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[Action] [Asteroids] [Audio] [Colorizer] [GUI] [Hierarchy] [Input] [Math] [Media] [Physics] [Plugin] [Timer] [Video/Modeler]


"Lights, Camera, Action!"

License: LGPL (license.txt)
API Docs: Can be found here
Changelog: Can be found here

Short Description:
    Allows constructing a scene complete with actors, scenery and events, all based on a clock, which can be either a real time clock or it can be a manually stepped clock.

Long Description:
    The Action library is the basis for The Deimos Project.  It seamlessly handles the addition and removal of game objects of multiple varieties.  All game objects are Actors.  Actors can be Visible, Audible, Views, Listeners, or something else.  Actors are added and removed from Scene objects.
    The game engine is driven by a Clock, which steps the system in discreet units of time by sending ClockEvent objects to ClockSensitive Actors.  Between ClockEvents, IdleEvent objects are sent to IdleSensitive Actors.  Both are also sent ClockStateEvent objects when the Clock's state changes.
    VideoRenderer and AudioRenderer objects can also be attached to a Scene, causing it to render it's Visible and Audible Actors.

    This is a library.  You just put it in the classpath for your application and use it's classes.

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