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The Deimos Project Links Page

Filling your need to know where I got librarys and stuff

    Here you'll find a list of links to other websites that I find helpful.  Some of these have physics articles.  Some of them are OpenGL related.  Some are links to the pages for libraries I used to build this project.  One is a news site that gives me interesting ideas.  Lost of them are related to game programming in some way.

Links (Things I find helpful):
    http://www.gaffer.org - Nice site with some very good game programming articles, including instructions on building an RK4 integrator.
    http://www.wheatchex.com - Information on 3D collision equations.
    http://gpwiki.org - Game Programming Wiki; very nice site.
    http://slashdot.org - Geek news; I got some good ideas for my game engine by reading headlines.  Specifically, Slashdot inspired the action library.
    http://www.gamedev.net - Lots of nice articles on game programming and a very good forum.  Game programming news, too.
    http://jogl.dev.java.net - OpenGL for Java; good library I used for building the Modeler.
    http://joal.dev.java.net - OpenAL for Java; good library I used to build the audio library.
    http://jinput.dev.java.net - Input device library I wrapped with the input library to make it actually useable (the APIs for JInput are too complex, in my opinion).
    http://janino.net or http://janino.codehaus.org/ - Runtime Java compiler; I use it for parsing model source code for the modeler and for scene parsing in the physics library.  I use it in many of my projects.  Who needs to learn a scripting language when you can use Java itself?
    http://nehe.gamedev.net/ - Extensive OpenGL tutotials, with examples in many programming languages.  Very, very useful.
    http://www.mplayerhq.hu/ - Wonderful cross-platform video player with a powerful command-line interface.  The media library calls this program via a handful of command-line options.
    http://www.lighthouse3d.com/opengl/ - Collection of articles and links related to OpenGL.  Good detailed examples of some of the more inobvious algorithms.

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