, Material[], float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a semi-random VertexColoration for the given Model, using the given sources and threshold.
randomColoration(float[][], Material[], float) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Constructs a semi-random VertexColoration for the given vertices, using the given sources and threshold.
rate() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
RawBlob - Interface in net.jinx.db.record
RawFileBlob - Class in net.jinx.db.record.util
RawFileBlob(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
Readout - Interface in net.jinx.action.input.robot
Readout functions to provide feedback from a Robot to a Behavior.
readSnapshot(SnapshotManager) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.DiskTransactionLogger
readSnapshot(InputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
readSnapshot(InputStream) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.SnapshotManager
Reads a snapshot of the data Object from in, replacing the current data Object, or overriding all it's internal data.
readSnapshot(SnapshotManager) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionLogger
Real - Interface in net.jinx.slowmath
This interface provides a way to completely abstract mathematical operations, allowing you to swap data types in a program with very little work.
RealTimeClock - Class in net.jinx.action
Clock extension where ClockEvents are sent at regular intervals.
RealTimeClock(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
RealTimeClock(String, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Constructs a new RealTimeClock with a default name.
RecordManager - Interface in net.jinx.db.record
reduce(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Deprecated. This is unneeded, unless you really want to reduce memory usage as much as possible. This method simply takes too long to be worth it except on the most memory constrained hardware.
refresh() - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
Signals to this DisplayList that is should re-list itself.
release() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
ReleaseControl - Interface in net.jinx.physics.fountain
releaseCount(float, int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.LinearReleaseControl
releaseCount(float, int, int) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.fountain.ReleaseControl
released() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Called when the state has changed from pressed to released.
released() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Does nothing.
remove(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Removes the key-value pairing for the given key.
remove() - Method in class net.jinx.db.NoRemoveIterator
Always throws an UnsupportedOperationException.
remove(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Removes a Visible from the scene.
removeActor(Actor) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Removes an Actor from this Scene.
removeActor(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Removes an Actor from this Scene, using it's name.
removeAll() - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Removes all images.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Remove the value for the given attribute name, returning the previous value.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
removeCollisionDetector(CollisionDetector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
removed(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
removed(PhysicalObject) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.CollisionDetector
Called by Universe to notify that a PhysicalObject has been removed from the simulation.
removed(PhysicalObject) - Method in interface net.jinx.physics.Force
Called by Universe to notify this Force that a PhysicalObject has been removed from the simulation.
removed(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.Gravity
removed(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringManager
removeForce(Force) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
removeImage(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Removes an image.
removeListener(HierarchyListener) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Removes a HierarchyListener from this Hiereachy.
removeNotify() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
removeObject(PhysicalObject) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
removeSceneListener(SceneListener) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Removes a SceneListener from the Scene.
removeTag(String) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Removes the Tag with the given name.
removeTag(Tag) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Removes the Tag with the same name as Tag.
replace(Scene) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Scene
Replaces this Scene with scene, moving Actor and SceneListener Objects over from one to the other.
rescan() - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Resets this PluginLoader, discarding all cached tagged classes.
reset() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Resets this StopWatch.
resetLight() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Resets the current light number to -1.
reshape(GLAutoDrawable, int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Called when the on-screen component changes shape and/or position.
resume() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Resumes this StopWatch.
reverseTriangles(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Switches a vertex array containing data for a Triangles MeshElement from counter-clockwise to clockwise or vice-versa.
rewind() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Rewinds this source.
rewind() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
rewind() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing, for much the same reasons looping is unsupported.
RK4Integrator - Class in net.jinx.physics
RK4Integrator() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.RK4Integrator
Robot - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot
Robot is a Participant extension that is suitable for simulating robots and vehicles.
Robot(String, RobotSystem[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
Robot(String, RobotSystem[], Behavior) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
RobotSystem - Interface in net.jinx.action.input.robot

API Stability: Alpha.
RobotUtil - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot

API Stability: Alpha.
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Discards all changes since the most recent call to commit().
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.MemoryHierarchy
Rolls this Hierarchy back to the last committed state.
rollback() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.Blob
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
Does nothing.
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
rollback() - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
rollback() - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.SnapshotManager
Indicates that the changes to the data Object since the most recent call to commit() should be discarded.
rotate(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotate(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotate(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotate(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotate(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotate(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotate(float, float, float, float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Rotates the given vertex array by the given values and returns the result.
rotateX(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateX(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateX(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateY(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateY(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateY(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateZ(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateZ(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
rotateZ(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
Rotation - Class in net.jinx.video.multimodel
Rotation(Visible, String, float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Rotation
rotationMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a rotation Matrix3 for v.
rotationMatrix(Quaternion) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a rotation Matrix3 for q.
rotationMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a rotation Matrix4 for v.
rotationMatrix(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a rotation Matrix4.
rotationMatrix(Quaternion) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a rotation Matrix4 for q.
rotationMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for v.
rotationMatrix(Quaternion) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for q.
rumble(Axis.Identifier, float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Rumbles the Rumbler that matches the given identifier, if it exists.
rumble(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Rumbles all rumblers attached to this InputDevice at the same intensity.
rumble(float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
This should produce a 2D directional rumble if the InputDevice supports it.
run() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
This method is for the time keeping thread only.
run() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
run() - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel


SampleFormat - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
SampleFormat(int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
SampleProcessor - Interface in net.jinx.audio.synth
sampleSize() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
SawWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a sawtooth wave tone.
SawWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
scale(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(Real, Real, Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
scale(float, float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Scales the given vertex array by the same value in all directions.
scale(float[], float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Scales the given vertex array by the given values.
scale(float, float, float, float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Scales the given vertex array by the given values.
