Packages that use Vector | |
net.jinx.math | |
net.jinx.physics | |
net.jinx.physics.gravity | |
net.jinx.physics.spring | |
net.jinx.physics.util | |
net.jinx.video | Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended
for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level
OpenGL features. If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface. Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage. |
net.jinx.video.multipass |
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.math |
Fields in net.jinx.math declared as Vector | |
static Vector |
Methods in net.jinx.math that return Vector | |
Vector |
Returns a Vector whose components have had their sign removed. |
Vector |
Vector.add(float v)
Returns the result of adding v to this Vector's components. |
Vector |
Vector.add(Vector v)
Returns the result of adding v's components to this Vector's components. |
static Vector |
MathUtil.calcCenterOfMass(Vector[] positions,
float[] masses)
Calculates the center of mass for a set of point masses in object space. |
Vector |
Vector.cross(Vector v)
Returns a Vector whose value is the cross product of this and v. |
Vector |
Vector.divide(float v)
Returns the result of this Vector's components divided by v's components. |
Vector |
Vector.divide(Vector v)
Returns the result of this Vector's compoenents divided by v's components. |
Vector |
Vector |
Vector.multiply(float v)
Returns the result of multiplying v with this Vector's components. |
Vector |
Vector.multiply(Vector v)
Returns the result of multiplying v's components with this Vector's components. |
Vector |
Negates each component of this Vector. |
Vector |
Divides this Vector by it's magnitude to produce a normalized version of it. |
Vector |
Vector.subtract(float v)
Returns the result of subtracting v from this Vector's components. |
Vector |
Vector.subtract(Vector v)
Returns the result of subtracting v's components from this Vector's components. |
Vector |
Matrix4.transform(Vector v)
Transforms v and returns the result. |
Vector |
Matrix3.transform(Vector v)
Transforms v and returns the result. |
Vector[] |
Matrix4.transform(Vector[] v)
Transforms an array of Vectors and returns the result. |
Methods in net.jinx.math with parameters of type Vector | |
Vector |
Vector.add(Vector v)
Returns the result of adding v's components to this Vector's components. |
static Vector |
MathUtil.calcCenterOfMass(Vector[] positions,
float[] masses)
Calculates the center of mass for a set of point masses in object space. |
static Matrix3 |
MathUtil.calcInertiaTensor(Vector[] positions,
float[] masses)
Calculates an inertia tensor from a set of point masses and their positions in object space. |
Vector |
Vector.cross(Vector v)
Returns a Vector whose value is the cross product of this and v. |
Vector |
Vector.divide(Vector v)
Returns the result of this Vector's compoenents divided by v's components. |
float |
Vector.dot(Vector v)
Returns a float whose value is the dot product of this and v. |
Vector |
Vector.multiply(Vector v)
Returns the result of multiplying v's components with this Vector's components. |
Matrix4 |
Matrix4.rotate(Vector v)
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result. |
Matrix3 |
Matrix3.rotate(Vector v)
Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result. |
static Matrix4 |
Matrix4.rotationMatrix(Vector v)
Constructs a rotation Matrix4 for v. |
static Matrix3 |
Matrix3.rotationMatrix(Vector v)
Constructs a rotation Matrix3 for v. |
Matrix4 |
Matrix4.scale(Vector v)
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result. |
Matrix3 |
Matrix3.scale(Vector v)
Applies a scale transformation and returns the result. |
static Matrix4 |
Matrix4.scalingMatrix(Vector v)
Constructs a scaling Matrix. |
static Matrix3 |
Matrix3.scalingMatrix(Vector v)
Constructs a scaling Matrix3 |
Vector |
Vector.subtract(Vector v)
Returns the result of subtracting v's components from this Vector's components. |
Vector |
Matrix4.transform(Vector v)
Transforms v and returns the result. |
Vector |
Matrix3.transform(Vector v)
Transforms v and returns the result. |
Vector[] |
Matrix4.transform(Vector[] v)
Transforms an array of Vectors and returns the result. |
Matrix4 |
Matrix4.translate(Vector v)
Applies a translation transformation and returns the result. |
static Matrix4 |
