Class DefaultHierarchy

  extended by net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
      extended by net.jinx.db.DefaultHierarchy
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultHierarchy
extends Hierarchy

Hierarchy implementation based on a pair of Hierarchy objects. The first of the two is checked for attributes and then failing that, the second is checked, using it as a source of default values. Calling methods that modify the Hierarchy modify the first, but not the second.

API Stability: Alpha.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
DefaultHierarchy(Hierarchy main, Hierarchy defaults)
          Constructs a new DefaultHierarchy.
Method Summary
 void addListener(HierarchyListener listener)
          Allows a HierarchyListener to receive events from this specific Hierarchy, but not any of it's children.
 java.util.Iterator attributes()
          Provides an Iterator for the attributes that are stored in this Hierarchy, but not any of it's sub-nodes.
 void clear()
          Clears all attributes and sub-nodes from this Hierarchy.
 void clearAttributes()
          Clears all attributes from this Hierarchy.
 void clearNodes()
          Clears all sub-nodes from this hierarchy.
 void close()
          Closes the Hierarchy.
 void commit()
          Completes the current transaction.
 void copyTo(Hierarchy h)
          Recursively copies this Hierarchy object's contents into another.
 Hierarchy createNode(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new node with the given name.
 void deleteNode(java.lang.String name)
          Removes the node with the given name.
protected  java.lang.Object getAttributeObject(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the attribute's value Object.
protected  Hierarchy getDefaults()
protected  Hierarchy getMain()
 Hierarchy getNode(java.lang.String name)
          Provides the Hierarchy for the given node name.
 boolean hasAttribute(java.lang.String name)
 java.util.Iterator nodes()
          Provides an Iterator for the sub-nodes that are direct sub-nodes of this Hierarchy.
 void parseFromProperties(java.util.Properties prop)
          Sets attributes in this Hierarchy according to a Properties Object.
 void parseFromXML( in)
          Reads attributes and nodes for the Hierarchy from the given InputStream.
 java.lang.Object removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Remove the value for the given attribute name, returning the previous value.
 void rollback()
          Discards all changes since the most recent call to commit().
protected  java.lang.Object setAttributeObject(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object obj)
          Sets an attribute's value Object.
 void storeToProperties(java.util.Properties prop)
          Stores this Hierarchy tree in a Properties Object.
 void storeToXML( o)
          Stores the Hierarchy tree to the given as XML.
Methods inherited from class net.jinx.db.Hierarchy
getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, propertyChanged, removeListener, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute, setAttribute
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultHierarchy(Hierarchy main,
                        Hierarchy defaults)
Constructs a new DefaultHierarchy.

main - the Hierarchy that is checked for values first.
defaults - the Hierarchy that is checked if main doesn't have a given value.
Method Detail


protected Hierarchy getDefaults()


protected Hierarchy getMain()


public java.util.Iterator attributes()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Provides an Iterator for the attributes that are stored in this Hierarchy, but not any of it's sub-nodes. The remove() method, while it may be functional, should NEVER be used. It is not guaranteed to function properly. For example, JDBMHierarchy's Iterator has a remove() method that will seem to function, but will in fact only work on the in-memory copy of the java.util.HashMap that backs it's Iterator.

To put it more plainly, the Iterator returned from this method is for informational purposes only! If multiple threads manipulate the Hierarchy concurrently (something that is not part of this design), then the Iterator's results could be wrong.

Specified by:
attributes in class Hierarchy
a java.util.Iterator.


public void clearAttributes()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Clears all attributes from this Hierarchy. Does not affect any of the sub-nodes.

Specified by:
clearAttributes in class Hierarchy


public void clearNodes()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Clears all sub-nodes from this hierarchy. Depending on the implementation, this may take quite some time to complete, as it will most likely have to recursively delete all the sub-nodes and their attributes from the backing store.

Specified by:
clearNodes in class Hierarchy


public Hierarchy createNode(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Creates a new node with the given name.

Specified by:
createNode in class Hierarchy
name - the name of the node.
the new node's Hierarchy object.


public void deleteNode(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Removes the node with the given name.

Specified by:
deleteNode in class Hierarchy
name - the name of the node.


protected java.lang.Object getAttributeObject(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Gets the attribute's value Object.