Scale - Class in net.jinx.video.multimodel
Scale(Visible, String, float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Scale
scalingMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a scaling Matrix3
scalingMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a scaling Matrix3
scalingMatrix(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a scaling Matrix3
scalingMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a scaling Matrix.
scalingMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a scaling Matrix.
scalingMatrix(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a scaling Matrix.
scalingMatrix(Real) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a scaling Matrix3D.
scalingMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a scaling Matrix3D.
scalingMatrix(Real, Real, Real) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a scaling Matrix3D.
scan() - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Scans for new jar files and adds their classes to the tagged class collection if they extend/implement tag (from the constructor).
scan(File, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.plugin.PluginLoader
Scans a directory for new jar files.
Scene - Class in net.jinx.action
Scene is an Actor that contains other Actors.
Scene() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.Scene
Scene(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.Scene
Constructs a Scene.
SceneFactory - Interface in net.jinx.physics.util
SceneGraph - Class in net.jinx.video
SceneGraph allows the use of multiple Visibles within the same Renderer.
SceneGraph() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Constructs a new SceneGraph.
SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement - Class in net.jinx.video
SceneGraphElement allows for the fixed translation, rotation and scaling of other Visible objects.
SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement(Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Constructs a SceneGraphElement for drawable.
SceneListener - Interface in net.jinx.action
This interface allows an object that implements it to listen for Actor adds and removals to/from a Scene.
ScreenShotProcessor - Class in net.jinx.video.processor
ImageSaver extension modified to save images only when a key has been pressed.
ScreenShotProcessor(String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
ScreenShotProcessor(String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
ScreenShotProcessor(File, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
ScreenShotProcessor(File, String, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
searchPath(String) - Static method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
searchPath(String, File[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
SegmentColoration - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Coloration implementation that names pieces of a Model based on vertex indices and then colors them by name.
SegmentColoration() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
Constructs a new SegmentColoration.
sendClockEvent(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Sends ClockEvents to all ClockSensitive Actors.
sendClockStateEvent(int) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Sends a ClockStateEvent to all ClockSensitive and IdleSensitive Actors.
sendEvent(String, ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Sends an ActorEvent to the target in this Actor's Scene.
sendEvent(Actor, ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Sends an ActorEvent directly to the target Actor.
sendEvent(Collection, ActorEvent) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Actor
Sends an ActorEvent to as many of the targets in the Collection as possible.
sendIdleEvent(float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Sends an IdleEvent to all the current IdleSensitive Actors.
Sequence - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
Sequence() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
set(String, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Sets the given key equal to value.
setAll(Condition) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Duplicates all of the key-value pairs in c into this Condition.
setAlpha(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting the current alpha transparency value.
setAmbient(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not ambient color should be used.
setAttribute(String, char) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, char[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, URL) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Sets the value of an attribute based on the String version of a URL object.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Sets the value for the given attribute name, returning the previous value.
setAttribute(String, boolean[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Sets an attribute.
setAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Sets an attribute.
setAttribute(String, float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, float) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, double[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, double) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, long[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, long) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, int[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, int) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, short[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, short) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, byte[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, byte) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, BigDecimal[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, BigInteger) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttribute(String, BigInteger[]) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
setAttributeObject(String, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
setAttributeObject(String, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Sets an attribute's value Object.
setAttributeObject(String, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
setAttributeObject(String, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
setAttributeObject(String, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
setBaseFile(File) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Utility method to set the base URL using a java.io.File object to produce the base URL.
setBaseURL(URL) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Sets the base URL used for loading images.
setBehavior(Behavior) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Sets the Behavior for this Participant.
setBooleanInt(int, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use setInt to set a boolean value.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the Buffer associated with this Source.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
setCameraPosition(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
3D View implementations are required to call this when they update the position of the camera.
setClearColor(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Sets the clear color that is used to clear the color buffer.
setCoefficient(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.CollisionTag
Sets the coefficient of restitution.
setColor(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the color of this light.
setColor1(Color) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Sets the the top/left color for the gradient.
setColor2(Color) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Sets the the bottom/right color for the gradient.
setColoration(Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Sets the "Default" Coloration object used to color this Model and then activates it.
setColoration(String, Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
Sets the Coloration object associated with a given segment name.
setColoration(Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
Sets the Coloration for this Sphere.
setColoration(Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Sets the Coloration for this Sphere.
setConeOuterGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the gain outside the oriented cone.
setConstantAttenuation(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the constant attenuation for this light.
setCountingFrames(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not frames should be counted.
setDeadZone(int, float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Sets the dead zone for the indicated fuzzy axis.
setDebugGL(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not the OpenGL pipeline should be debugged.
setDecayAfter(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
setDecayAfter(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
setDeltaPosition(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
This is change in position over the time step used, not velocity!
setDeltaTime(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.Clock
Sets the change in time calue for this Clock.
setDeltaTime(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Sets the change in time value that should indicate how to use the interpolation value that's set in this class.
setDeltaVelocity(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
This is change in velocity over the time step used, not plain acceleration!
setDevice(InputDevice) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
setDevices(InputDevice[]) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDeviceConfigPanel
setDiffuse(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not diffuse color should be used.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the direction of this Source.
setDirection(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the direction of this Source.
setDisplayMode(DisplayMode) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Sets the DisplayMode this GameWindow will use in fullscreen mode.
setDivider(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Sets the divider.
setDuration(long) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Sets the duration (in milliseconds) of the animation.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDeviceConfigPanel
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.InputDevicePanel
setEmissive(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not emissive color should be used.
setFarClip(double) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Sets the far clipping plane.
setFinalMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
setFinalMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
setFinalMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alSourcef().
