Uses of Class

Packages that use Buffer   

Uses of Buffer in

Methods in that return Buffer
 Buffer Source.getBuffer()
          Provides the Buffer associated with this Source.
static Buffer AudioUtil.loadBuffer(javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream in)
          Constructs a Buffer object using data from an AudioInputStream.
static Buffer AudioUtil.loadBuffer( file)
          Constructs a Buffer object using data from an audio file.
static Buffer AudioUtil.loadBuffer( url)
          Constructs a Buffer object using data from an audio file at the given URL.
static Buffer AudioUtil.nextBuffer(javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream in, int length)
          Constructs a new Buffer object by attempting to read up to the specified number of bytes from the given stream.

Methods in with parameters of type Buffer
 void SynthesizedSource.queueBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Does nothing.
 void Source.queueBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Queues a Buffer object on this Source.
 void SynthesizedSource.queueBuffers(Buffer[] buffers)
          Does nothing.
 void Source.queueBuffers(Buffer[] buffers)
          Queues an array of Buffer objects on this Source.
 void SynthesizedSource.setBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Does nothing.
 void Source.setBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Sets the Buffer associated with this Source.
 void SynthesizedSource.unqueueBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Does nothing.
 void Source.unqueueBuffer(Buffer buffer)
          Unqueues a Buffer object from this Source.
 void SynthesizedSource.unqueueBuffers(Buffer[] buffers)
          Does nothing.
 void Source.unqueueBuffers(Buffer[] buffers)
          Unqueues an array of Buffer objects from this Source.