Uses of Interface

Packages that use Real

Uses of Real in net.jinx.slowmath

Classes in net.jinx.slowmath that implement Real
 class ADouble
          Implementation of Real that uses double as it's type.
 class AFloat
          Implementation of Real that uses float as it's type.

Methods in net.jinx.slowmath that return Real
 Real Real.abs()
          Returns the absolute value of this Real.
 Real AFloat.abs()
 Real ADouble.abs()
 Real Real.acos()
          Returns the arc cosine of this Real.
 Real AFloat.acos()
 Real ADouble.acos()
 Real Real.add(Real v)
          Adds this and another Real together, returning the results.
 Real AFloat.add(Real v)
 Real ADouble.add(Real v)
 Real Real.asin()
          Returns the arc sine of this Real.
 Real AFloat.asin()
 Real ADouble.asin()
 Real Real.atan()
          Returns the arc tanget of this Real.
 Real AFloat.atan()
 Real ADouble.atan()
 Real Real.cos()
          Returns the cosine of this Real.
 Real AFloat.cos()
 Real ADouble.cos()
 Real Real.divide(Real v)
          Divides this by another Real together, returning the results.
 Real AFloat.divide(Real v)
 Real ADouble.divide(Real v)
 Real v)
          Returns a Vector whose value is the dot product of this and v.
static Real MathUtil.e()
 Real Real.exp()
          Returns Euler's number raised by this Real.
 Real AFloat.exp()
 Real ADouble.exp()
 Real Matrix3D.get(int row, int col)
          Returns a given element of this Matrix3D.
 Real Quaternion.getW()
          Provides the W coordinate.
 Real Quaternion.getX()
          Provides the X coordinate.
 Real Vector.getX()
          Provides the X coordinate.
 Real Quaternion.getY()
          Provides the Y coordinate.
 Real Vector.getY()
          Provides the Y coordinate.
 Real Quaternion.getZ()
          Provides the Z coordinate.
 Real Vector.getZ()
          Provides the Z coordinate.
 Real Real.log()
          Returns the natural logarithm of this Real.
 Real AFloat.log()
 Real ADouble.log()
 Real Quaternion.magnitude()
 Real Vector.magnitude()
          Returns the the following: sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z).
 Real Real.max(Real v)
          Returns the maximum of this Real and another.
 Real AFloat.max(Real v)
 Real ADouble.max(Real v)
 Real Real.min(Real v)
          Returns the minimum of this Real and another.
 Real AFloat.min(Real v)
 Real ADouble.min(Real v)
 Real Real.multiply(Real v)
          Multiplies this and another Real together, returning the results.
 Real AFloat.multiply(Real v)
 Real ADouble.multiply(Real v)
 Real Real.negate()
          Returns the negation of this Real.
 Real AFloat.negate()
 Real ADouble.negate()
static Real MathUtil.negOne()
static Real
static Real MathUtil.oneHalf()
static Real MathUtil.parseReal(java.lang.String s)
          Parses a value from the String.
static Real MathUtil.pi()
 Real Real.pow(Real v)
          Returns the power of this Real raised by another.
 Real AFloat.pow(Real v)
 Real ADouble.pow(Real v)
 Real Real.signum()
          Returns the signum of this Real.
 Real AFloat.signum()
 Real ADouble.signum()
 Real Real.sin()
          Returns the sine of this Real.
 Real AFloat.sin()
 Real ADouble.sin()
 Real Real.sqrt()
          Returns the square root of this Real.
 Real AFloat.sqrt()
 Real ADouble.sqrt()
 Real Real.subtract(Real v)
          Subtracts another Real from this, returning the results.
 Real AFloat.subtract(Real v)
 Real ADouble.subtract(Real v)
 Real Real.tan()
          Returns the tangent of this Real.
 Real AFloat.tan()
 Real ADouble.tan()
static Real MathUtil.two()
static Real MathUtil.wrapDouble(double v)
          Constructs a type-neutral Real for the given double.
static Real MathUtil.wrapLong(long v)
          Wraps a long in a Real in a type-neutral manner.
static Real