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
setFOV(double) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting the angle for the field of view.
setFullScreen(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Puts this GameWindow into fullscreen-exclusive mode, or drops back to windowing mode depending on the value of fullscreen.
setFullscreen(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
Allows setting the state this VideoPlayer should play it's videos in.
setGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the gain for the listener.
setGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the gain for this Source.
setGlobalAmbientLight(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Sets the global ambient light color.
setGridSpace(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
setHeight(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
setInitialMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
setInitialMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
setInitialMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
setInputDevices(InputDevice[]) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ActionMap
Sets the array of InputDevices to map from.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alSourcei().
setInterpolation(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Sets the current interpolation value for rendering.
setKey(int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
Sets the key to listen for.
setLastEnabledLight(int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Tells the system that all lights up to the given number are now enabled.
setLength(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
setLength(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
setLinearAttenuation(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the linear attenuation for this light.
setLogStream(OutputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
Sets the OutputStream that should be used for diagnostic output from this VideoPlayer.
setLookAt(double[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Sets the point of focus.
setLooping(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets wether or not this Source loops back to the beginning when it finishes.
setLooping(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
setLooping(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing, since synthesized sound CANNOT loop in a normal sense.
setMass(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Sets the mass of this PhysicalObject.
setMass(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SphereVisible
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSpark
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSphere
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
Deprecated. this class has been internally redesigned; please use the setColoration(Coloration) method instead.
setMaterial(Material) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Deprecated. this class has been internally redesigned; please use the setColoration(Coloration) method instead.
setMaterials(Material[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
Sets the Material array for this coloration.
setMaxDistance(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the maximum distance after which there will be no more attenuation of this Source.
setMaxGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the maximum gain for this Source.
setMessage(CharSequence) - Method in class net.jinx.video.MessageView
Sets the sequence of characters to use as the message.
setMinGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the minimum gain for this Source.
setName(String) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Action
Sets the name of this Action.
setName(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Sets the name of the camera.
setName(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Sets the name of this Model.
setNearClip(double) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Sets the near clipping plane.
setNormalDivider(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Sets the value used to normalize axes that are not normalized.
setNormals(float[][]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Sets the array that normal vectors are stored in.
setOne(Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Sets the Coloration that will be used as the first color.
setOrientation(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the orientation of the listener.
setParent(Universe) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
Sets the parent of this Universe.
setParentUniverse(Universe) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
setPasses(Pass[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Sets the array of Pass objects to use during multi-pass rendering.
setPitch(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the pitch of this Source without affecting the speed of playback.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the position of the listener.
setPosition(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the position of the listener.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the position of this Source.
setPosition(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the position of this Source.
setPosition(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Sets the position of the center of mass for this PhysicalObject object.
setPosition(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
setPosition(double[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Sets the position of the camera.
setPosition(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the position of the light in three dimensional space with an additional w coordinate that indicates weather the light is at an infinite distance or not.
setPosition(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Sets the translation vector.
setPostProcessors(FrameProcessor[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Sets the array of FrameProcessors to use for post processing.
setQuadraticAttenuation(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the quadratic attenuation for this light.
setRadius(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionTag
setRadius(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
setReferenceDistance(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the reference distance; this is the distance where the volume of this Source would normally drop by half before being affected by rolloff factor or maximum distance.
setReleaseRate(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.LinearReleaseControl
setReverseFuzzy(int, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Sets whether or not the indicated fuzzy axis should be reversed.
setRolloffFactor(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the rolloff factor.
setRotation(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Sets the rotation constant that is added after each frame is rendered.
setRotation(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Sets the rotation vector.
setScale(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Sets the scaling vector.
setSegments(int) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
setShininess(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
Allows setting the shininess of the Material.
setShininess(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not the shininess color component should be used.
setSize(long) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.record.RawBlob
setSize(long) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.util.RawFileBlob
setSize(DisplayMode) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Sets the size of this GameWindow according to a DisplayMode's width and height.
setSmooth(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
setSmoothness(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not objects should be rendered as smooth or flat shaded.
setSolidity(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not objects should be rendered as solid or not.
setSourceRelative(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets whether or not this Source is relative to the position of the Listener.
setSpecular(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not specular color should be used.
setSpotCutoff(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the spotlight cutoff angle for this light.
setSpotDirection(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the spotlight direction.
setSpotExponent(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Light
Sets the spot exponent for this light.
setTexture(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Sets the name of the texture that this Model should use.
setTexture(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Plane
Sets the name of the texture that this Sphere should use.
setTexture(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Sets the name of the texture that this Sphere should use.
setTextureCoordinates(float[][]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Sets the texture coordinates for this Model.
setTextureManager(TextureManager) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Sets the current TextureManager.
setTextureMode(int) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Sets the texture mode attribute.
setTextureModeName(String) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Sets the texture mode attribute based on the given String.
setTimeFactor(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Sets the time factor that affects the speed of simulation.
setTimeSource(TimeSource) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Sets the TimeSource that functions as simulation clock for rendering.
setToggled(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Sets the state of this ToggleButtonControl.
setTraceGL(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not the OpenGL pipeline should be traced.
setTranslucent(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
setTranslucent(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
setTwo(Coloration) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Sets the Coloration that will be used as the second color.
setTwosidedness(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not objects should be rendered as one or two sided.
setType(String) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Sets what type this class should use to construct new Real instances.
setUndecorated(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Overriden to change window decoration styles instead of changing whether or not the window is decorated by the native operating system.
setUp(double[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
Sets the vector that tells the camera which way is up.
setUseLists(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Allows setting whether or not display lists should be used.
setValue(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Action
Sets the value of this Action.
setValue(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AbstractControl
Sets the value of this Control.
setValue(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Rounds value to either zero or one.
setValue(float) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Sets the value of this control.
setValue(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.SliderControl
Clamps the values from zero to one.
