Uses of Class

Packages that use Hierarchy
net.jinx.physics.util Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage. This package contains the core components of the Vertex Modeler application.

Model designers will be most interested in the Model and VertexUtil classes; examine their documentation closely, since you'll be using them extensively.  Being aware of the other classes in this package would be handy, as well.   

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.action

Methods in net.jinx.action with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void ActionGUI.displayGUI(Hierarchy h, Visible drawable)
          Displays a Visible using the classes in this package.

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.action.input

Methods in net.jinx.action.input with parameters of type Hierarchy
static InputDevice[] InputDevice.getDevices(Hierarchy base)
          Provides an array of InputDevice objects.
static InputDevice[] InputDevice.getDevices(InputDevice[] existingDevices, Hierarchy base)
          Provides an array of InputDevice objects.
 void InputDevice.load(Hierarchy h)
          Loads the configuration for this InputDevice from h.
static void InputDevice.load(InputDevice[] devices, Hierarchy base)
          Calls load(base) on each InputDevice in the array of devices, using a sub-node named according to the device's unique ID (see the getID() method) and that device's order among those devices with an identical ID.
 void h)
          Stores the configuration for this InputDevice in h.
static void[] devices, Hierarchy base)
          Calls store(Hierarchy) on each InputDevice in the array of devices, using a sub-node named according to the device's unique ID (see the getID() method) and that device's order among those devices with an identical ID.

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.colorizer

Methods in net.jinx.colorizer with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void Colorizer.displayGUI(Hierarchy config, Visible drawable)

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.db

Subclasses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.db
 class DefaultHierarchy
          Hierarchy implementation based on a pair of Hierarchy objects.
 class ImmutableHierarchy
          Immutable Hierarchy wrapper.
 class LockingXMLHierarchy
          Extension of XMLHierarchy that creates an additional file and then locks it so that any JVM trying to access the files via the same configuration will fail.
 class MemoryHierarchy
          Extension of SimpleHierarchy that adds functional commit() and rollback() methods that store and retrieve data from an in-memory backup.
 class SimpleHierarchy
          Lightning-fast, memory resident Hierarchy implementation.
 class SynchronizedHierarchy
          Synchronized wrapper for a Hierarchy.
 class XMLHierarchy
          Lightning-fast, memory resident, persistable Hierarchy implementation.

Methods in net.jinx.db that return Hierarchy
 Hierarchy SynchronizedHierarchy.createNode(java.lang.String name)
 Hierarchy SimpleHierarchy.createNode(java.lang.String name)
 Hierarchy ImmutableHierarchy.createNode(java.lang.String name)
 Hierarchy DefaultHierarchy.createNode(java.lang.String name)
abstract  Hierarchy Hierarchy.createNode(java.lang.String name)
          Creates a new node with the given name.
protected  Hierarchy SynchronizedHierarchy.getBase()
          Provides the base Hierarchy for this tree of Hierarchy Objects.
protected  Hierarchy DefaultHierarchy.getDefaults()
protected  Hierarchy MemoryHierarchy.getLog()
          Provides the Hierarchy that is used to store the commit/rollback log.
protected  Hierarchy SynchronizedHierarchy.getMain()
          Provides the wrapped Hierarchy.
protected  Hierarchy ImmutableHierarchy.getMain()
protected  Hierarchy DefaultHierarchy.getMain()
 Hierarchy SynchronizedHierarchy.getNode(java.lang.String name)
 Hierarchy SimpleHierarchy.getNode(java.lang.String name)
 Hierarchy ImmutableHierarchy.getNode(java.lang.String name)
 Hierarchy DefaultHierarchy.getNode(java.lang.String name)
abstract  Hierarchy Hierarchy.getNode(java.lang.String name)
          Provides the Hierarchy for the given node name.
 Hierarchy HierarchyEvent.getSource()
          Provides the Hierarchy object that this event came from.

Methods in net.jinx.db with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void SynchronizedHierarchy.copyTo(Hierarchy h)
 void ImmutableHierarchy.copyTo(Hierarchy h)
 void DefaultHierarchy.copyTo(Hierarchy h)
 void Hierarchy.copyTo(Hierarchy h)
          Recursively copies this Hierarchy object's contents into another.

Constructors in net.jinx.db with parameters of type Hierarchy
DefaultHierarchy(Hierarchy main, Hierarchy defaults)
          Constructs a new DefaultHierarchy.
HierarchyEvent(Hierarchy source, java.lang.String target, int event)
          Constructs a new HierarchyEvent.
ImmutableHierarchy(Hierarchy main)
SynchronizedHierarchy(Hierarchy main)
          Constructs a new SynchronizedHierarchy.

