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Variable Resolution Stopwatch

License: LGPL (license.txt)
API Docs: Can be found here
Changelog: Can be found here

Short Description:
    The Deimos Timer allows seamless useage of the millisecond timer or nanosecond timer, depending on what's available.

Long Description:
    I needed a timer of some kind for The Deimos Project.  I wasn't happy with the results of using the millsecond timer built into the java.lang.System class, but I wasn't happy with the idea of being forced to use Java 1.5, either.  This library is the compromise.  It allows you to use the same API to access time data from either, or the platform specific sun.misc.Perf class.  For more information, look at the API docs for StopWatch.
    Here's the order of time source priority: java.lang.System.nanoTime(), sun.misc.Perf, and finally, java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() if none of the others can be found.
    You also have the ability to plug in your own custom TimeSource to StopWatch.
    If you need to manually control the progression of time in your application, try SteppingTimeSource.

    While the timer is intended to be used as a library, it is also an application that will determine the granularity of your system's best available timer and display it for you.  This will tell you how small of an increment of time the StopWatch can provide (on average).  It will also test the timer library.
    If you want to run the granularity test, just type the following in a console window: "java -jar timer.jar".  This can take a LONG time for a system that can only use the millisecond system timer.

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