setVelocity(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the velocity of the listener.
setVelocity(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the velocity of the listener.
setVelocity(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the velocity of this Source.
setVelocity(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the velocity of this Source.
setVelocity(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Sets the velocity of this PhysicalObject.
setVelocity(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
setVertical(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Sets the verticality of this TestBar.
setView(View) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Context
Sets the current View.
setViews(View[]) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Sets the array of View objects used for displaying multiple views.
setVisible(ParticleVisible) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
setVisible(ParticleVisible) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
setVisible(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DemoRotator
Sets the Visible used in rendering.
setVisible(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
Sets the Visible that this SceneGraphElement will function for.
setVisible(Visible) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View3D
Sets the Visible for this View.
setWidth(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
setWidth(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
setWidth(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.PhysicalSpark
setWidth(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
setWidth(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
setWindowed(GraphicsDevice) - Static method in class net.jinx.gui.GameWindow
Forces device back to windowed mode.
setXDivider() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Sets the divider to be based on the X axis.
setXElements(float, float, Material, Material) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Sets the X elements of the coloration and also enables the X shading.
setXEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Enables or disables the X gradient.
setYDivider() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Sets the divider to be based on the Y axis.
setYElements(float, float, Material, Material) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Sets the Y elements of the coloration and also enables the Y shading.
setYEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Enables or disables the Y gradient.
setZDivider() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
Sets the divider to be based on the Z axis.
setZElements(float, float, Material, Material) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Sets the Z elements of the coloration and also enables the Z shading.
setZEnabled(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
Enables or disables the Z gradient.
shortValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
shortValue() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
shortValue() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a short.
shouldDecay() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
shouldProcess() - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ImageSaver
Used to determine if processing should occur for the current frame.
shouldProcess() - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.ScreenShotProcessor
Returns true if the key specified by setKey(int) has been detected and the frame has not yet been processed.
shouldSubordinateUniverse() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
signum() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
signum() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
signum() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the signum of this Real.
Silence - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that dumps silence into sound buffers.
Silence() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
SimpleHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Lightning-fast, memory resident Hierarchy implementation.
SimpleHierarchy() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
Constructs a SimpleHierarchy object.
SimpleHierarchy(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.SimpleHierarchy
Utility constructor to read in the contents of an XML File.
sin(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
sin() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
sin() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
sin() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the sine of this Real.
SineWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a sine wave tone.
SineWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
size() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Returns the number of key-value pairs currently set.
size() - Method in class net.jinx.video.SceneGraph
Provides the number of Visibles in the scene.
SkySphere - Class in net.jinx.video
SkySphere(float, int, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.SkySphere
SliderControl - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot
SliderControl is an AbstractControl extension that expects input values from zero to one, much like a throttle.
SliderControl(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.SliderControl
Constructs a new SliderControl with the given name.
SnapshotManager - Interface in net.jinx.db.transaction
Source - Class in net.jinx.audio
The Source class is intended to make the job of implementing the Audible interface a little easier.
Source(AL, ALC) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.Source
Constructor; allows the construction of an unconfigured Source.
SparkParticleVisible - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
SparkParticleVisible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
Sphere - Class in net.jinx.video
Simple Visible that draws a sphere using an internally constructed Model.
Sphere(float, int, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Constructs a Sphere with the given radius, slices and stacks.
Sphere(double, int, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.Sphere
Deprecated. this is only here for backwards compatibility with previous versions. This simply type-casts radius to a float and calls Sphere(float,int,int).
SphereCollisionDetector - Class in net.jinx.physics.collision
SphereCollisionDetector() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionDetector
SphereCollisionTag - Class in net.jinx.physics.collision
SphereCollisionTag() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionTag
SphereCollisionTag(float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.collision.SphereCollisionTag
SphereVisible - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
SphereVisible(float, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SphereVisible
SplitScreenRenderer - Class in net.jinx.video
GLEventListener implementation that allows multiple views to be used, by splitting the screen into equal portions.
SplitScreenRenderer(Visible, View, Context) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Utility constructor so you don't have to put a single View in an array.
SplitScreenRenderer(Visible, View[], Context) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.SplitScreenRenderer
Constructs a Renderer to render a Visible to the screen.
Spring - Class in net.jinx.physics.spring
Spring(float, PhysicalObject, PhysicalObject) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
Spring(float, PhysicalObject, Vector) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.Spring
SpringManager - Class in net.jinx.physics.spring
SpringManager() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringManager
SpringSheet - Class in net.jinx.physics.spring
SpringSheet(String, int, int, int, float, float, float, Vector, Vector, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
SpringSheet(String, int, int, int, float, float, float, Vector, Vector, float, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
SpringTag - Class in net.jinx.physics.spring
sqrt(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
sqrt() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
sqrt() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
sqrt() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the square root of this Real.
SquareWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a square wave tone.
SquareWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
start() - Method in class net.jinx.action.SteppingClock
Sends a start event to all the sensitive actors, but only if the clock isn't in a started state.
start() - Method in class net.jinx.video.Animation
Starts the animation.
STATE_PAUSE - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.ClockStateEvent
State constant to signal that the Clock has paused.
STATE_START - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.ClockStateEvent
State constant to signal that the Clock has started.
STATE_STOP - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.ClockStateEvent
State constant to signal that the Clock has stopped.
STATE_UNPAUSE - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.ClockStateEvent
State constant to signal that the Clock has unpaused.
step(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Participant
Calls the Behavior's act(Participant, float) method.
step(float) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.Robot
step(float) - Method in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.RobotSystem
step() - Method in class net.jinx.action.SteppingClock
Steps the clock.
step(float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.Universe
stepMilliseconds(long) - Method in class net.jinx.time.SteppingTimeSource
Converts to nanoseconds and adds to the internal clock's value.
stepNanoseconds(long) - Method in class net.jinx.time.SteppingTimeSource
Adds to the internal clock's value.
