Uses of Interface

Packages that use Visible Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage. This package contains the core components of the Vertex Modeler application.

Model designers will be most interested in the Model and VertexUtil classes; examine their documentation closely, since you'll be using them extensively.  Being aware of the other classes in this package would be handy, as well.   

Uses of Visible in

Classes in that implement Visible
 class AbstractVisible
          Simple implemtation of Visible, so you don't have to worry about methods you don't need.
 class Animation
          Allows multiple Visibles to be used based on time in an animation sequence.
 class CartesianGrid
 class CartesianOrigin
          This draws a set of three lines corresponding to the three axis lines, starting from the origin and terminating at getLength() distance from the origin.
 class ColorCube
 class DemoRotator
          Simple Visible that just rotates another Visible for the purpose of seeing every angle.
 class DisplayList
          DisplayList provides the means to use OpenGL display lists to accelerate rendering.
 class InfinitePlane
 class Light
          Represents a light source for rendering.
 class MessageView
          View2D extension that provides a console-like text area.
 class Plane
 class SceneGraph
          SceneGraph allows the use of multiple Visibles within the same Renderer.
static class SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement
          SceneGraphElement allows for the fixed translation, rotation and scaling of other Visible objects.
 class SkySphere
 class Sphere
          Simple Visible that draws a sphere using an internally constructed Model.
 class VisibleDisplayList
          VisibleDisplayList provides the means to use OpenGL display lists to accelerate rendering of Visible objects.

Methods in that return Visible
 Visible View3D.getVisible()
 Visible View2D.getVisible()
 Visible MessageView.getVisible()
          The Visible for a MessageView is itself.
 Visible DemoRotator.getVisible()
          Provides the Visible that will be used in rendering.
 Visible VisibleDisplayList.getVisible()
          Provides the Visible object that this DisplayList is wrapping.
 Visible SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement.getVisible()
          Provides the Visible that this SceneGraphElement is attached to.
 Visible View.getVisible()
          Provides the Visible object that should be rendered in the viewport.
 Visible VisibleFactory.newVisible()
          Constructs a new Visible.

Methods in with parameters of type Visible
 boolean SceneGraph.add(Visible d)
          Adds a Visible to the scene.
 void Animation.addFrame(long time, Visible drawable)
          Adds a frame to the animation that will be used after the given time value.
 boolean SceneGraph.contains(Visible d)
          Provides the means to check if the given Visible is already in the scene.
protected  void SceneGraph.predraw(Visible v)
          Does nothing, but can be overriden to perform operations on Visible objects before they're drawn.
 boolean SceneGraph.remove(Visible d)
          Removes a Visible from the scene.
 void View3D.setVisible(Visible drawable)
          Sets the Visible for this View.
 void DemoRotator.setVisible(Visible drawable)
          Sets the Visible used in rendering.
 void SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement.setVisible(Visible drawable)
          Sets the Visible that this SceneGraphElement will function for.

Constructors in with parameters of type Visible
DemoRotator(Visible drawable)
          Constructs a DemoRotator for the given Visible.
SceneGraph.SceneGraphElement(Visible drawable)
          Constructs a SceneGraphElement for drawable.
SplitScreenRenderer(Visible drawable, View[] views, Context options)
          Constructs a Renderer to render a Visible to the screen.
SplitScreenRenderer(Visible drawable, View view, Context options)
          Utility constructor so you don't have to put a single View in an array.
View2D(Visible drawable)
          Same as View2D(drawable, -1d, 1d, -1d, 1d).
View2D(Visible drawable, double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
          Constructs a View2D.
View3D(Visible drawable)
          Constructs a View3D for the given Visible.
VisibleDisplayList(Visible drawable)
          Constructs a VisibleDisplayList to wrap the given Visible.

Uses of Visible in

Classes in that implement Visible
 class Model
          Model objects are collections of MeshElement objects, along with coloration and per-vertex normal data (if used).

Methods in that return Visible
 Visible Modeler.getGrid(net.jinx.db.Hierarchy config)
 Visible Modeler.getOrigin(net.jinx.db.Hierarchy config)
static Visible Modeler.loadVisible( in)
          Builds a Visible from a Java source describing a class with the name "VisibleFactoryImpl" that is an implementation of VisibleFactory.

Methods in with parameters of type Visible
 void ModelerGUI.displayGUI(net.jinx.db.Hierarchy config, Visible drawable)
          Constructs and displays the GUI components to display a Visible object.
 void Modeler.displayGUI(net.jinx.db.Hierarchy h, Visible drawable)
          Constructs and displays the default GUI components to display a Visible object.
static DemoRotator ModelUtil.loadDemoRotator(net.jinx.db.Hierarchy h, Visible drawable)
          Constructs a DemoRotator object from the given Hierarchy for the given Visible.

Uses of Visible in

Subinterfaces of Visible in
 interface Transform

Classes in that implement Visible
 class AlphaBlend
 class Rotation
 class Scale
 class Translation
 class VariableSceneGraph

Methods in with parameters of type Visible
protected  void VariableSceneGraph.predraw(Visible v)

Constructors in with parameters of type Visible
AlphaBlend(Visible child, java.lang.String var)
Rotation(Visible child, java.lang.String var, float[] scale)
Scale(Visible child, java.lang.String var, float[] scale)
Translation(Visible child, java.lang.String var, float[] scale)

Uses of Visible in

Subinterfaces of Visible in
 interface MultipassVisible

API Stability: Beta.