Class VideoUtil

  extended by

public class VideoUtil
extends java.lang.Object

Method Summary
static void billboardSpherical(Context opt, Vector position)
          This is much the same as turnToFace3D, except for two differences.
static void turnToFace3D(Context opt, Vector target, Vector orientation, Vector position)
          Turns an object (through OpenGL transformations) to face target.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static void turnToFace3D(Context opt,
                                Vector target,
                                Vector orientation,
                                Vector position)
Turns an object (through OpenGL transformations) to face target.

opt - the Context object for rendering.
target - the position of the point to face the object toward.
orientation - a normal Vector describing the initial orientation of the object.
position - the object's position in world space.


public static void billboardSpherical(Context opt,
                                      Vector position)
This is much the same as turnToFace3D, except for two differences. First, the target position is the camera position, as obtained from opt. Second, this assumes the object initially faces in the positive Z direction.

position - the object's position in world space.