Class Translation

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Transform, MultipassVisible, Visible

public class Translation
extends java.lang.Object
implements Transform, MultipassVisible

Constructor Summary
Translation(Visible child, java.lang.String var, float[] scale)
Method Summary
 void deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes this Visible, disposing of any resources that it may be using.
 void draw(Context opt)
          Renders this Visible to glDrawable.
 void drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void init(Context opt)
          Initializes this Visible, preparing it for rendering.
 void transform(Hierarchy h)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Translation(Visible child,
                   java.lang.String var,
                   float[] scale)
Method Detail


public void transform(Hierarchy h)
Specified by:
transform in interface Transform


public void init(Context opt)
Description copied from interface: Visible
Initializes this Visible, preparing it for rendering. If this Visible contains other Visibles, then their init methods MUST be called first. This is essential for DisplayList objects to function properly and efficiently.

Specified by:
init in interface Visible
opt - describes the rendering options that are being used.


public void draw(Context opt)
Description copied from interface: Visible
Renders this Visible to glDrawable.

Specified by:
draw in interface Visible
opt - describes the rendering options that are being used.


public void drawPass(Context opt,
                     Pass pass)
Specified by:
drawPass in interface MultipassVisible


public void deinit(Context opt)
Description copied from interface: Visible
Deinitializes this Visible, disposing of any resources that it may be using. If this Visible contains other Visibles, then their deinit methods MUST be called last. This is important for display lists.

Specified by:
deinit in interface Visible
opt - describes the rendering options that are being used.