SteppingClock - Class in net.jinx.action
Clock extension that is used to manually step time in the simulation.
SteppingClock(String, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.SteppingClock
Constructs a new RealTimeClock.
SteppingTimeSource - Class in net.jinx.time
SteppingTimeSource is a TimeSource that is not real-time.
SteppingTimeSource() - Constructor for class net.jinx.time.SteppingTimeSource
stepSeconds(double) - Method in class net.jinx.time.SteppingTimeSource
Converts to nanoseconds and adds to the internal clock's value.
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.action.RealTimeClock
Stops the time keeping thread.
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.action.SteppingClock
Sends a stop event to all the sensitive actors, but only if the clock is in a started state.
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Stops this Source.
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Calls pause(), for now.
StopWatch - Class in net.jinx.time
StopWatch allows you to determine how much time has passed in a given period of time, using the most precise clock available.
StopWatch() - Constructor for class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Constructs a real-time StopWatch with one of the default time sources; the most precise time source available is used.
StopWatch(TimeSource) - Constructor for class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Constructor for using a custom time source.
StopWatch(boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Constructor that allows choosing whether or not nanosecond timing is used if available.
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Stores the configuration for this InputDevice in h.
store(InputDevice[], Hierarchy) - Static method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Calls store(Hierarchy) on each InputDevice in the array of devices, using a sub-node named according to the device's unique ID (see the getID() method) and that device's order among those devices with an identical ID.
store(Map, OutputStream) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
Stores a java.util.Map's key-value pairs into an OutputStream in this class's standard format.
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Material
store(Hierarchy) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.model.Coloration
Stores this Coloration to the given Hierarchy.
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.DualColoration
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.GradientColoration
store(Hierarchy, Coloration) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.ModelUtil
Stores a Coloration object to the given Hierarchy.
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.SegmentColoration
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
store(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Options
Stores this Context object's flags into the given Hierarchy.
storeToHierarchy(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.gui.HierarchyMetalTheme
storeToHierarchy(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Stores this Model to the given net.jinx.db.Hierarchy object, which can then be stored to XML or a java.util.Properties Object, or used to reconstruct the Model via the ModelUtil class.
storeToProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
storeToProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Stores this Hierarchy tree in a Properties Object.
storeToProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
storeToProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
storeToXML(OutputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
storeToXML(OutputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
Stores the Hierarchy tree to the given java.io.OutputStream as XML.
storeToXML(OutputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.ImmutableHierarchy
storeToXML(OutputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
stream(SampleProcessor, AudioFormat, long) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
StreamSource - Class in net.jinx.audio
Extension of Source that uses buffers to stream audio from a java.net.URL, instead of loading the entire file into memory.
StreamSource(AL, ALC, File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
Constructs a new StreamSource that will stream from the given File.
StreamSource(AL, ALC, URL) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
Constructs a new StreamSource that will stream from the given URL.
StreamSource - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
StreamSource(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
StreamSource(URL) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
StreamSource(AudioInputStream) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
StringQuery - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy
StringQuery(String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.StringQuery
StringTransaction - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy
StringTransaction(String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.StringTransaction
subdivideTriangles(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Divides each of the triangles in va into 4 smaller triangles and returns the result.
subDraw(Context, TranslucentPass, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.GlowSparkParticleVisible
subDraw(Context, Collection) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.SparkParticleVisible
subDraw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianGrid
subDraw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.CartesianOrigin
subDraw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.DisplayList
The OpenGL calls in this method are what get wrapped in the display list.
subDraw(Context, Coloration, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Renders this Model with an arbitrary Coloration.
subDraw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
subDraw(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.VisibleDisplayList
This method draws the Visible object that is wrapped by this object.
subordinateUniverse(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.ParticleFountain
Subtract - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Subtract() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Subtract
subtract(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
subtract(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
subtract(Matrix3) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
subtract(Matrix4) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
subtract(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
subtract(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
subtract(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of subtracting v's components from this Vector's components.
subtract(float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Returns the result of subtracting v from this Vector's components.
subtract(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
subtract(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
subtract(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
subtract(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
subtract(Real) - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Subtracts another Real from this, returning the results.
subtract(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of subtracting v from this Vector.
subtract(Real) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Returns the result of subtracting v from this Vector.
swapXY(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a new vertex array from va with the X and Y axes swapped.
swapXZ(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a new vertex array from va with the X and Z axes swapped.
swapYZ(float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Constructs a new vertex array from va with the Y and Z axes swapped.
sync - Variable in class net.jinx.action.Clock
The synchronization object.
SynchronizedHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Synchronized wrapper for a Hierarchy.
SynchronizedHierarchy(Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.SynchronizedHierarchy
Constructs a new SynchronizedHierarchy.
SynthesizedSource - Class in net.jinx.audio
SynthesizedSource(AL, ALC, SampleProcessor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Constructs a new SynthesizedSource.
SynthUtil - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth


tag(Tag) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
Attaches a Tag to this PhysicalObject, replacing any existing Tag with the same name.
tag(Tag) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringSheet
Tag - Interface in net.jinx.physics
Tag associates data specific to a particular Force with a Physical object.
tag(Tag) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
TAG_NAME - Static variable in class net.jinx.physics.collision.CollisionTag
tan(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
tan() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
tan() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
tan() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Returns the tangent of this Real.
Test - Class in net.jinx.action.input
Tests the InputDevice class.
Test() - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.Test
Test - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
This class is seriously not staying.
Test() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.Test
TestAudible - Class in net.jinx.audio
This class is used for testing only.
