AbsoluteValueFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
AbsoluteValueFilter() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
AbstractAudible - Class in net.jinx.audio
Simple abstract Audible implementation that takes care of storing the AL and ALC objects from the init(AL, ALC) method for you.
AbstractAudible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Constructor; does nothing.
AbstractListener - Class in net.jinx.audio
Simple Listener implementation that takes care of storing the AL and ALC objects for you.
AbstractListener() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Constructs an AbstractListener.
AbstractMixer - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
AbstractMixer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
Add - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Add() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Add
add(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
add(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
addProcessor(SampleProcessor) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
addSource(SampleProcessor) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
addSource(SampleProcessor, double) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
addSource(SampleProcessor) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
AmplitudeFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
AmplitudeFilter(double, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
Audible - Interface in net.jinx.audio
Audible represents something that makes a sound or affects sound in some way.
AudioUtil - Class in net.jinx.audio
AudioUtil contains static methods to obtain Buffer objects from various sources.


Buffer - Class in net.jinx.audio
Buffer objects hold audio data that can be used by a Source object to play sounds.
Buffer(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Constructs a new Buffer using the given data.
buffersProcessed() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the number of Buffers already processed on this Source.
buffersQueued() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the number of Buffers currently queued on this Source.
BusySignal - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
Generates a telephone busy signal, including the periods of silence.
BusySignal() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal


convert(AudioFormat) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil


DCOffsetFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
DCOffsetFilter(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
DefaultListener - Class in net.jinx.audio
Simple Listener implementation that corresponds to the default Camera of the net.jinx.model package.
DefaultListener() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.DefaultListener
Constructs a DefaultListener.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Deinitializes this AbstractAudible.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Deinitializes this Listener.
deinit() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Audible
Deinitializes this Audible, disposing of any resources it may be tying up.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Frees the OpenAL resources that this Buffer is consuming.
deinit() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Listener
Deinitializes this Listener, disposing of any resources it may be tying up.
deinit() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
delete() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Frees the resources that this Source consumes.
delete() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
delete() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Divide - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Divide() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Divide
divide(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
divide(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
downSample(DoubleBuffer, ByteBuffer, SampleFormat, boolean) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
DTMF - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates DTMF (dual-tone multi-frequency) signals, such as those used by the phone system.
DTMF(int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF(double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_0 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_0_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_0_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_1 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_1_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_1_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_2 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_2_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_2_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_3 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_3_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_3_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_4 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_4_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_4_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_5 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_5_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_5_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_6 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_6_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_6_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_7 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_7_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_7_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_8 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_8_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_8_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_9 - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_9_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_9_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_A - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_A_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_A_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_B - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_B_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_B_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_BUSY - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_BUSY_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_BUSY_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_C - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_C_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_C_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_D - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_D_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_D_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_DIAL - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_DIAL_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_DIAL_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_POUND - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_POUND_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_POUND_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_RINGBACK_US - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_RINGBACK_US_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_RINGBACK_US_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_STAR - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_STAR_HIGH - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
DTMF_STAR_LOW - Static variable in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF


fill(DoubleBuffer, AudioInputStream) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
filter(double, CircularDoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
filterLeft(double) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
filterRight(double) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
FIRFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
FIRFilter(double[]) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
FMSynth - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
FMSynth(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth


Gain - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
Gain(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
Gain(double, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
get(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Provides the AL object from the init(AL, ALC) method.
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the AL object that was used to construct this Listener.
getAL() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the AL object that was used to construct this Source.
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Provides the ALC object from the init(AL, ALC) method.
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the ALC object that was used to construct this Listener.
getALC() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the ALC object that was used to construct this Source.
getBitDepth() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the bit depth of this Buffer.
getBooleanInt(int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use getInt to get a boolean value.
getBuffer() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the Buffer associated with this Source.
getBufferID() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the OpenAL name of this Buffer.
getCompatibleFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
getConeOuterGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the gain outside the oriented cone.
getData() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the ByteBuffer that contains the audio data for this Buffer.
getDirection() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the direction of this Source.
getFloat(int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alGetSourcef().
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the format constant for this Buffer.
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
getFormat() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
getFormat() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
getFrequency() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides the frequency in Hertz of this Buffer.
getGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the gain for the listener.
getGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the gain for this source.
getInt(int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alGetSourcei().
getMaxDistance() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the maximum distance after which there will be no more attenuation of this source.
getMaxGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the maximum gain for this Source.
getMinGain() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the minimum gain for this Source.
getMono(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
getOrientation() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the orientation of the listener.
getPitch() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the current pitch value of this Source.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the position of the listener.
getPosition() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the position of this Source.
getReferenceDistance() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the value of the reference distance for this Source.
getRolloffFactor() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the rolloff factor.
getSize() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Utility method to get the number of bytes of audio data this Buffer holds.
getSourceID() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the OpenAL name of this Source.
getStereo(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides the velocity of the listener.
getVelocity() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Provides the velocity of this Source.