Specified by:
getAttributeObject in class Hierarchy
name - the name of the attribute to access.
the value object, or null if the attribute didn't exist.


public Hierarchy getNode(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Provides the Hierarchy for the given node name.

Specified by:
getNode in class Hierarchy
name - the name of the node to access.
the Hierarchy object for the node. This will be null if it doesn't exist.


public boolean hasAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Specified by:
hasAttribute in class Hierarchy
true if and only if there is an attribute for the given name.


public java.util.Iterator nodes()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Provides an Iterator for the sub-nodes that are direct sub-nodes of this Hierarchy. The remove() method, while it may be functional, should NEVER be used. It is not guaranteed to function properly. For example, JDBMHierarchy's Iterator has a remove() method that will seem to function, but will in fact only work on the in-memory copy of the java.util.HashMap that backs it's Iterator.

To put it more plainly, the Iterator returned from this method is for informational purposes only! If multiple threads manipulate the Hierarchy concurrently (something that is not part of this design), then the Iterator's results could be wrong.

Specified by:
nodes in class Hierarchy
a java.util.Iterator.


public java.lang.Object removeAttribute(java.lang.String name)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Remove the value for the given attribute name, returning the previous value.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in class Hierarchy
name - the name of the attribute to access.
the attribute's previous value or null if it didn't exist.


protected java.lang.Object setAttributeObject(java.lang.String name,
                                              java.lang.Object obj)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Sets an attribute's value Object. This should not be used to store any type of Object. It should only be used by the methods in this class to store Strings and Objects that wrap primitives (Boolean, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, etc.).

Specified by:
setAttributeObject in class Hierarchy
name - the name of the attribute to access.
the previous value object, or null if the attribute didn't exist.


public void addListener(HierarchyListener listener)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Allows a HierarchyListener to receive events from this specific Hierarchy, but not any of it's children.

addListener in class Hierarchy
listener - the HierarchyListener to add.


public void clear()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Clears all attributes and sub-nodes from this Hierarchy. The default implementation calls clearAttributes() and clearNodes().

clear in class Hierarchy


public void close()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Closes the Hierarchy. This should only function for the root Hierarchy Object, not any of it's sub-nodes. This is used for clean-up operations, such as closing the persistent backing store. This implies a call to commit().
The default implementation does nothing.

close in class Hierarchy


public void commit()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Completes the current transaction. This is for crash recovery, so the database will always be in a consistent state. If the system crashes, the next time a Hierarchy is created with the same configuration (implementation specific), it will rollback to the state it was in the last time this was called.
For example, commit() is called. All data is consistent. The program starts putting data in the Hierarchy, but does not complete the current batch of operations, due to a crash. The program is started again, and it sees that commit was not called, so all changes made since the most recent call to commit() are discarded.
NOTE: This method should only function for the base hierarchy, not any of the sub-nodes.

commit in class Hierarchy


public void copyTo(Hierarchy h)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Recursively copies this Hierarchy object's contents into another.

copyTo in class Hierarchy
h - the Hierarchy to copy to.


public void parseFromProperties(java.util.Properties prop)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Sets attributes in this Hierarchy according to a Properties Object. Any attribute in prop that contains "/" will affect sub-nodes of this Hierarchy.

parseFromProperties in class Hierarchy
prop - the Properties object.


public void parseFromXML( in)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Reads attributes and nodes for the Hierarchy from the given InputStream. The stream is assumed to be attached to an XML file describing a Hierarchy. If an exception is thrown, the Hierachy may be left in an inconsistent state, so a rollback might be needed. The stream is not closed by this method.

parseFromXML in class Hierarchy
in - the InputStream to read from.


public void rollback()
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Discards all changes since the most recent call to commit().

rollback in class Hierarchy


public void storeToProperties(java.util.Properties prop)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Stores this Hierarchy tree in a Properties Object.

storeToProperties in class Hierarchy
prop - the Properties object.


public void storeToXML( o)
Description copied from class: Hierarchy
Stores the Hierarchy tree to the given as XML.

storeToXML in class Hierarchy
o - the OutputStream to write to.
Throws: - if an I/O error occurs.