Uses of Class

Packages that use Context
net.jinx.physics.util Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage. This package contains the core components of the Vertex Modeler application.

Model designers will be most interested in the Model and VertexUtil classes; examine their documentation closely, since you'll be using them extensively.  Being aware of the other classes in this package would be handy, as well.   

Uses of Context in net.jinx.action

Methods in net.jinx.action with parameters of type Context
 void VisibleActor.deinit(Context opt)
          Redirects to the wrapped Visible.
 void ActorView.deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes the wrapped view object.
 void VisibleActor.draw(Context opt)
          Redirects to the wrapped Visible.
 void VisibleActor.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void VisibleActor.init(Context opt)
          Redirects to the wrapped Visible.
 void ActorView.init(Context opt)
          Initializes the wrapped View object.
 void ActorView.view(Context options, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)
          Redirects to the wrapped view object.

Constructors in net.jinx.action with parameters of type Context
VideoRenderer(java.lang.String name, glDraw, Context context)
          Constructs a new VideoRenderer that will render the visible Actors to the screen.

Uses of Context in net.jinx.physics.fountain

Methods in net.jinx.physics.fountain with parameters of type Context
 void SphereVisible.deinit(Context opt)
 void GlowSparkParticleVisible.deinit(Context opt)
 void TriangleParticleVisible.deinit(Context opt)
 void SparkParticleVisible.deinit(Context opt)
 void ParticleVisible.deinit(Context opt)
 void ParticleFountain.deinit(Context opt)
 void ParticleFountain.draw(Context opt)
 void SphereVisible.draw(Context opt, java.util.Collection objects)
 void GlowSparkParticleVisible.draw(Context opt, java.util.Collection objects)
 void TriangleParticleVisible.draw(Context opt, java.util.Collection objects)
 void SparkParticleVisible.draw(Context opt, java.util.Collection objects)
 void ParticleVisible.draw(Context opt, java.util.Collection objects)
protected  void TriangleParticleVisible.drawParticle(Context opt, PhysicalObject obj)
protected  void SparkParticleVisible.drawParticle(Context opt, PhysicalObject obj)
protected  void GlowSparkParticleVisible.drawParticle(Context opt, PhysicalObject obj, Material m)
 void ParticleFountain.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void SphereVisible.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass, java.util.Collection objects)
 void GlowSparkParticleVisible.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass, java.util.Collection objects)
 void TriangleParticleVisible.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass, java.util.Collection objects)
 void SparkParticleVisible.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass, java.util.Collection objects)
 void ParticleVisible.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass, java.util.Collection objects)
 void SphereVisible.init(Context opt)
 void GlowSparkParticleVisible.init(Context opt)
 void TriangleParticleVisible.init(Context opt)
 void SparkParticleVisible.init(Context opt)
 void ParticleVisible.init(Context opt)
 void ParticleFountain.init(Context opt)
 void SparkParticleVisible.subDraw(Context opt, java.util.Collection objects)
 void GlowSparkParticleVisible.subDraw(Context opt, TranslucentPass pass, java.util.Collection objects)

Uses of Context in net.jinx.physics.spring

Methods in net.jinx.physics.spring with parameters of type Context
 void SpringSheet.deinit(Context opt)
 void SpringSheet.draw(Context opt)
 void SpringSheet.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void SpringSheet.init(Context opt)

Uses of Context in net.jinx.physics.util

Methods in net.jinx.physics.util with parameters of type Context
 void PhysicalSpark.draw(Context opt)
 void VisiblePhysical.draw(Context opt)