TestAudible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
TestBar - Class in net.jinx.gui
This class is used to form the test bars that TestPattern uses.
TestBar(Color, Color, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Constructs a new TestBar.
TestBar() - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Constructs a vertical TestBar that goes from blue to black.
TestBar(boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Constructs a vertical TestBar that goes from blue to black and has parameters similiar to javax.swing.JPanel.
TestBar(LayoutManager) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Constructs a vertical TestBar that goes from blue to black and has parameters similiar to javax.swing.JPanel.
TestBar(LayoutManager, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.TestBar
Constructs a vertical TestBar that goes from blue to black and has parameters similiar to javax.swing.JPanel.
TestPattern - Class in net.jinx.gui
When visible, this JPanel displays a color test pattern.
TestPattern() - Constructor for class net.jinx.gui.TestPattern
Constructs a TestPattern object.
TextureManager - Class in net.jinx.video
TextureManager holds mappings of String names to BufferedImage objects.
TextureManager() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Constructs an empty TextureManager.
TextureManager(URL) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Constructs an empty TextureManager.
timePassed() - Method in class net.jinx.time.StopWatch
Provides the amount of time that has passed since the last call to reset().
TimeSource - Interface in net.jinx.time
The base interface that all TimeSources must implement.
toBigDecimalArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigDecimalArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigDecimalArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigDecimalArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigDecimalArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigDecimalArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigIntegerArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigIntegerArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigIntegerArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigIntegerArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigIntegerArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toBigIntegerArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toByteArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toByteArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toByteArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toByteArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toByteArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDegrees(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
toDoubleArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDoubleArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDoubleArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDoubleArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDoubleArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDoubleArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toDoubleArray() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
toDoubleArray() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Converts this Quaternion to a double array.
toDoubleArray() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Converts this Vector to a double array.
toFloatArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toFloatArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toFloatArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toFloatArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toFloatArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toFloatArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Converts this Matrix3 to a column ordered float array.
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Converts this Matrix4 to a column ordered float array.
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Converts this Quaternion to a float array.
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Converts this Vector to a (new) float array.
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Converts this Quaternion to a float array.
toFloatArray() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Converts this Vector to a float array.
toggle() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Triggers a state change for this ToggleButtonControl.
ToggleButtonControl - Class in net.jinx.action.input.robot
ToggleButtonControl is an extension of ButtonControl that when pressed flip-flops back and forth from on to off and back again.
ToggleButtonControl(String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Constructs a new ToggleButtonControl with the given name.
toggled() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ToggleButtonControl
Called when this ToggleButtonControl has changed state.
toIntArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toIntArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toIntArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toIntArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toIntArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toIntArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toLineElement(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.MeshElement
Converts this MeshElement into a line-based MeshElement.
toLineModel(float) - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Produces a line version of this Model.
toLongArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toLongArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toLongArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toLongArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toLongArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toLongArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toRadians(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.MathUtil
toShortArray(byte[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toShortArray(short[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toShortArray(int[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toShortArray(long[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toShortArray(float[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toShortArray(double[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.db.Configuration
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns the following: getDeviceIndex() + ":" + controlString();
toString(InputDevice) - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns the following: getDeviceIndex() + ":" + dev.getName() + ":" + controlString();
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.InputDevice
Returns the ID String for this InputDevice.
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
Provides a String representation of this Vector.
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Vector
Provides a String representation of this Vector.
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.ADouble
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.AFloat
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Quaternion
Provides a String representation of this Vector.
toString() - Method in interface net.jinx.slowmath.Real
Type-casts to a String.
toString() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Provides a String representation of this Vector.
transact(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyTransaction
transact(TransactionManager, String, Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchyTransaction
transact(Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.StringTransaction
transact(Object) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.Transaction
Transaction - Interface in net.jinx.db.transaction
TransactionLogger - Interface in net.jinx.db.transaction
TransactionManager - Class in net.jinx.db.transaction
TransactionManager(SnapshotManager, TransactionLogger) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionManager
transform(float[][]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Transforms a vertex array.
transform(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Transforms v as though it were either a Vector or a Quaternion (depending on length), modifying the array with the result.
transform(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Transforms vx, vy, vz, and vw as though they were a Vector and returns the result.
transform(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Transforms v and returns the result.
transform(float[][]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms a vertex array.
transform(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms v as though it were either a Vector or a Quaternion (depending on length), modifying the array with the result.
transform(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms the parameters as though they were a Vector and returns the result.
transform(float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms vx, vy, vz, and vw as though they were a Quaternion and returns the result.
transform(Vector[]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms an array of Vectors and returns the result.
transform(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms v and returns the result.
transform(Quaternion[]) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms an array of Quaternions and returns the result.
transform(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Transforms v and returns the result.
transform(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Transforms v and returns the result.
transform(Quaternion) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Transforms v and returns the result.
transform(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.AlphaBlend
transform(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Rotation
transform(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Scale
Transform - Interface in net.jinx.video.multimodel
transform(Hierarchy) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.multimodel.Transform
transform(Hierarchy) - Method in class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Translation
translate(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Applies a translation transformation and returns the result.
translate(Vector) - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Applies a translation transformation and returns the result.
translate(float[], float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Translates (shifts) the given vertex array by the given values.
translate(float, float, float, float[][]) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.model.VertexUtil
Translates (shifts) the given vertex array by the given values.
Translation - Class in net.jinx.video.multimodel
Translation(Visible, String, float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multimodel.Translation
translationMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a translation Matrix.
translationMatrix(float, float, float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a translation Matrix4.
translationMatrix(Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a translation Matrix3D.
Translucent - Interface in net.jinx.video.multipass
This interface is used for Translucent objects that are concerned about being rendered in the correct order.