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy

Methods in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy that return Hierarchy
static Hierarchy HierarchyQuery.query(TransactionManager tm, java.lang.String node)
static Hierarchy HierarchyQuery.query(TransactionManager tm, java.lang.String node, Hierarchy data)

Methods in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy with parameters of type Hierarchy
static Hierarchy HierarchyQuery.query(TransactionManager tm, java.lang.String node, Hierarchy data)
 void HierarchyTransaction.transact(TransactionManager tm, java.lang.String node, Hierarchy data)

Constructors in net.jinx.db.transaction.hierarchy with parameters of type Hierarchy
HierarchyQuery(java.lang.String node, Hierarchy data)
HierarchyTransaction(java.lang.String node, Hierarchy data)

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.gui

Methods in net.jinx.gui with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void GameWindow.load(Hierarchy h)
          Configures this GameWindow from a Hierarchy.
 void HierarchyMetalTheme.storeToHierarchy(Hierarchy h)

Constructors in net.jinx.gui with parameters of type Hierarchy
HierarchyMetalTheme(Hierarchy h)

Uses of Hierarchy in net.jinx.physics.util

Methods in net.jinx.physics.util with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void Main.displayGUI(Hierarchy h, Scene scene)
 void PhysicsGUI.displayGUI(Hierarchy h, Scene scene)

Uses of Hierarchy in

Methods in with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void TextureManager.load(Hierarchy h)
          Loads a set of images using the given Hierarchy object as a mapping of image names to image locations.
 void Options.load(Hierarchy h)
          Configures this Context object using the given Hierarchy.
 void Material.load(Hierarchy h)
 void h)
          Stores this Context object's flags into the given Hierarchy.
 void h)

Uses of Hierarchy in

Methods in with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void ModelerGUI.displayGUI(Hierarchy config, Visible drawable)
          Constructs and displays the GUI components to display a Visible object.
 void Modeler.displayGUI(Hierarchy h, Visible drawable)
          Constructs and displays the default GUI components to display a Visible object.
 java.awt.Frame Modeler.getDefaultFrame(Hierarchy config, java.awt.Color bg)
          Constructs and configures a default Frame to use to display things in. Modeler.getDefaultGLDrawable(Hierarchy config)
          This method just calls getGLCanvas(config). Modeler.getGLCanvas(Hierarchy config)
          Provides the default GLCanvas with double buffering and hardware acceleration hints obtained from config. Modeler.getGLJPanel(Hierarchy config)
          Provides the default GLCanvas with double buffering and hardware acceleration hints obtained from config.
 Visible Modeler.getGrid(Hierarchy config)
 Visible Modeler.getOrigin(Hierarchy config)
 void Coloration.load(Hierarchy h)
          Configures this Coloration from the given Hierarchy.
 void VertexColoration.load(Hierarchy h)
 void SegmentColoration.load(Hierarchy h)
 void GradientColoration.load(Hierarchy h)
 void DualColoration.load(Hierarchy h)
static Camera ModelUtil.loadCamera(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Camera object from the given Hierarchy.
static Coloration ModelUtil.loadColoration(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Coloration object from the given Hierarchy.
 Context Modeler.loadContext(Hierarchy config)
          Constructs and configures a Context object.
static DemoRotator ModelUtil.loadDemoRotator(Hierarchy h, Visible drawable)
          Constructs a DemoRotator object from the given Hierarchy for the given Visible.
static Light ModelUtil.loadLight(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Light object from the given Hierarchy.
 Light[] Modeler.loadLights(Hierarchy config)
          Constructs and configures an array of Light objects.
static Material ModelUtil.loadMaterial(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Material object from the given Hierarchy.
static MeshElement ModelUtil.loadMeshElement(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a MeshElement object from the given Hierarchy.
static MeshElement ModelUtil.loadMeshElement(Hierarchy h, boolean reduce)
          Constructs a MeshElement object from the given Hierarchy.
static Model ModelUtil.loadModel(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Model object from the given Hierarchy.
static Sphere ModelUtil.loadSphere(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Sphere object from the given Hierarchy.
 TextureManager Modeler.loadTextureManager(Hierarchy config)
          Constructs and configures a TextureManager object.
 TextureManager Modeler.loadTextureManager(Hierarchy config, Context options)
          Constructs and configures a TextureManager object, attaching it to the given Context object.
static float[][] ModelUtil.loadVertexArray(Hierarchy h)
          Same as loadVertexArray(Hierarchy, 3).
static float[][] ModelUtil.loadVertexArray(Hierarchy h, int length)
          Constructs a Vertex array from the given Hierarchy.
 View[] Modeler.loadViews(Hierarchy config)
          Constructs and configures an array of View objects.
 void h)
          Stores this Coloration to the given Hierarchy.
 void h)
 void h)
 void h)
 void h)
static void h, Coloration coloration)
          Stores a Coloration object to the given Hierarchy.
 void Model.storeToHierarchy(Hierarchy h)
          Stores this Model to the given net.jinx.db.Hierarchy object, which can then be stored to XML or a java.util.Properties Object, or used to reconstruct the Model via the ModelUtil class.

Uses of Hierarchy in

Methods in that return Hierarchy
 Hierarchy VariableSceneGraph.getVars()

Methods in with parameters of type Hierarchy
 void AlphaBlend.transform(Hierarchy h)
 void Scale.transform(Hierarchy h)
 void Translation.transform(Hierarchy h)
 void Transform.transform(Hierarchy h)
 void Rotation.transform(Hierarchy h)

Constructors in with parameters of type Hierarchy
VariableSceneGraph(Hierarchy vars)