Package net.jinx.action

Interface Summary
ClockSensitive Tagging interface used by the Clock class to determine which Actors should receive plain ClockEvents.
IdleSensitive Tagging interface used by the Clock class to determine which Actors should receive IdleEvents.
OwnerListener This interface allows an Actor that implements it to listen for Actor adds and removals to/from it's owner.
SceneListener This interface allows an object that implements it to listen for Actor adds and removals to/from a Scene.

Class Summary
ActionGUI Simple test class for the action package and VideoRenderer.
Actor Actor serves as the abstract base class of anything that has a presence of any kind in a Scene.
ActorEvent This is the base class for all events that are passed between Actors.
ActorView Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's View implementations, so they can be used with the action package.
AudioRenderer Renders the Audible Actors in a Scene using OpenAL and the Deimos Audio library (the package).
Clock Clock keeps track of time for a Scene and then activates other Actors by sending them ClockEvent and IdleEvent objects.
ClockEvent ActorEvent subclass that delivers a change in time value.
ClockStateEvent ClockStateEvents are sent out by Clock to notify ClockSensitive and IdleSensitve Actors that the Clock's state has changed.
IdleEvent ClockEvent subclass that carries an interpolation value that can be used to interpolate between one Scene state and another.
RealTimeClock Clock extension where ClockEvents are sent at regular intervals.
Scene Scene is an Actor that contains other Actors.
SteppingClock Clock extension that is used to manually step time in the simulation.
VideoRenderer VideoRenderer renders the visible Actors in a Scene using OpenGL and Vextex Modeler's internals (the and packages).
VisibleActor Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's Visible implementations, so they can be used with the action package.