Uses of Class

Packages that use Actor

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.action

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.action
 class ActorView
          Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's View implementations, so they can be used with the action package.
 class AudioRenderer
          Renders the Audible Actors in a Scene using OpenAL and the Deimos Audio library (the package).
 class Clock
          Clock keeps track of time for a Scene and then activates other Actors by sending them ClockEvent and IdleEvent objects.
 class RealTimeClock
          Clock extension where ClockEvents are sent at regular intervals.
 class Scene
          Scene is an Actor that contains other Actors.
 class SteppingClock
          Clock extension that is used to manually step time in the simulation.
 class VideoRenderer
          VideoRenderer renders the visible Actors in a Scene using OpenGL and Vextex Modeler's internals (the and packages).
 class VisibleActor
          Actor wrapper class for one of Vertex Modeler's Visible implementations, so they can be used with the action package.

Methods in net.jinx.action that return Actor
 Actor Scene.getActor(java.lang.String name)
          Provides the Actor with the given name.
 Actor ActorEvent.getSource()
          Provides the source Actor that this ActorEvent originated from.

Methods in net.jinx.action with parameters of type Actor
 void AudioRenderer.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
 void VideoRenderer.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
          If actor is either a or a, then it will be added in for rendering.
 void Clock.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
          Notifies this Clock that an Actor has been added to it's owner.
 void SceneListener.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
          Called when an Actor has been added to the Scene.
 void AudioRenderer.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)
 void VideoRenderer.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)
          If actor is either a or a, then it will be removed from rendering.
 void Clock.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)
          Notifies this Clock that an Actor has been removed from it's owner.
 void SceneListener.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)
          Called when an Actor has been removed from the Scene.
 void Scene.addActor(Actor actor)
          Adds an Actor to this Scene.
 void Scene.removeActor(Actor actor)
          Removes an Actor from this Scene.
protected  void Actor.sendEvent(Actor target, ActorEvent event)
          Sends an ActorEvent directly to the target Actor.

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.action.input

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.action.input
 class Participant
          Participant is the base superclass of any kind of Actor that is actively self guiding.

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.action.input.robot

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.action.input.robot
 class Robot
          Robot is a Participant extension that is suitable for simulating robots and vehicles.

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.physics

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.physics
 class Universe

Methods in net.jinx.physics with parameters of type Actor
 void Universe.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
 void Universe.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.fountain

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.fountain
 class ParticleFountain

Methods in net.jinx.physics.fountain with parameters of type Actor
 void ParticleFountain.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
 void ParticleFountain.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.gravity

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.gravity
 class Gravity

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.spring

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.spring
 class SpringManager
 class SpringSheet

Methods in net.jinx.physics.spring with parameters of type Actor
 void SpringSheet.actorAdded(Actor actor, Scene scene)
 void SpringSheet.actorRemoved(Actor actor, Scene scene)

Uses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.util

Subclasses of Actor in net.jinx.physics.util
 class PhysicalSpark
 class PhysicalSphere
 class VisiblePhysical