1.3.1 Stable (11/10/07) Marked all classes Stable; there likely won't be any changes to this library for quite some time and I'm very happy with the way it's been working for me, so there's no need for anything but Stable status 1.3.0 Stable (3/10/06) The timer library has been completely internally redesigned; the new algorithm should be much smaller and the public API is still backwards compatible :-) All of the old default time sources have changed name and are far more simple; the Timer functionality has been centralized There's a new set of interfaces called TimeSource, NanoTimeSource and MillisTimeSource; NanoTimeSource and MillisTimeSource extend TimeSource StopWatch now has a constructor that lets you directly set the underlying TimeSource that the StopWatch will use; I'm going to be using this for various time related things in the other libraries now, even for things that need a stepping clock The StopWatch class now has an isRealTime() method with a boolean return; you can use this to determine if the TimeSource for your StopWatch is being updated continuously or in specific chunks of time Added a new class: SteppingTimeSource allows you to provide a standard StopWatch backed by a manually stepped TimeSource; I'm planning to use this to control the Action library for the purposes of producing animations as fast as possible rather than in real-time; useful when all you want is to save them to disk Removed the JMF based time source; I discovered several versions ago that it was based on System.currentTimeMillis(); I was being lazy about removing it, but since I was revamping the timer library almost entirely for this version I figured I should finally remove it... StopWatch has a new method: getSource() that returns the TimeSource backing the StopWatch 1.2.1 Stable (11/2/05) Fixed a minor bug in the millisecond timer that would cause the results of nanoPassed() to be skewed 1.2.0 Stable (10/18/05) Added a new Timer implementation called PerfNanoTimer; it's a nanosecond Timer implementation based on the sun.misc.Perf class and should work on Java 1.4.2 if it's running on the official Sun JVM 1.1.0 Stable (10/17/05) Initial release for The Deimos Project; previous versions were for the Modeler Added a couple of new methods to the StopWatch class; millisPassed() gives the number of milliseconds passed since the last reset(); nanoPassed() gives the number of nanoseconds since the last reset(); this required adding new methods to the Timer interface as well Took the package private classes out of StopWatch.java and put them in their own files Added a new Timer implementation called JMFNanoTimer; it's a nanosecond Timer implementation that should work on Java 1.4.2 if the Java Media Framework is present in the classpath Added pause() and resume() methods to StopWatch