Interface ModelerGUI

All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionGUI, Colorizer, Modeler

public interface ModelerGUI

This interface must be implemented for classes that wish to display an alternate GUI for the Modeler.

API Stability: Stable.

Method Summary
 void displayGUI(Hierarchy config, Visible drawable)
          Constructs and displays the GUI components to display a Visible object.
 java.lang.String[] getVersion()
          Provides the version String array for this ModelerGUI.

Method Detail


void displayGUI(Hierarchy config,
                Visible drawable)
Constructs and displays the GUI components to display a Visible object.

config - the Hierarchy object that contains configuration information for displaying drawable.
drawable - the Visible object to display.


java.lang.String[] getVersion()
Provides the version String array for this ModelerGUI.

an array of String objects that describe the version. This will have one or more elements. The first element should be a line describing the version of the application. Any others can be for just about any purpose you like. I suggest providing version Strings for libraries that are used (if available).