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Deimos Modular Plugin Library

License: LGPL (license.txt)
API Docs: Can be found here
Changelog: Can be found here

Short Description:
    The Deimos Plugin Loader allows you to search a directory of jar files for classes implementing the Plugin interface.  This is intended to allow dropping a jar file into a directory to add functionality to an already built system.

Long Description:
    I needed a way to load classes and game resources for The Deimos Project in a modular manner.  I was thinking of using JUtils for this, but I found it's design a bit limiting and I didn't need all that junk related to loading native libraries, so I decided to build one myself.  I barrowed a bit from it's APIs for ideas and this library is the result.
    Plugin is simply a tagging interface and PluginLoader searches out and constructs ClassLoaders for it's implementing classes.

    This is a library.  Just put it in the classpath and use it's classes.

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