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The Deimos Project's OpenAL helper library

License: LGPL (license.txt)
API Docs: Can be found here
Changelog: Can be found here

Short Description:
    The Deimos Audio library includes classes for playing audio clips from memory, streaming from URLs (including files) and synthesizing sampled audio (useable without JOAL)..

Long Description:
    The Deimos Audio library fills a niche similiar to Vertex Modeler's video package.  It serves as a set of helper classes for using OpenAL, while still allowing low-level access, unlike JOAL's Sound3D toolkit.  You can even extend the classes in this library; Sound3D won't let you do that.  I also wanted to build something that would work well with the Action library.
    A secondary function of this library is the ability to synthesize sounds mathematically.

    This is a library.  You just put it in the classpath for your application and use it's classes.

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