Class Summary |
ActionGUI |
Simple test class for the action package and VideoRenderer. |
Actor |
Actor serves as the abstract base class of anything that has a presence of
any kind in a Scene. |
ActorEvent |
This is the base class for all events that are passed between Actors. |
ActorView |
Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's View implementations, so
they can be used with the action package. |
AudioRenderer |
Renders the Audible Actors in a Scene using OpenAL and the Deimos Audio
library (the package). |
Clock |
Clock keeps track of time for a Scene and then activates other Actors by
sending them ClockEvent and IdleEvent objects. |
ClockEvent |
ActorEvent subclass that delivers a change in time value. |
ClockStateEvent |
ClockStateEvents are sent out by Clock to notify ClockSensitive and
IdleSensitve Actors that the Clock's state has changed. |
IdleEvent |
ClockEvent subclass that carries an interpolation value that can be used to
interpolate between one Scene state and another. |
RealTimeClock |
Clock extension where ClockEvents are sent at regular intervals. |
Scene |
Scene is an Actor that contains other Actors. |
SteppingClock |
Clock extension that is used to manually step time in the simulation. |
VideoRenderer |
VideoRenderer renders the visible Actors in a Scene using OpenGL and Vextex
Modeler's internals (the and packages). |
VisibleActor |
Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's Visible implementations, so
they can be used with the action package. |