TranslucentPass - Class in net.jinx.video.multipass
TranslucentPass is used for drawing objects that are translucent, optionally by using the Painter's Algorithm.
TranslucentPass(boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multipass.TranslucentPass
Constructs a new TranslucentPass.
TranslucentPass() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multipass.TranslucentPass
This is the same as TranslucentPass(true).
transpose() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Returns a transposed version of this Matrix3
transpose() - Method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Returns a transposed version of this Matrix.
transpose() - Method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Returns a transposed version of this Matrix.
TriangleFan - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement implementation that uses OpenGL's GL_TRIANGLE_FAN drawing mode to draw triangles.
TriangleFan(float[][]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.TriangleFan
Constructs a TriangleFan with the given vertex array.
TriangleParticleVisible - Class in net.jinx.physics.fountain
TriangleParticleVisible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.fountain.TriangleParticleVisible
Triangles - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement implementation that uses OpenGL's GL_TRIANGLES drawing mode to draw triangles.
Triangles(float[][]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.Triangles
Constructs a Triangles object with the given vertex array.
TriangleStrip - Class in net.jinx.video.model
MeshElement implementation that uses OpenGL's GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP drawing mode to draw triangles.
TriangleStrip(float[][]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.TriangleStrip
Constructs a TriangleStrip with the given vertex array.
TriangleWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a triangle wave tone.
TriangleWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
turnToFace3D(Context, Vector, Vector, Vector) - Static method in class net.jinx.video.VideoUtil
Turns an object (through OpenGL transformations) to face target.
two() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
TYPE_ANALOG - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Analog readouts have direction, so they would normally be displayed in a way that encompasses this.
TYPE_AXIS - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Type ID for an axis that varies in value from -1 to 1.
TYPE_BAR - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Bar readouts are usually labeled bar graphs.
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Boolean readouts are usually labeled indicator lights that are either lit or dark.
TYPE_BUTTON - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a button; pressed will be one, unpressed will be zero.
TYPE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Type ID for a momentary push button that is on while pressed.
TYPE_DANGER_BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Similiar to a boolean readout, only the color changes as an additional indication of danger level.
TYPE_DANGER_TEXT - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Similiar to a text readout, only the color of text changes as an additional indication of danger level.
TYPE_FUZZY - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a fuzzy axis' full range.
TYPE_FUZZY_NEGETIVE - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use absolute value of a fuzzy axis' negetive range.
TYPE_FUZZY_POSITIVE - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a fuzzy axis' positive range.
TYPE_FUZZY_THROTTLE - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a fuzzy axis as a throttle slider.
TYPE_HAT_CENTER - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; center will be one and anything else will be zero.
TYPE_HAT_DOWN - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; down will be one and center will be zero.
TYPE_HAT_DOWN_UP - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; down will be negetive one, center will be zero, up will be one.
TYPE_HAT_LEFT - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; left will be one and center will be zero.
TYPE_HAT_LEFT_RIGHT - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; left will be negetive one, center will be zero, right will be one.
TYPE_HAT_RIGHT - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; right will be one and center will be zero.
TYPE_HAT_RIGHT_LEFT - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; right will be negetive one, center will be zero, left will be one.
TYPE_HAT_UP - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; up will be one and center will be zero.
TYPE_HAT_UP_DOWN - Static variable in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Use a POV hat; up will be negetive one, center will be zero, down will be one.
TYPE_SLIDER - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Type ID for an axis with a range of 0 to 1.
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Readout
Text readouts are displayed as a console with scrolling text.
TYPE_TOGGLE - Static variable in interface net.jinx.action.input.robot.Control
Type ID for a toggle button that toggles when pressed.
typeString() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.ControlID
Returns a short text representation of the type constant.


unbind(Context) - Method in class net.jinx.video.TextureManager
Unbinds all textures.
Universe - Class in net.jinx.physics
Universe(Integrator, Universe) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.Universe
Universe(Integrator) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.Universe
unqueueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Unqueues a Buffer object from this Source.
unqueueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
unqueueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Unqueues an array of Buffer objects from this Source.
unqueueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
update() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Audible
Updates OpenAL with new data for this Audible.
update() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Does nothing.
update() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
This should be called from the associated Audible implementation to ensure that data is synthesized and sent off to be played.
update() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
update(long, Object) - Method in class net.jinx.db.record.ObjectManager
updateTexture(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.video.processor.MotionBlurProcessor


valueChange() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.AbstractControl
This is called when the value of this control has changed.
valueChange() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.robot.ButtonControl
Calls pressed() or released() according to whether or not isPressed() returns true.
valueIterator() - Method in class net.jinx.action.input.Condition
Provides an Iterator for the values.
VAR_NAME - Static variable in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
VAR_NAME - Static variable in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.BigMassTag
VAR_NAME - Static variable in class net.jinx.physics.gravity.CenterOfGravityTag
VAR_NAME - Static variable in class net.jinx.physics.spring.SpringTag
VariableSceneGraph - Class in net.jinx.video.multimodel
VariableSceneGraph(Hierarchy) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.multimodel.VariableSceneGraph
Vector - Class in net.jinx.math
Vector is a set of three floats, as X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector() - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Vector
Constructs a Vector with all zero components.
Vector(float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Vector
Constructs a new Vector with the given X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector(float[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Vector
Constructs a new Vector with the given X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.math.Vector
Constructs a new Vector by parsing the given String.
Vector - Class in net.jinx.slowmath
Vector is a set of three Real objects, as X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector() - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Vector(Real, Real, Real) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Constructs a new Vector with the given X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector(Real[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Constructs a new Vector with the given X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.slowmath.Vector
Constructs a new Vector by parsing the given String.
velocityAt(float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.physics.PhysicalObject
VertexColoration - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Coloration implementation that keeps track of individual Material objects for each vertex of a Model.