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void TextureManager.activate(java.lang.String name, Context opt)
          Activates the specified texture.
static void VideoUtil.billboardSpherical(Context opt, Vector position)
          This is much the same as turnToFace3D, except for two differences.
 void TextureManager.bind(Context opt)
          Binds all textures for rendering.
 void ColorCube.deinit(Context opt)
 void Plane.deinit(Context opt)
 void FrameProcessor.deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes this FrameProcessor.
 void View3D.deinit(Context opt)
 void DisplayList.deinit(Context opt)
          Causes this DisplayList to delete it's OpenGL display list.
 void View2D.deinit(Context opt)
 void MessageView.deinit(Context opt)
 void DemoRotator.deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes this DemoRotator's children.
 void Animation.deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes this Animation's frames.
 void VisibleDisplayList.deinit(Context opt)
          Causes this DisplayList to delete it's OpenGL display list.
 void Visible.deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes this Visible, disposing of any resources that it may be using.
 void SceneGraph.deinit(Context opt)
 void SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement.deinit(Context opt)
 void Light.deinit(Context opt)
          Does nothing.
 void View.deinit(Context opt)
          Deinitializes this View.
 void AbstractVisible.deinit(Context opt)
          Does nothing.
 void Sphere.deinit(Context opt)
 void DisplayList.dispose(Context opt)
          Causes the OpenGL list for this object to be deleted, releasing any memory it may occupy.
 void InfinitePlane.draw(Context opt)
 void ColorCube.draw(Context opt)
 void SkySphere.draw(Context opt)
 void Plane.draw(Context opt)
 void DisplayList.draw(Context opt)
 void MessageView.draw(Context opt)
          Draws the console along with it's message.
 void DemoRotator.draw(Context opt)
 void Animation.draw(Context opt)
          Draws the current frame of the Animation; implies a call to start().
 void Visible.draw(Context opt)
          Renders this Visible to glDrawable.
 void SceneGraph.draw(Context opt)
 void SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement.draw(Context opt)
 void Material.draw(Context opt)
          "Draws" the Material, causing any vertices that come after it to be colored with the material.
 void Light.draw(Context opt)
 void Sphere.draw(Context opt)
 void Material.draw(Context opt, int number, float[] vertex)
 void DemoRotator.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void Animation.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void SceneGraph.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void ColorCube.init(Context opt)
 void Plane.init(Context opt)
 void FrameProcessor.init(Context opt)
          Initializes this FrameProcessor.
 void View3D.init(Context opt)
 void DisplayList.init(Context opt)
          Causes this DisplayList to construct an OpenGL display list.
 void View2D.init(Context opt)
 void MessageView.init(Context opt)
 void DemoRotator.init(Context opt)
          Initializes this DemoRotator's children.
 void Animation.init(Context opt)
          Initializes this Animation's frames.
 void VisibleDisplayList.init(Context opt)
          Causes this DisplayList to construct an OpenGL display list.
 void Visible.init(Context opt)
          Initializes this Visible, preparing it for rendering.
 void SceneGraph.init(Context opt)
 void SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement.init(Context opt)
 void Light.init(Context opt)
          Does nothing.
 void View.init(Context opt)
          Initializes this View.
 void AbstractVisible.init(Context opt)
          Does nothing.
 void Sphere.init(Context opt)
 void DisplayList.list(Context opt)
          Causes an OpenGL display list to be constructed for the calls in subDraw().
 void FrameProcessor.process(Context context, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)
          Processes the current image in the frame buffer.
 void CartesianGrid.subDraw(Context opt)
 void CartesianOrigin.subDraw(Context opt)
protected abstract  void DisplayList.subDraw(Context opt)
          The OpenGL calls in this method are what get wrapped in the display list.
protected  void VisibleDisplayList.subDraw(Context opt)
          This method draws the Visible object that is wrapped by this object.
static void VideoUtil.turnToFace3D(Context opt, Vector target, Vector orientation, Vector position)
          Turns an object (through OpenGL transformations) to face target.
 void TextureManager.unbind(Context opt)
          Unbinds all textures.
 void View3D.view(Context options, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)
 void View2D.view(Context options, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)
          Disables lighting, sets the projection matrix to an indentity matrix and sets the model view matrix via a call to GL.gluOrtho2D using the clipping values given in the constructor.
 void View.view(Context options, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)
          Prepares the view.
 void Camera.view(Context options, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)

Constructors in with parameters of type Context
SplitScreenRenderer(Visible drawable, View[] views, Context options)
          Constructs a Renderer to render a Visible to the screen.
SplitScreenRenderer(Visible drawable, View view, Context options)
          Utility constructor so you don't have to put a single View in an array.

Uses of Context in

Methods in that return Context
 Context Modeler.loadContext(Hierarchy config)
          Constructs and configures a Context object.

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void Model.draw(Context opt)
          Renders this Model with all of it's default settings.
 int TriangleStrip.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Triangles.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int TriangleFan.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int QuadStrip.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Quads.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Polygon.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
abstract  int MeshElement.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
          Draws the mesh, using the given array of Materials.
 int LineStrip.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Lines.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int LineLoop.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 void Coloration.draw(Context options, int number, float[] vertex)
          Causes the Coloration to be drawn.
 void VertexColoration.draw(Context opt, int number, float[] vertex)
 void SegmentColoration.draw(Context opt, int number, float[] vertex)
 void GradientColoration.draw(Context options, int number, float[] vertex)
 void DualColoration.draw(Context options, int number, float[] vertex)
 TextureManager Modeler.loadTextureManager(Hierarchy config, Context options)
          Constructs and configures a TextureManager object, attaching it to the given Context object.
 void Model.subDraw(Context opt)
 void Model.subDraw(Context opt, Coloration coloration, boolean texture)
          Renders this Model with an arbitrary Coloration.

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void AlphaBlend.deinit(Context opt)
 void Scale.deinit(Context opt)
 void Translation.deinit(Context opt)
 void Rotation.deinit(Context opt)
 void AlphaBlend.draw(Context opt)
 void Scale.draw(Context opt)
 void Translation.draw(Context opt)
 void Rotation.draw(Context opt)
 void AlphaBlend.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void Scale.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void Translation.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void Rotation.drawPass(Context opt, Pass pass)
 void AlphaBlend.init(Context opt)
 void Scale.init(Context opt)
 void Translation.init(Context opt)
 void Rotation.init(Context opt)

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void TranslucentPass.addTranslucent(Context c, Translucent t)
          Adds a Translucent to this Pass for use with the Painter's Algorithm.
 void TranslucentPass.begin(Context c)
          Begins this TranslucentPass by setting the OpenGL depth mask to false.
 void Pass.begin(Context context)
          Called at the start of the Pass.
 void MultipassVisible.drawPass(Context context, Pass pass)
 void Translucent.drawTranslucent(Context context)
          Draws this Translucent.
 void TranslucentPass.end(Context c)
          Ends this TranslucentPass by setting the OpenGL depth mask to true after any collected Translucent objects are drawn using the Painter's Algorithm.
 void Pass.end(Context context)
          Called at the end of the Pass.
 Vector Translucent.getPosition(Context context)
          Provides the position of this Translucent.

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void MotionBlurProcessor.deinit(Context opt)
 void ImageSaver.deinit(Context opt)
          Does nothing.
 void MotionBlurProcessor.init(Context opt)
 void ImageSaver.init(Context opt)
          Does nothing.
 void MotionBlurProcessor.process(Context context, java.awt.Rectangle vp)
 void ImageSaver.process(Context context, java.awt.Rectangle viewport)
          Processes what's currently in the frame buffer and saves it as an image file, but only if canProcess() and shouldProcess() both return true.
protected  void MotionBlurProcessor.updateTexture(Context context, java.awt.Rectangle vp)