Uses of Interface

Packages that use Coloration Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage. This package contains the core components of the Vertex Modeler application.

Model designers will be most interested in the Model and VertexUtil classes; examine their documentation closely, since you'll be using them extensively.  Being aware of the other classes in this package would be handy, as well.

Uses of Coloration in

Classes in that implement Coloration
 class Material
          Material objects hold values for the colors of vertices and lights.

Methods in that return Coloration
 Coloration Plane.getColoration()
          Provides the Coloration for this Sphere.
 Coloration Sphere.getColoration()
          Provides the Coloration for this Sphere.

Methods in with parameters of type Coloration
 void Plane.setColoration(Coloration color)
          Sets the Coloration for this Sphere.
 void Sphere.setColoration(Coloration color)
          Sets the Coloration for this Sphere.

Uses of Coloration in

Classes in that implement Coloration
 class DualColoration
          Coloration implementation that uses two different Colorations based on a divider line.
 class GradientColoration
          Coloration implementation that smoothly interpolates between two or more different Materials, giving a nice shaded appearance.
 class SegmentColoration
          Coloration implementation that names pieces of a Model based on vertex indices and then colors them by name.
 class VertexColoration
          Coloration implementation that keeps track of individual Material objects for each vertex of a Model.

Methods in that return Coloration
 Coloration SegmentColoration.getColoration(int vertex)
          Provides the Coloration associated with the given vertex, or null if there is none.
 Coloration SegmentColoration.getColoration(java.lang.String segment)
          Provides the Coloration associated with the given segment name.
static Coloration ModelUtil.loadColoration(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Coloration object from the given Hierarchy.

Methods in with parameters of type Coloration
 void Model.addColoration(java.lang.String name, Coloration coloration)
          Adds a secondary Coloration to this Model.
 int TriangleStrip.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Triangles.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int TriangleFan.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int QuadStrip.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Quads.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Polygon.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
abstract  int MeshElement.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
          Draws the mesh, using the given array of Materials.
 int LineStrip.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int Lines.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 int LineLoop.draw(Context opt, float[][] normals, float[][] texCoord, Coloration coloration, int offset)
 void Model.setColoration(Coloration coloration)
          Sets the "Default" Coloration object used to color this Model and then activates it.
 void SegmentColoration.setColoration(java.lang.String segment, Coloration m)
          Sets the Coloration object associated with a given segment name.
 void DualColoration.setOne(Coloration colorOne)
          Sets the Coloration that will be used as the first color.
 void DualColoration.setTwo(Coloration colorTwo)
          Sets the Coloration that will be used as the second color.
static void h, Coloration coloration)
          Stores a Coloration object to the given Hierarchy.
 void Model.subDraw(Context opt, Coloration coloration, boolean texture)
          Renders this Model with an arbitrary Coloration.

Constructors in with parameters of type Coloration
Model(Coloration coloration)
          Constructs a Model using the given Coloration object to color it.