VertexColoration() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
Constructs a VertexColoration with no Materials.
VertexColoration(Material[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.model.VertexColoration
Constructs a VertexColoration using the given Material array.
vertexCount() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.MeshElement
Provides a count of the vertices contained within this MeshElement.
vertexCount() - Method in class net.jinx.video.model.Model
Returns the number of vertices this Model has, totaled from all it's MeshElements.
VertexUtil - Class in net.jinx.video.model
Provides methods for manipulating raw vertex data as two dimensional float arrays.
VideoPlayer - Class in net.jinx.media
VideoPlayer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.media.VideoPlayer
VideoRenderer - Class in net.jinx.action
VideoRenderer renders the visible Actors in a Scene using OpenGL and Vextex Modeler's internals (the net.jinx.video and net.jinx.video.model packages).
VideoRenderer(String, GLAutoDrawable, Context) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.VideoRenderer
Constructs a new VideoRenderer that will render the visible Actors to the screen.
VideoUtil - Class in net.jinx.video
view(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.action.ActorView
Redirects to the wrapped view object.
view(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.video.Camera
View - Interface in net.jinx.video
View implementations represent anything that can be displayed in one of SplitScreenRenderer's viewports.
view(Context, Rectangle) - Method in interface net.jinx.video.View
Prepares the view.
view(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View2D
Disables lighting, sets the projection matrix to an indentity matrix and sets the model view matrix via a call to GL.gluOrtho2D using the clipping values given in the constructor.
view(Context, Rectangle) - Method in class net.jinx.video.View3D
View2D - Class in net.jinx.video
View implementation that sets OpenGL into a two dimensional drawing mode.
View2D(Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.View2D
Same as View2D(drawable, -1d, 1d, -1d, 1d).
View2D(Visible, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.View2D
Constructs a View2D.
View3D - Class in net.jinx.video
View implementation that sets OpenGL into a three dimensional drawing mode with lighting enabled.
View3D() - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.View3D
Same as View3D(null).
View3D(Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.View3D
Constructs a View3D for the given Visible.
Visible - Interface in net.jinx.video
Visible represents something that is drawable using a Renderer.
VisibleActor - Class in net.jinx.action
Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's Visible implementations, so they can be used with the action package.
VisibleActor(String, Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.action.VisibleActor
Constructs a VisibleActor to wrap drawable.
VisibleDisplayList - Class in net.jinx.video
VisibleDisplayList provides the means to use OpenGL display lists to accelerate rendering of Visible objects.
VisibleDisplayList(Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.video.VisibleDisplayList
Constructs a VisibleDisplayList to wrap the given Visible.
VisibleFactory - Interface in net.jinx.video
This is the interface that scripts must implement in source code for the Visible loader.
VisiblePhysical - Class in net.jinx.physics.util
VisiblePhysical(Visible, Vector, Vector, float) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
VisiblePhysical(Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
VisiblePhysical(String, Visible) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical
VisiblePhysical(String, Visible, PhysicalObject) - Constructor for class net.jinx.physics.util.VisiblePhysical


WhiteNoise - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that dumps semi-random data into sound buffers.
WhiteNoise(Random) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
WhiteNoise() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
WhiteNoise2 - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that dumps semi-random data into sound buffers.
WhiteNoise2(Random, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
WhiteNoise2(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
wrapDouble(double) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Constructs a type-neutral Real for the given double.
wrapLong(long) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
Wraps a long in a Real in a type-neutral manner.
writeSnapshot(SnapshotManager) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.DiskTransactionLogger
writeSnapshot(OutputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy.HierarchySnapshotManager
writeSnapshot(OutputStream) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.SnapshotManager
Writes a snapshot of the data Object to out.
writeSnapshot(SnapshotManager) - Method in interface net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionLogger
writeSnapshot() - Method in class net.jinx.db.transaction.TransactionManager


XMLHierarchy - Class in net.jinx.db
Lightning-fast, memory resident, persistable Hierarchy implementation.
XMLHierarchy() - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Deprecated. use either the SimpleHierarchy or MemoryHierarchy classes in this package instead, depending on if you need commit/rollback ability or not. If all you need is the very basic capability this constructor once provided, use SimpleHierarchy.
XMLHierarchy(String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Constructs a persistent XMLHierarchy object using the given name as the name of the file to use.
XMLHierarchy(String, String) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Constructs a persistent XMLHierarchy object using xf as the name of the file to use.
XMLHierarchy(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Constructs a persistent XMLHierarchy object using xmlfile.
XMLHierarchy(File, File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.db.XMLHierarchy
Constructs a persistent XMLHierarchy object using xmlfile.
xRotationMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a rotation Matrix3 for rotating around the X axis.
xRotationMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a rotation Matrix4 for rotating around the X axis.
xRotationMatrix(Real) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for rotating around the X axis.


yRotationMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a rotation Matrix3 for rotating around the Y axis.
yRotationMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a rotation Matrix4 for rotating around the Y axis.
yRotationMatrix(Real) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for rotating around the Y axis.


zero - Static variable in class net.jinx.math.Quaternion
zero - Static variable in class net.jinx.math.Vector
zero() - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.MathUtil
zeroAge() - Method in class net.jinx.physics.fountain.DecayTag
zRotationMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix3
Constructs a rotation Matrix3 for rotating around the Z axis.
zRotationMatrix(float) - Static method in class net.jinx.math.Matrix4
Constructs a rotation Matrix4 for rotating around the Z axis.
zRotationMatrix(Real) - Static method in class net.jinx.slowmath.Matrix3D
Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for rotating around the Z axis.