Matrix4.translationMatrix(Vector v)
Constructs a translation Matrix. |
Constructors in net.jinx.math with parameters of type Vector | |
Matrix3(Vector r1,
Vector r2,
Vector r3)
Constructs a Matrix3 from four Quaternions. |
Quaternion(Vector v,
float w)
Constructs a new Quaternion from v and w. |
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.physics |
Methods in net.jinx.physics that return Vector | |
Vector |
Vector |
Vector |
Vector |
Vector |
Vector |
Universe.getForce(PhysicalObject obj)
Vector |
Provides the position of the center of mass for this PhysicalObject. |
Vector |
Vector |
Provides the velocity of this PhysicalObject. |
Vector |
Vector |
PhysicalObject.positionAt(float i,
float deltaTime)
Vector |
PhysicalObject.velocityAt(float i,
float deltaTime)
Methods in net.jinx.physics with parameters of type Vector | |
void |
PhysicalObject.accumulateForce(Vector force)
Applies a non-rotational force to this PhysicalObject. |
void |
PhysicalObject.accumulateForce(Vector force,
Vector p)
Applies a possibly rotational force to this PhysicalObject. |
void |
PhysicalObject.setDeltaPosition(Vector deltaPosition)
This is change in position over the time step used, not velocity! |
void |
PhysicalObject.setDeltaVelocity(Vector deltaVelocity)
This is change in velocity over the time step used, not plain acceleration! |
void |
PhysicalObject.setPosition(Vector position)
Sets the position of the center of mass for this PhysicalObject object. |
void |
PhysicalObject.setVelocity(Vector velocity)
Sets the velocity of this PhysicalObject. |
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.physics.gravity |
Methods in net.jinx.physics.gravity that return Vector | |
Vector |
protected static Vector |
Gravity.getForce(PhysicalObject o1,
PhysicalObject o2)
static Vector |
Gravity.getObjectCOG(PhysicalObject obj)
Provides the center of gravity of object in object coordinates. |
static Vector |
Gravity.getWorldCOG(PhysicalObject obj)
Constructors in net.jinx.physics.gravity with parameters of type Vector | |
CenterOfGravityTag(Vector cog)
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.physics.spring |
Methods in net.jinx.physics.spring that return Vector | |
protected Vector |
protected Vector |
protected Vector |
protected Vector |
Constructors in net.jinx.physics.spring with parameters of type Vector | |
DampedSpring(float k,
float b,
PhysicalObject p1,
Vector p2)
GeneralSpring(float k,
float b,
float d,
PhysicalObject p1,
Vector p2)
Spring(float k,
PhysicalObject p1,
Vector p2)
SpringSheet(java.lang.String name,
int width,
int height,
int springDepth,
float k,
float b,
float distance,
Vector center,
Vector velocity,
float mass)
SpringSheet(java.lang.String name,
int width,
int height,
int springDepth,
float k,
float b,
float distance,
Vector center,
Vector velocity,
float mass,
boolean anchorEdges)
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.physics.util |
Methods in net.jinx.physics.util that return Vector | |
Vector |
Vector |
Methods in net.jinx.physics.util with parameters of type Vector | |
void |
VisiblePhysical.setPosition(Vector p)
void |
VisiblePhysical.setVelocity(Vector v)
Constructors in net.jinx.physics.util with parameters of type Vector | |
PhysicalSpark(Vector position,
Vector velocity,
float mass)
PhysicalSphere(float r,
int segments,
Material mat,
Vector p,
Vector v,
float mass)
VisiblePhysical(Visible visible,
Vector position,
Vector velocity,
float mass)
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.video |
Methods in net.jinx.video that return Vector | |
Vector |
Provides the current position of the viewer/camera. |
Methods in net.jinx.video with parameters of type Vector | |
static void |
VideoUtil.billboardSpherical(Context opt,
Vector position)
This is much the same as turnToFace3D, except for two differences. |
void |
Context.setCameraPosition(Vector cameraPosition)
3D View implementations are required to call this when they update the position of the camera. |
static void |
VideoUtil.turnToFace3D(Context opt,
Vector target,
Vector orientation,
Vector position)
Turns an object (through OpenGL transformations) to face target. |
Uses of Vector in net.jinx.video.multipass |
Methods in net.jinx.video.multipass that return Vector | |
Vector |
Translucent.getPosition(Context context)
Provides the position of this Translucent. |