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The Deimos Project Contributions Page

Who did what and how to put your fingerprints all over it too

    I'm happy to accept contibutions to the project, but there is one catch; I become owner of the copy of the code contibuted.  You'll get your name in the contributors section with a note on what you did.  It might be a nice point for a resume or something (proof in case they don't believe you?).
    This policy allows me to change the license as I feel the need.  Otherwise, I'd have to track down each and every contributor and ask permission in order to do that (according to the free software foundation's website).  I don't see a particular need for changing the license at the moment, but I may in the future; note the fact that the license isn't LGPL version 2.1 or later.  I don't include that last part, because I don't know what will be in any future version of the LGPL, so I'm a little cautious and hedging my bets.  I just prefer to understand a license before I use it.  That's actually the reason I used the modified BSD license for so many years (before the Deimos Project's time).
    Don't worry about this too much; there will always be an open source copy of this project on sourceforge.net, even if I decide to host the project somewhere else.
    If you want to help out with something related to the project, feel free to email me (see the address above) and we'll figure out something you'd be comfortable working on.  I've got some nitty-gritty tasks that need doing and some fun things that need doing.  If I like your work, I'll add you to the project as a developer and setup the CVS repository.
    Heck, even if you just want to make your models available to the public, I'll be happy to post them (source form is preferred), but please make them available under some kind of open source (http://www.opensource.org/) or creative commons license (http://creativecommons.org/), depending on if your model is source code or export form.  Remember, the output of a program isn't covered by the license the code is, so source form allows people to build the model, export it and then use it however they want to.  Each way has it's own problems.

    Ryan McGuire (Tellarite on sourceforge.net), for the idea of coloring Models in segments ala SegmentColoration.  Also, he used to be responsible for the website.

Special Thanks To:
    Dr. Michael Grady (CS Professor at Southern Utah University), for teaching me OpenGL.
    Alex Szabo (Former CS Professor at Southern Utah University), for being a mentor and friend.
    Dr. Tod Amon (Former CS Professor/Head of CS Dept. at Southern Utah University), for teaching the Data Structures class and laying the foundation for most of my current programming skills.
    The guys that used to hang around in the Linux lab at Southern Utah University, for helping me figure out various odd problems.
    Various individuals too numerous to count or enumerate, for acting as sounding boards and/or idea sources.
    Scott Murphy and Mark Crowe (mostly Scott Murphy), for making Space Quest, which inspired me to want to be a game designer at the age of six.  I miss Space Quest!  *SNIFF*

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