Uses of Interface

Packages that use TimeSource
net.jinx.time Provides an easy to use scene graph API that is intended for use by OpenGL Programmers, without preventing access to low-level OpenGL features.

If you're interested in constructing arbitrary OpenGL objects, take a look at the Visible interface.

Model designers might be more interested in the model subpackage.

Uses of TimeSource in net.jinx.time

Subinterfaces of TimeSource in net.jinx.time
 interface MillisTimeSource
          Implementing this inerface indicates that the Timesource is capable of providing time values on a millisecond scale.
 interface NanoTimeSource
          Implementing this inerface indicates that the Timesource is capable of providing time values on a nanosecond scale.

Classes in net.jinx.time that implement TimeSource
 class SteppingTimeSource
          SteppingTimeSource is a TimeSource that is not real-time.

Methods in net.jinx.time that return TimeSource
 TimeSource StopWatch.getSource()
          Provides the TimeSource for this StopWatch.

Constructors in net.jinx.time with parameters of type TimeSource
StopWatch(TimeSource source)
          Constructor for using a custom time source.

Uses of TimeSource in

Methods in that return TimeSource
 TimeSource Context.getTimeSource()
          Provides the TimeSource that will function as simulation clock for rendering.

Methods in with parameters of type TimeSource
 void Context.setTimeSource(TimeSource timeSource)
          Sets the TimeSource that functions as simulation clock for rendering.