Uses of Class

Packages that use Model Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage. This package contains the core components of the Vertex Modeler application.

Model designers will be most interested in the Model and VertexUtil classes; examine their documentation closely, since you'll be using them extensively.  Being aware of the other classes in this package would be handy, as well.

Uses of Model in

Methods in that return Model
static Model ColorCube.newColorCubeModel(float scale)
static Model Plane.newPlaneModel(int detail, float width)
static Model Sphere.newSphereModel(float radius, int slices, int stacks)

Methods in with parameters of type Model
 void Camera.optimize(Model model, double fov)
          Puts this Camera at an optimal distance from a Model (assuming it's at the origin), using the current position as a direction vector.

Uses of Model in

Methods in that return Model
 Model Model.extrude(float dist)
          Constructs an extrusion Model from this Model.
 Model ModelContext.getCurrentModel()
          Provides the current Model being rendered.
static Model ModelUtil.loadModel(Hierarchy h)
          Constructs a Model object from the given Hierarchy.
static Model[] ModelUtil.loadModelPack( jar, TextureManager tm)
          Parses a model pack jar file, loading textures and returning the Models.
static Model[] ModelUtil.loadModelPack(java.util.jar.JarFile jf, TextureManager tm)
          Parses a model pack jar file, loading textures and returning the Models.
 Model Model.toLineModel(float width)
          Produces a line version of this Model.

Methods in with parameters of type Model
static void ImportExportUtil.exportPOVRayMesh2( o, Model m)
          Exports an ascii POV-Ray file using a Model object as the source of geometry data for building a mesh2 structure.
static void ImportExportUtil.exportWavefrontOBJ( o, Model m)
          Exports an ascii Wavefront .obj file using a Model object as the source of geometry data.
static VertexColoration ModelUtil.randomColoration(Model m, Material[] sources, float threshold)
          Constructs a semi-random VertexColoration for the given Model, using the given sources and threshold.