Methods in net.jinx.slowmath with parameters of type Real
 Quaternion Quaternion.add(Real n)
 Real Real.add(Real v)
          Adds this and another Real together, returning the results.
 Vector Vector.add(Real v)
          Returns the result of adding v to this Vector.
 Real AFloat.add(Real v)
 Real ADouble.add(Real v)
 Matrix3D Matrix3D.applyPerspective(Real d)
          Applies a perspective transformation and returns the result.
 int Real.compareTo(Real v)
          Compares this Real with v.
 int AFloat.compareTo(Real v)
 int ADouble.compareTo(Real v)
 Quaternion Quaternion.divide(Real n)
 Real Real.divide(Real v)
          Divides this by another Real together, returning the results.
 Vector Vector.divide(Real v)
          Returns the result of this Vector divided by v.
 Real AFloat.divide(Real v)
 Real ADouble.divide(Real v)
 Real Real.max(Real v)
          Returns the maximum of this Real and another.
 Real AFloat.max(Real v)
 Real ADouble.max(Real v)
 Real Real.min(Real v)
          Returns the minimum of this Real and another.
 Real AFloat.min(Real v)
 Real ADouble.min(Real v)
 Quaternion Quaternion.multiply(Real n)
 Real Real.multiply(Real v)
          Multiplies this and another Real together, returning the results.
 Vector Vector.multiply(Real v)
          Returns the result of multiplying v with this Vector.
 Real AFloat.multiply(Real v)
 Real ADouble.multiply(Real v)
static Matrix3D Matrix3D.perspectiveMatrix(Real d)
          Constructs a perspective transformation Matrix3D.
 Real Real.pow(Real v)
          Returns the power of this Real raised by another.
 Real AFloat.pow(Real v)
 Real ADouble.pow(Real v)
 Matrix3D Matrix3D.rotateX(Real t)
          Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
 Matrix3D Matrix3D.rotateY(Real t)
          Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
 Matrix3D Matrix3D.rotateZ(Real t)
          Applies a rotation transformation and returns the result.
 Matrix3D Matrix3D.scale(Real s)
          Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
 Matrix3D Matrix3D.scale(Real x, Real y, Real z)
          Applies a scale transformation and returns the result.
static Matrix3D Matrix3D.scalingMatrix(Real s)
          Constructs a scaling Matrix3D.
static Matrix3D Matrix3D.scalingMatrix(Real vx, Real vy, Real vz)
          Constructs a scaling Matrix3D.
 Quaternion Quaternion.subtract(Real n)
 Real Real.subtract(Real v)
          Subtracts another Real from this, returning the results.
 Vector Vector.subtract(Real v)
          Returns the result of subtracting v from this Vector.
 Real AFloat.subtract(Real v)
 Real ADouble.subtract(Real v)
static Matrix3D Matrix3D.xRotationMatrix(Real t)
          Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for rotating around the X axis.
static Matrix3D Matrix3D.yRotationMatrix(Real t)
          Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for rotating around the Y axis.
static Matrix3D Matrix3D.zRotationMatrix(Real t)
          Constructs a rotation Matrix3D for rotating around the Z axis.

Constructors in net.jinx.slowmath with parameters of type Real
Matrix3D(Real[] values)
          Constructs a Matrix3D using the array of Reals.
Quaternion(Real[] vec)
          Constructs a new Quaternion with the given W/X/Y/Z coordinates.
Quaternion(Real x, Real y, Real z, Real w)
          Constructs a new Quaternion with the given W/X/Y/Z coordinates.
Quaternion(Vector v, Real w)
Vector(Real[] vec)
          Constructs a new Vector with the given X/Y/Z coordinates.
Vector(Real x, Real y, Real z)
          Constructs a new Vector with the given X/Y/Z coordinates.