init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Stores the AL and ALC objects for later.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Stores the AL and ALC objects for later.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Audible
Initializes this Audible, preparing it for use.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Prepares this Buffer for audio rendering by generating an OpenAL buffer for it and then configuring it with this Buffer's data.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Listener
Initializes this Listener, preparing it for use.
init(AL, ALC) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
isBigEndian() - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
isBigEndian(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
isInitialized() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractAudible
Provides a way to determine if this Audible is in an initialized state.
isInitialized() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Provides a way to determine if this Listener is in an initialized state.
isInitialized() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Indicates if this Source is in an initialized state, in which it will function.
isLooping() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Indicates if this Source will loop.
isLooping() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
isLooping() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Returns false, since synthesized sound CANNOT loop in a normal sense.
isMatch(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
isMono() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
isSource() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
isSource() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
isSourceRelative() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Indicates if this Source is relative to the position the Listener.
isStereo() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Provides a way to determine if this Buffer is mono or stereo.
isStereo() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
isStreaming() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
Indicates if the stream thread is currently running.


listen() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.DefaultListener
Calls lookAt(0,0,0, 0,0,1, 0,1,0) and setVelocity(0,0,0).
listen() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Listener
Updates OpenAL with new data for this Listener.
Listener - Interface in net.jinx.audio
Listener represents any object that is responsible for setting OpenAL parameters and options for the listener.
loadBuffer(File) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a Buffer object using data from an audio file.
loadBuffer(URL) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a Buffer object using data from an audio file at the given URL.
loadBuffer(AudioInputStream) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a Buffer object using data from an AudioInputStream.
lookAt(float[], float[], float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Utility method meant to be used alongside OpenGL's gluLookAt command, so the video and audio systems can be configured with the same data.
lookAt(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Utility method meant to be used alongside OpenGL's gluLookAt command, so the video and audio systems can be configured with the same data.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Test
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Add
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Divide
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Multiply
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Subtract
mix(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
Mixer - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
Mixer() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
MovingAverageFilter - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
MovingAverageFilter(int) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.MovingAverageFilter
Multiply - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Multiply() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Multiply
multiply(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
multiply(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil


net.jinx.audio - package net.jinx.audio
net.jinx.audio.synth - package net.jinx.audio.synth
net.jinx.audio.synth.filter - package net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
net.jinx.audio.synth.mix - package net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
net.jinx.audio.synth.source - package net.jinx.audio.synth.source
next() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
nextBuffer(AudioInputStream, int) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.AudioUtil
Constructs a new Buffer object by attempting to read up to the specified number of bytes from the given stream.
Noise - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.filter
Noise(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise


pause() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Pauses this source.
pause() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
peek(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
peekMono(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
peekStereo(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
play() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Begins playing this Source.
play() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
play() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Calls update to fill the playback buffers and then starts playback.
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Add
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Divide
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Multiply
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Subtract
postMix(DoubleBuffer, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Mixer
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
process(DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
putByte(double, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
putMono(double, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
putShort(double, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
putStereo(double, double, DoubleBuffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat


queueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Queues a Buffer object on this Source.
queueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
queueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Queues an array of Buffer objects on this Source.
queueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.


rate() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
rewind() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Rewinds this source.
rewind() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
rewind() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing, for much the same reasons looping is unsupported.
run() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource


SampleFormat - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
SampleFormat(int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
SampleProcessor - Interface in net.jinx.audio.synth
sampleSize() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleFormat
SawWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a sawtooth wave tone.
SawWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
Sequence - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
Sequence() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
setBooleanInt(int, boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use setInt to set a boolean value.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the Buffer associated with this Source.
setBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
setConeOuterGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the gain outside the oriented cone.
setDirection(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the direction of this Source.
setDirection(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the direction of this Source.
setFloat(int, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alSourcef().
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AbsoluteValueFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.AmplitudeFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.DCOffsetFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.FIRFilter
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Gain
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.filter.Noise
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.AbstractMixer
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.synth.SampleProcessor
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.Sequence
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.BusySignal
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.DTMF
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.FMSynth
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SawWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
setFormat(SampleFormat) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
setGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the gain for the listener.
setGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the gain for this Source.
setInt(int, int) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Utility method to use alSourcei().
setLooping(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets wether or not this Source loops back to the beginning when it finishes.
setLooping(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
setLooping(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing, since synthesized sound CANNOT loop in a normal sense.
setMaxDistance(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the maximum distance after which there will be no more attenuation of this Source.
setMaxGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the maximum gain for this Source.
setMinGain(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the minimum gain for this Source.
setOrientation(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the orientation of the listener.
setPitch(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the pitch of this Source without affecting the speed of playback.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the position of the listener.
setPosition(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the position of the listener.
setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the position of this Source.
setPosition(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the position of this Source.
setReferenceDistance(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the reference distance; this is the distance where the volume of this Source would normally drop by half before being affected by rolloff factor or maximum distance.
setRolloffFactor(float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the rolloff factor.
setSourceRelative(boolean) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets whether or not this Source is relative to the position of the Listener.
setVelocity(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the velocity of the listener.
setVelocity(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.AbstractListener
Sets the velocity of the listener.
setVelocity(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the velocity of this Source.
setVelocity(float[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Sets the velocity of this Source.
Silence - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that dumps silence into sound buffers.
Silence() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.Silence
SineWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a sine wave tone.
SineWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SineWave
Source - Class in net.jinx.audio
The Source class is intended to make the job of implementing the Audible interface a little easier.
Source(AL, ALC) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.Source
Constructor; allows the construction of an unconfigured Source.
SquareWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a square wave tone.
SquareWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.SquareWave
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Stops this Source.
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
stop() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Calls pause(), for now.
stream(SampleProcessor, AudioFormat, long) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
StreamSource - Class in net.jinx.audio
Extension of Source that uses buffers to stream audio from a java.net.URL, instead of loading the entire file into memory.
StreamSource(AL, ALC, File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
Constructs a new StreamSource that will stream from the given File.
StreamSource(AL, ALC, URL) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.StreamSource
Constructs a new StreamSource that will stream from the given URL.
StreamSource - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
StreamSource(File) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
StreamSource(URL) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
StreamSource(AudioInputStream) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.StreamSource
Subtract - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.mix
Subtract() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.mix.Subtract
subtract(DoubleBuffer, DoubleBuffer) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
subtract(DoubleBuffer, double) - Static method in class net.jinx.audio.synth.SynthUtil
SynthesizedSource - Class in net.jinx.audio
SynthesizedSource(AL, ALC, SampleProcessor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Constructs a new SynthesizedSource.
SynthUtil - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth


Test - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth
This class is seriously not staying.
Test() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.Test
TestAudible - Class in net.jinx.audio
This class is used for testing only.
TestAudible() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible
TriangleWave - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that generates a triangle wave tone.
TriangleWave(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.TriangleWave


unqueueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Unqueues a Buffer object from this Source.
unqueueBuffer(Buffer) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
unqueueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Source
Unqueues an array of Buffer objects from this Source.
unqueueBuffers(Buffer[]) - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
Does nothing.
update() - Method in interface net.jinx.audio.Audible
Updates OpenAL with new data for this Audible.
update() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.Buffer
Does nothing.
update() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.SynthesizedSource
This should be called from the associated Audible implementation to ensure that data is synthesized and sent off to be played.
update() - Method in class net.jinx.audio.TestAudible


WhiteNoise - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that dumps semi-random data into sound buffers.
WhiteNoise(Random) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
WhiteNoise() - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise
WhiteNoise2 - Class in net.jinx.audio.synth.source
SampleProcessor source that dumps semi-random data into sound buffers.
WhiteNoise2(Random, double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2
WhiteNoise2(double) - Constructor for class net.jinx.audio.synth.source.WhiteNoise2